1 // Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
5 import React from 'react';
14 } from '@material-ui/core';
15 import { FavoriteStar, PublicFavoriteStar } from '../favorite-star/favorite-star';
16 import { Resource, ResourceKind, TrashableResource } from 'models/resource';
25 CollectionOldVersionIcon,
32 } from 'components/icon/icon';
33 import { formatDate, formatFileSize, formatTime } from 'common/formatters';
34 import { resourceLabel } from 'common/labels';
35 import { connect, DispatchProp } from 'react-redux';
36 import { RootState } from 'store/store';
37 import { getResource, filterResources } from 'store/resources/resources';
38 import { GroupContentsResource } from 'services/groups-service/groups-service';
39 import { getProcess, Process, getProcessStatus, getProcessStatusStyles, getProcessRuntime } from 'store/processes/process';
40 import { ArvadosTheme } from 'common/custom-theme';
41 import { compose, Dispatch } from 'redux';
42 import { WorkflowResource } from 'models/workflow';
43 import { ResourceStatus as WorkflowStatus } from 'views/workflow-panel/workflow-panel-view';
44 import { getUuidPrefix, openRunProcess } from 'store/workflow-panel/workflow-panel-actions';
45 import { openSharingDialog } from 'store/sharing-dialog/sharing-dialog-actions';
46 import { getUserFullname, getUserDisplayName, User, UserResource } from 'models/user';
47 import { toggleIsAdmin } from 'store/users/users-actions';
48 import { LinkClass, LinkResource } from 'models/link';
49 import { navigateTo, navigateToGroupDetails, navigateToUserProfile } from 'store/navigation/navigation-action';
50 import { withResourceData } from 'views-components/data-explorer/with-resources';
51 import { CollectionResource } from 'models/collection';
52 import { IllegalNamingWarning } from 'components/warning/warning';
53 import { loadResource } from 'store/resources/resources-actions';
54 import { BuiltinGroups, getBuiltinGroupUuid, GroupClass, GroupResource, isBuiltinGroup } from 'models/group';
55 import { openRemoveGroupMemberDialog } from 'store/group-details-panel/group-details-panel-actions';
56 import { setMemberIsHidden } from 'store/group-details-panel/group-details-panel-actions';
57 import { formatPermissionLevel } from 'views-components/sharing-dialog/permission-select';
58 import { PermissionLevel } from 'models/permission';
59 import { openPermissionEditContextMenu } from 'store/context-menu/context-menu-actions';
60 import { getUserUuid } from 'common/getuser';
61 import { VirtualMachinesResource } from 'models/virtual-machines';
62 import { CopyToClipboardSnackbar } from 'components/copy-to-clipboard-snackbar/copy-to-clipboard-snackbar';
63 import { ProjectResource } from 'models/project';
64 import { ProcessResource } from 'models/process';
67 const renderName = (dispatch: Dispatch, item: GroupContentsResource) => {
68 const navFunc = ("groupClass" in item && item.groupClass === GroupClass.ROLE ? navigateToGroupDetails : navigateTo);
69 return <Grid container alignItems="center" wrap="nowrap" spacing={16}>
74 <Typography color="primary" style={{ width: 'auto', cursor: 'pointer' }} onClick={() => dispatch<any>(navFunc(item.uuid))}>
75 {item.kind === ResourceKind.PROJECT || item.kind === ResourceKind.COLLECTION
76 ? <IllegalNamingWarning name={item.name} />
82 <Typography variant="caption">
83 <FavoriteStar resourceUuid={item.uuid} />
84 <PublicFavoriteStar resourceUuid={item.uuid} />
86 item.kind === ResourceKind.PROJECT && <FrozenProject item={item} />
94 const FrozenProject = (props: {item: ProjectResource}) => {
95 const [fullUsername, setFullusername] = React.useState<any>(null);
96 const getFullName = React.useCallback(() => {
97 if (props.item.frozenByUuid) {
98 setFullusername(<UserNameFromID uuid={props.item.frozenByUuid} />);
100 }, [props.item, setFullusername])
102 if (props.item.frozenByUuid) {
104 return <Tooltip onOpen={getFullName} enterDelay={500} title={<span>Project was frozen by {fullUsername}</span>}>
105 <FreezeIcon style={{ fontSize: "inherit" }}/>
112 export const ResourceName = connect(
113 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
114 const resource = getResource<GroupContentsResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
116 })((resource: GroupContentsResource & DispatchProp<any>) => renderName(resource.dispatch, resource));
119 const renderIcon = (item: GroupContentsResource) => {
121 case ResourceKind.PROJECT:
122 if (item.groupClass === GroupClass.FILTER) {
123 return <FilterGroupIcon />;
125 return <ProjectIcon />;
126 case ResourceKind.COLLECTION:
127 if (item.uuid === item.currentVersionUuid) {
128 return <CollectionIcon />;
