3 navsection: installguide
4 title: Install Workbench
7 Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
9 SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0
12 h2. Install prerequisites
14 The Arvados package repository includes a Workbench server package that can help automate much of the deployment.
16 h3(#install_ruby_and_bundler). Install Ruby and Bundler
18 {% include 'install_ruby_and_bundler' %}
20 h2(#install_workbench). Install Workbench and dependencies
22 Workbench doesn't need its own database, so it does not need to have PostgreSQL installed.
24 {% assign rh_version = "7" %}
25 {% include 'note_python_sc' %}
27 On a Debian-based system, install the following packages:
30 <pre><code>~$ <span class="userinput">sudo apt-get install bison build-essential graphviz git python-arvados-python-client arvados-workbench</span>
34 On a Red Hat-based system, install the following packages:
37 <pre><code>~$ <span class="userinput">sudo yum install bison make automake gcc gcc-c++ graphviz git python-arvados-python-client arvados-workbench</span>
41 h2(#configure). Configure Workbench
43 Edit @/etc/arvados/config.yml@ to set the keys below. Only the most important configuration options are listed here. The full set of configuration options are in the "Workbench section of config.yml":{{site.baseurl}}/admin/config.html
45 h3. Workbench.SecretKeyBase
47 This application needs a secret token. Generate a new secret:
50 <pre><code>~$ <span class="userinput">ruby -e 'puts rand(2**400).to_s(36)'</span>
51 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
55 Then put that value in the @Workbench.SecretKeyBase@ field.
61 SecretKeyBase: <span class="userinput">aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa</span>
65 h3. Services.Controller.ExternalURL
67 Ensure that @Services.Controller.ExternalURL@ is configured for "Arvados Controller":install-controller.html . For example like this:
74 ExternalURL: <span class="userinput">https://prefix_uuid.your.domain</span>
78 h3. Workbench.SiteName
80 @Workbench.SiteName@ can be set to any arbitrary string. It is used to identify this Workbench to people visiting it.
87 SiteName: <span class="userinput">My Arvados</span>
93 For testing only. Allows use of self-signed certificates. If true, workbench will not verify the TLS certificate of Arvados Controller.
99 Insecure: <span class="userinput">false</span>
103 h2. Configure Piwik (optional)
105 Piwik can be used to gather usage analytics. In @/var/www/arvados-workbench/current/config@, copy @piwik.yml.example@ to @piwik.yml@ and edit to suit.
107 h2. Set up Web server
109 For best performance, we recommend you use Nginx as your Web server front-end, with a Passenger backend to serve Workbench. To do that:
113 <li><a href="https://www.phusionpassenger.com/library/walkthroughs/deploy/ruby/ownserver/nginx/oss/install_passenger_main.html">Install Nginx and Phusion Passenger</a>.</li>
115 <li><p>Edit the http section of your Nginx configuration to run the Passenger server, and act as a front-end for it. You might add a block like the following, adding SSL and logging parameters to taste:</p>
118 listen;
119 server_name localhost-workbench;
121 root /var/www/arvados-workbench/current/public;
122 index index.html index.htm index.php;
124 passenger_enabled on;
125 # If you're using RVM, uncomment the line below.
126 #passenger_ruby /usr/local/rvm/wrappers/default/ruby;
128 # `client_max_body_size` should match the corresponding setting in
129 # the API.MaxRequestSize and Controller's server's Nginx configuration.
130 client_max_body_size 128m;
134 server fail_timeout=10s;
137 proxy_http_version 1.1;
140 listen <span class="userinput">[your public IP address]</span>:443 ssl;
141 server_name workbench.<span class="userinput">uuid-prefix.your.domain</span>;
144 ssl_certificate <span class="userinput">/YOUR/PATH/TO/cert.pem</span>;
145 ssl_certificate_key <span class="userinput">/YOUR/PATH/TO/cert.key</span>;
147 index index.html index.htm index.php;
148 # `client_max_body_size` should match the corresponding setting in
149 # the API.MaxRequestSize and Controller's server's Nginx configuration.
150 client_max_body_size 128m;
153 proxy_pass http://workbench;
155 proxy_connect_timeout 90s;
156 proxy_read_timeout 300s;
158 proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;
159 proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
160 proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
161 proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
167 <li>Restart Nginx.</li>
172 h2. Prepare the Workbench deployment
174 {% assign railspkg = "arvados-workbench" %}
175 {% include 'install_rails_reconfigure' %}
177 {% include 'notebox_begin' %}
178 You can safely ignore the following error message you may see when Ruby Gems are installed:
180 <pre><code>themes_for_rails at /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1/bundler/gems/themes_for_rails-1fd2d7897d75 did not have a valid gemspec.
181 This prevents bundler from installing bins or native extensions, but that may not affect its functionality.
182 The validation message from Rubygems was:
183 duplicate dependency on rails (= 3.0.11, development), (>= 3.0.0) use:
184 add_runtime_dependency 'rails', '= 3.0.11', '>= 3.0.0'
185 Using themes_for_rails (0.5.1) from https://github.com/holtkampw/themes_for_rails (at 1fd2d78)
188 {% include 'notebox_end' %}
190 h2. Trusted client setting
192 Log in to Workbench once to ensure that the Arvados API server has a record of the Workbench client. (It's OK if Workbench says your account hasn't been activated yet. We'll deal with that next.)
194 In the <strong>API server</strong> project root, start the Rails console. {% include 'install_rails_command' %}
196 At the console, enter the following commands to locate the ApiClient record for your Workbench installation (typically, while you're setting this up, the @last@ one in the database is the one you want), then set the @is_trusted@ flag for the appropriate client record:
198 <notextile><pre><code>irb(main):001:0> <span class="userinput">wb = ApiClient.all.last; [wb.url_prefix, wb.created_at]</span>
199 => ["https://workbench.example.com/", Sat, 19 Apr 2014 03:35:12 UTC +00:00]
200 irb(main):002:0> <span class="userinput">include CurrentApiClient</span>
202 irb(main):003:0> <span class="userinput">act_as_system_user do wb.update_attributes!(is_trusted: true) end</span>
207 h2(#admin-user). Add an admin user
209 Next, we're going to use the Rails console on the <strong>API server</strong> to activate your account and give yourself admin privileges. {% include 'install_rails_command' %}
211 Enter the following commands at the console:
214 <pre><code>irb(main):001:0> <span class="userinput">Thread.current[:user] = User.all.select(&:identity_url).last</span>
215 irb(main):002:0> <span class="userinput">Thread.current[:user].update_attributes is_admin: true, is_active: true</span>
216 irb(main):003:0> <span class="userinput">User.where(is_admin: true).collect &:email</span>
217 => ["root", "<b>your_address@example.com</b>"]
218 </code></pre></notextile>
220 At this point, you should have a working Workbench login with administrator privileges. Revisit your Workbench URL in a browser and reload the page to access it.