130 return <CollectionOldVersionIcon />;
131 case ResourceKind.PROCESS:
132 return <ProcessIcon />;
133 case ResourceKind.WORKFLOW:
134 return <WorkflowIcon />;
136 return <DefaultIcon />;
140 const renderDate = (date?: string) => {
141 return <Typography noWrap style={{ minWidth: '100px' }}>{formatDate(date)}</Typography>;
144 const renderWorkflowName = (item: WorkflowResource) =>
145 <Grid container alignItems="center" wrap="nowrap" spacing={16}>
150 <Typography color="primary" style={{ width: '100px' }}>
156 export const ResourceWorkflowName = connect(
157 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
158 const resource = getResource<WorkflowResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
160 })(renderWorkflowName);
162 const getPublicUuid = (uuidPrefix: string) => {
163 return `${uuidPrefix}-tpzed-anonymouspublic`;
166 const resourceShare = (dispatch: Dispatch, uuidPrefix: string, ownerUuid?: string, uuid?: string) => {
167 const isPublic = ownerUuid === getPublicUuid(uuidPrefix);
170 {!isPublic && uuid &&
171 <Tooltip title="Share">
172 <IconButton onClick={() => dispatch<any>(openSharingDialog(uuid))}>
181 export const ResourceShare = connect(
182 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
183 const resource = getResource<WorkflowResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
184 const uuidPrefix = getUuidPrefix(state);
186 uuid: resource ? resource.uuid : '',
187 ownerUuid: resource ? resource.ownerUuid : '',
190 })((props: { ownerUuid?: string, uuidPrefix: string, uuid?: string } & DispatchProp<any>) =>
191 resourceShare(props.dispatch, props.uuidPrefix, props.ownerUuid, props.uuid));
194 const renderFirstName = (item: { firstName: string }) => {
195 return <Typography noWrap>{item.firstName}</Typography>;
198 export const ResourceFirstName = connect(
199 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
200 const resource = getResource<UserResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
201 return resource || { firstName: '' };
204 const renderLastName = (item: { lastName: string }) =>
205 <Typography noWrap>{item.lastName}</Typography>;
207 export const ResourceLastName = connect(
208 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
209 const resource = getResource<UserResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
210 return resource || { lastName: '' };
213 const renderFullName = (dispatch: Dispatch, item: { uuid: string, firstName: string, lastName: string }, link?: boolean) => {
214 const displayName = (item.firstName + " " + item.lastName).trim() || item.uuid;
215 return link ? <Typography noWrap
217 style={{ 'cursor': 'pointer' }}
218 onClick={() => dispatch<any>(navigateToUserProfile(item.uuid))}>
221 <Typography noWrap>{displayName}</Typography>;
224 export const UserResourceFullName = connect(
225 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string, link?: boolean }) => {
226 const resource = getResource<UserResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
227 return { item: resource || { uuid: '', firstName: '', lastName: '' }, link: props.link };
228 })((props: { item: { uuid: string, firstName: string, lastName: string }, link?: boolean } & DispatchProp<any>) => renderFullName(props.dispatch, props.item, props.link));
230 const renderUuid = (item: { uuid: string }) =>
231 <Typography data-cy="uuid" noWrap>
233 {(item.uuid && <CopyToClipboardSnackbar value={item.uuid} />) || '-' }
236 const renderUuidCopyIcon = (item: { uuid: string }) =>
237 <Typography data-cy="uuid" noWrap>
238 {(item.uuid && <CopyToClipboardSnackbar value={item.uuid} />) || '-' }
241 export const ResourceUuid = connect((state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => (
242 getResource<UserResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources) || { uuid: '' }
245 const renderEmail = (item: { email: string }) =>
246 <Typography noWrap>{item.email}</Typography>;
248 export const ResourceEmail = connect(
249 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
250 const resource = getResource<UserResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
251 return resource || { email: '' };
254 enum UserAccountStatus {
256 INACTIVE = 'Inactive',
261 const renderAccountStatus = (props: { status: UserAccountStatus }) =>
262 <Grid container alignItems="center" wrap="nowrap" spacing={8} data-cy="account-status">
265 switch (props.status) {
266 case UserAccountStatus.ACTIVE:
267 return <ActiveIcon style={{ color: '#4caf50', verticalAlign: "middle" }} />;
268 case UserAccountStatus.SETUP:
269 return <SetupIcon style={{ color: '#2196f3', verticalAlign: "middle" }} />;
270 case UserAccountStatus.INACTIVE:
271 return <InactiveIcon style={{ color: '#9e9e9e', verticalAlign: "middle" }} />;
284 const getUserAccountStatus = (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
285 const user = getResource<UserResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
286 // Get membership links for all users group
287 const allUsersGroupUuid = getBuiltinGroupUuid(state.auth.localCluster, BuiltinGroups.ALL);
288 const permissions = filterResources((resource: LinkResource) =>
289 resource.kind === ResourceKind.LINK &&
290 resource.linkClass === LinkClass.PERMISSION &&
291 resource.headUuid === allUsersGroupUuid &&
292 resource.tailUuid === props.uuid
296 return user.isActive ? { status: UserAccountStatus.ACTIVE } : permissions.length > 0 ? { status: UserAccountStatus.SETUP } : { status: UserAccountStatus.INACTIVE };
298 return { status: UserAccountStatus.UNKNOWN };
302 export const ResourceLinkTailAccountStatus = connect(
303 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
304 const link = getResource<LinkResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
305 return link && link.tailKind === ResourceKind.USER ? getUserAccountStatus(state, { uuid: link.tailUuid }) : { status: UserAccountStatus.UNKNOWN };
306 })(renderAccountStatus);
308 export const UserResourceAccountStatus = connect(getUserAccountStatus)(renderAccountStatus);
310 const renderIsHidden = (props: {
311 memberLinkUuid: string,
312 permissionLinkUuid: string,
315 setMemberIsHidden: (memberLinkUuid: string, permissionLinkUuid: string, hide: boolean) => void
317 if (props.memberLinkUuid) {
319 data-cy="user-visible-checkbox"
321 checked={props.visible}
322 disabled={!props.canManage}
325 props.setMemberIsHidden(props.memberLinkUuid, props.permissionLinkUuid, !props.visible);
328 return <Typography />;
332 export const ResourceLinkTailIsVisible = connect(
333 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
334 const link = getResource<LinkResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
335 const member = getResource<Resource>(link?.tailUuid || '')(state.resources);
336 const group = getResource<GroupResource>(link?.headUuid || '')(state.resources);
337 const permissions = filterResources((resource: LinkResource) => {
338 return resource.linkClass === LinkClass.PERMISSION
339 && resource.headUuid === link?.tailUuid
340 && resource.tailUuid === group?.uuid
341 && resource.name === PermissionLevel.CAN_READ;
344 const permissionLinkUuid = permissions.length > 0 ? permissions[0].uuid : '';
345 const isVisible = link && group && permissions.length > 0;
346 // Consider whether the current user canManage this resurce in addition when it's possible
347 const isBuiltin = isBuiltinGroup(link?.headUuid || '');
349 return member?.kind === ResourceKind.USER
350 ? { memberLinkUuid: link?.uuid, permissionLinkUuid, visible: isVisible, canManage: !isBuiltin }
351 : { memberLinkUuid: '', permissionLinkUuid: '', visible: false, canManage: false };
352 }, { setMemberIsHidden }
355 const renderIsAdmin = (props: { uuid: string, isAdmin: boolean, toggleIsAdmin: (uuid: string) => void }) =>
358 checked={props.isAdmin}
361 props.toggleIsAdmin(props.uuid);
364 export const ResourceIsAdmin = connect(
365 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
366 const resource = getResource<UserResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
367 return resource || { isAdmin: false };
371 const renderUsername = (item: { username: string, uuid: string }) =>
372 <Typography noWrap>{item.username || item.uuid}</Typography>;
374 export const ResourceUsername = connect(
375 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
376 const resource = getResource<UserResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
377 return resource || { username: '', uuid: props.uuid };
380 // Virtual machine resource
382 const renderHostname = (item: { hostname: string }) =>
383 <Typography noWrap>{item.hostname}</Typography>;
385 export const VirtualMachineHostname = connect(
386 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
387 const resource = getResource<VirtualMachinesResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
388 return resource || { hostname: '' };
391 const renderVirtualMachineLogin = (login: { user: string }) =>
392 <Typography noWrap>{login.user}</Typography>
394 export const VirtualMachineLogin = connect(
395 (state: RootState, props: { linkUuid: string }) => {
396 const permission = getResource<LinkResource>(props.linkUuid)(state.resources);
397 const user = getResource<UserResource>(permission?.tailUuid || '')(state.resources);
399 return { user: user?.username || permission?.tailUuid || '' };
400 })(renderVirtualMachineLogin);
403 const renderCommonData = (data: string) =>
404 <Typography noWrap>{data}</Typography>;
406 const renderCommonDate = (date: string) =>
407 <Typography noWrap>{formatDate(date)}</Typography>;
409 export const CommonUuid = withResourceData('uuid', renderCommonData);
411 // Api Client Authorizations
412 export const TokenApiClientId = withResourceData('apiClientId', renderCommonData);
414 export const TokenApiToken = withResourceData('apiToken', renderCommonData);
416 export const TokenCreatedByIpAddress = withResourceData('createdByIpAddress', renderCommonDate);
418 export const TokenDefaultOwnerUuid = withResourceData('defaultOwnerUuid', renderCommonData);
420 export const TokenExpiresAt = withResourceData('expiresAt', renderCommonDate);
422 export const TokenLastUsedAt = withResourceData('lastUsedAt', renderCommonDate);
424 export const TokenLastUsedByIpAddress = withResourceData('lastUsedByIpAddress', renderCommonData);
426 export const TokenScopes = withResourceData('scopes', renderCommonData);
428 export const TokenUserId = withResourceData('userId', renderCommonData);
430 const clusterColors = [
438 export const ResourceCluster = (props: { uuid: string }) => {
439 const CLUSTER_ID_LENGTH = 5;
440 const pos = props.uuid.length > CLUSTER_ID_LENGTH ? props.uuid.indexOf('-') : 5;
441 const clusterId = pos >= CLUSTER_ID_LENGTH ? props.uuid.substring(0, pos) : '';
442 const ci = pos >= CLUSTER_ID_LENGTH ? (((((
443 (props.uuid.charCodeAt(0) * props.uuid.charCodeAt(1))
444 + props.uuid.charCodeAt(2))
445 * props.uuid.charCodeAt(3))
446 + props.uuid.charCodeAt(4))) % clusterColors.length) : 0;
447 return <span style={{
448 backgroundColor: clusterColors[ci][0],
449 color: clusterColors[ci][1],
452 }}>{clusterId}</span>;
456 const renderLinkName = (item: { name: string }) =>
457 <Typography noWrap>{item.name || '-'}</Typography>;
459 export const ResourceLinkName = connect(
460 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
461 const resource = getResource<LinkResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
462 return resource || { name: '' };
465 const renderLinkClass = (item: { linkClass: string }) =>
466 <Typography noWrap>{item.linkClass}</Typography>;
468 export const ResourceLinkClass = connect(
469 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
470 const resource = getResource<LinkResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
471 return resource || { linkClass: '' };
474 const getResourceDisplayName = (resource: Resource): string => {
475 if ((resource as UserResource).kind === ResourceKind.USER
476 && typeof (resource as UserResource).firstName !== 'undefined') {
477 // We can be sure the resource is UserResource
478 return getUserDisplayName(resource as UserResource);
480 return (resource as GroupContentsResource).name;
484 const renderResourceLink = (dispatch: Dispatch, item: Resource) => {
485 var displayName = getResourceDisplayName(item);
487 return <Typography noWrap color="primary" style={{ 'cursor': 'pointer' }} onClick={() => dispatch<any>(navigateTo(item.uuid))}>
488 {resourceLabel(item.kind, item && item.kind === ResourceKind.GROUP ? (item as GroupResource).groupClass || '' : '')}: {displayName || item.uuid}
492 export const ResourceLinkTail = connect(
493 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
494 const resource = getResource<LinkResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
495 const tailResource = getResource<Resource>(resource?.tailUuid || '')(state.resources);
498 item: tailResource || { uuid: resource?.tailUuid || '', kind: resource?.tailKind || ResourceKind.NONE }
500 })((props: { item: Resource } & DispatchProp<any>) =>
501 renderResourceLink(props.dispatch, props.item));
503 export const ResourceLinkHead = connect(
504 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
505 const resource = getResource<LinkResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
506 const headResource = getResource<Resource>(resource?.headUuid || '')(state.resources);
509 item: headResource || { uuid: resource?.headUuid || '', kind: resource?.headKind || ResourceKind.NONE }
511 })((props: { item: Resource } & DispatchProp<any>) =>
512 renderResourceLink(props.dispatch, props.item));
514 export const ResourceLinkUuid = connect(
515 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
516 const resource = getResource<LinkResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
517 return resource || { uuid: '' };
520 export const ResourceLinkHeadUuid = connect(
521 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
522 const link = getResource<LinkResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
523 const headResource = getResource<Resource>(link?.headUuid || '')(state.resources);
525 return headResource || { uuid: '' };
528 export const ResourceLinkTailUuid = connect(
529 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
530 const link = getResource<LinkResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
531 const tailResource = getResource<Resource>(link?.tailUuid || '')(state.resources);
533 return tailResource || { uuid: '' };
536 const renderLinkDelete = (dispatch: Dispatch, item: LinkResource, canManage: boolean) => {
540 <IconButton data-cy="resource-delete-button" onClick={() => dispatch<any>(openRemoveGroupMemberDialog(item.uuid))}>
545 <IconButton disabled data-cy="resource-delete-button">
550 return <Typography noWrap></Typography>;
554 export const ResourceLinkDelete = connect(
555 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
556 const link = getResource<LinkResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
557 const isBuiltin = isBuiltinGroup(link?.headUuid || '') || isBuiltinGroup(link?.tailUuid || '');
560 item: link || { uuid: '', kind: ResourceKind.NONE },
561 canManage: link && getResourceLinkCanManage(state, link) && !isBuiltin,
563 })((props: { item: LinkResource, canManage: boolean } & DispatchProp<any>) =>
564 renderLinkDelete(props.dispatch, props.item, props.canManage));
566 export const ResourceLinkTailEmail = connect(
567 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
568 const link = getResource<LinkResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
569 const resource = getResource<UserResource>(link?.tailUuid || '')(state.resources);
571 return resource || { email: '' };
574 export const ResourceLinkTailUsername = connect(
575 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
576 const link = getResource<LinkResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
577 const resource = getResource<UserResource>(link?.tailUuid || '')(state.resources);
579 return resource || { username: '' };
582 const renderPermissionLevel = (dispatch: Dispatch, link: LinkResource, canManage: boolean) => {
583 return <Typography noWrap>
584 {formatPermissionLevel(link.name as PermissionLevel)}
586 <IconButton data-cy="edit-permission-button" onClick={(event) => dispatch<any>(openPermissionEditContextMenu(event, link))}>
594 export const ResourceLinkHeadPermissionLevel = connect(
595 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
596 const link = getResource<LinkResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
597 const isBuiltin = isBuiltinGroup(link?.headUuid || '') || isBuiltinGroup(link?.tailUuid || '');
600 link: link || { uuid: '', name: '', kind: ResourceKind.NONE },
601 canManage: link && getResourceLinkCanManage(state, link) && !isBuiltin,
603 })((props: { link: LinkResource, canManage: boolean } & DispatchProp<any>) =>
604 renderPermissionLevel(props.dispatch, props.link, props.canManage));
606 export const ResourceLinkTailPermissionLevel = connect(
607 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
608 const link = getResource<LinkResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
609 const isBuiltin = isBuiltinGroup(link?.headUuid || '') || isBuiltinGroup(link?.tailUuid || '');
612 link: link || { uuid: '', name: '', kind: ResourceKind.NONE },
613 canManage: link && getResourceLinkCanManage(state, link) && !isBuiltin,
615 })((props: { link: LinkResource, canManage: boolean } & DispatchProp<any>) =>
616 renderPermissionLevel(props.dispatch, props.link, props.canManage));
618 const getResourceLinkCanManage = (state: RootState, link: LinkResource) => {
619 const headResource = getResource<Resource>(link.headUuid)(state.resources);
620 // const tailResource = getResource<Resource>(link.tailUuid)(state.resources);
621 const userUuid = getUserUuid(state);
623 if (headResource && headResource.kind === ResourceKind.GROUP) {
624 return userUuid ? (headResource as GroupResource).writableBy?.includes(userUuid) : false;
632 const resourceRunProcess = (dispatch: Dispatch, uuid: string) => {
636 <Tooltip title="Run process">
637 <IconButton onClick={() => dispatch<any>(openRunProcess(uuid))}>
645 export const ResourceRunProcess = connect(
646 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
647 const resource = getResource<WorkflowResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
649 uuid: resource ? resource.uuid : ''
651 })((props: { uuid: string } & DispatchProp<any>) =>
652 resourceRunProcess(props.dispatch, props.uuid));
654 const renderWorkflowStatus = (uuidPrefix: string, ownerUuid?: string) => {
655 if (ownerUuid === getPublicUuid(uuidPrefix)) {
656 return renderStatus(WorkflowStatus.PUBLIC);
658 return renderStatus(WorkflowStatus.PRIVATE);
662 const renderStatus = (status: string) =>
663 <Typography noWrap style={{ width: '60px' }}>{status}</Typography>;
665 export const ResourceWorkflowStatus = connect(
666 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
667 const resource = getResource<WorkflowResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
668 const uuidPrefix = getUuidPrefix(state);
670 ownerUuid: resource ? resource.ownerUuid : '',
673 })((props: { ownerUuid?: string, uuidPrefix: string }) => renderWorkflowStatus(props.uuidPrefix, props.ownerUuid));
675 export const ResourceContainerUuid = connect(
676 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
677 const process = getProcess(props.uuid)(state.resources)
678 return { uuid: process?.container?.uuid ? process?.container?.uuid : '' };
679 })((props: { uuid: string }) => renderUuid({ uuid: props.uuid }));
681 enum ColumnSelection {
682 OUTPUT_UUID = 'outputUuid',
686 const renderUuidLinkWithCopyIcon = (dispatch: Dispatch, item: ProcessResource, column: string) => {
687 const selectedColumnUuid = item[column]
688 return <Grid container alignItems="center" wrap="nowrap" >
690 {selectedColumnUuid ?
691 <Typography color="primary" style={{ width: 'auto', cursor: 'pointer' }} noWrap
692 onClick={() => dispatch<any>(navigateTo(selectedColumnUuid))}>
698 {selectedColumnUuid && renderUuidCopyIcon({ uuid: selectedColumnUuid })}
703 export const ResourceOutputUuid = connect(
704 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
705 const resource = getResource<ProcessResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
707 })((process: ProcessResource & DispatchProp<any>) => renderUuidLinkWithCopyIcon(process.dispatch, process, ColumnSelection.OUTPUT_UUID));
709 export const ResourceLogUuid = connect(
710 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
711 const resource = getResource<ProcessResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
713 })((process: ProcessResource & DispatchProp<any>) => renderUuidLinkWithCopyIcon(process.dispatch, process, ColumnSelection.LOG_UUID));
715 export const ResourceParentProcess = connect(
716 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
717 const process = getProcess(props.uuid)(state.resources)
718 return { parentProcess: process?.containerRequest?.requestingContainerUuid || '' };
719 })((props: { parentProcess: string }) => renderUuid({uuid: props.parentProcess}));
721 export const ResourceModifiedByUserUuid = connect(
722 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
723 const process = getProcess(props.uuid)(state.resources)
724 return { userUuid: process?.containerRequest?.modifiedByUserUuid || '' };
725 })((props: { userUuid: string }) => renderUuid({uuid: props.userUuid}));
727 export const ResourceCreatedAtDate = connect(
728 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
729 const resource = getResource<GroupContentsResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
730 return { date: resource ? resource.createdAt : '' };
731 })((props: { date: string }) => renderDate(props.date));
733 export const ResourceLastModifiedDate = connect(
734 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
735 const resource = getResource<GroupContentsResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
736 return { date: resource ? resource.modifiedAt : '' };
737 })((props: { date: string }) => renderDate(props.date));
739 export const ResourceTrashDate = connect(
740 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
741 const resource = getResource<TrashableResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
742 return { date: resource ? resource.trashAt : '' };
743 })((props: { date: string }) => renderDate(props.date));
745 export const ResourceDeleteDate = connect(
746 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
747 const resource = getResource<TrashableResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
748 return { date: resource ? resource.deleteAt : '' };
749 })((props: { date: string }) => renderDate(props.date));
751 export const renderFileSize = (fileSize?: number) =>
752 <Typography noWrap style={{ minWidth: '45px' }}>
753 {formatFileSize(fileSize)}
756 export const ResourceFileSize = connect(
757 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
758 const resource = getResource<CollectionResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
760 if (resource && resource.kind !== ResourceKind.COLLECTION) {
761 return { fileSize: '' };
764 return { fileSize: resource ? resource.fileSizeTotal : 0 };
765 })((props: { fileSize?: number }) => renderFileSize(props.fileSize));
767 const renderOwner = (owner: string) =>
772 export const ResourceOwner = connect(
773 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
774 const resource = getResource<GroupContentsResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
775 return { owner: resource ? resource.ownerUuid : '' };
776 })((props: { owner: string }) => renderOwner(props.owner));
778 export const ResourceOwnerName = connect(
779 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
780 const resource = getResource<GroupContentsResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
781 const ownerNameState = state.ownerName;
782 const ownerName = ownerNameState.find(it => it.uuid === resource!.ownerUuid);
783 return { owner: ownerName ? ownerName!.name : resource!.ownerUuid };
784 })((props: { owner: string }) => renderOwner(props.owner));
786 export const ResourceUUID = connect(
787 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
788 const resource = getResource<CollectionResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
789 return { uuid: resource ? resource.uuid : '' };
790 })((props: { uuid: string }) => renderUuid({uuid: props.uuid}));
792 const renderVersion = (version: number) =>{
793 return <Typography>{version ?? '-'}</Typography>
796 export const ResourceVersion = connect(
797 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
798 const resource = getResource<CollectionResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
799 return { version: resource ? resource.version: '' };
800 })((props: { version: number }) => renderVersion(props.version));
802 const renderPortableDataHash = (portableDataHash:string | null) =>
804 {portableDataHash ? <>{portableDataHash}
805 <CopyToClipboardSnackbar value={portableDataHash} /></> : '-' }
808 export const ResourcePortableDataHash = connect(
809 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
810 const resource = getResource<CollectionResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
811 return { portableDataHash: resource ? resource.portableDataHash : '' };
812 })((props: { portableDataHash: string }) => renderPortableDataHash(props.portableDataHash));
815 const renderFileCount = (fileCount: number) =>{
816 return <Typography>{fileCount ?? '-'}</Typography>
819 export const ResourceFileCount = connect(
820 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
821 const resource = getResource<CollectionResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
822 return { fileCount: resource ? resource.fileCount: '' };
823 })((props: { fileCount: number }) => renderFileCount(props.fileCount));
827 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
828 let userFullname = '';
829 const resource = getResource<GroupContentsResource & UserResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
832 userFullname = getUserFullname(resource as User) || (resource as GroupContentsResource).name;
835 return { uuid: props.uuid, userFullname };
838 const ownerFromResourceId =
840 connect((state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
841 const childResource = getResource<GroupContentsResource & UserResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
842 return { uuid: childResource ? (childResource as Resource).ownerUuid : '' };
851 const _resourceWithName =
852 withStyles({}, { withTheme: true })
853 ((props: { uuid: string, userFullname: string, dispatch: Dispatch, theme: ArvadosTheme }) => {
854 const { uuid, userFullname, dispatch, theme } = props;
855 if (userFullname === '') {
856 dispatch<any>(loadResource(uuid, false));
857 return <Typography style={{ color: theme.palette.primary.main }} inline noWrap>
862 return <Typography style={{ color: theme.palette.primary.main }} inline noWrap>
863 {userFullname} ({uuid})
867 export const ResourceOwnerWithName = ownerFromResourceId(_resourceWithName);
869 export const ResourceWithName = userFromID(_resourceWithName);
873 export const UserNameFromID =
875 (props: { uuid: string, displayAsText?: string, userFullname: string, dispatch: Dispatch }) => {
876 const { uuid, userFullname, dispatch } = props;
878 if (userFullname === '') {
879 dispatch<any>(loadResource(uuid, false));
882 {userFullname ? userFullname : uuid}
886 export const ResponsiblePerson =
889 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string, parentRef: HTMLElement | null }) => {
890 let responsiblePersonName: string = '';
891 let responsiblePersonUUID: string = '';
892 let responsiblePersonProperty: string = '';
894 if (state.auth.config.clusterConfig.Collections.ManagedProperties) {
896 const keys = Object.keys(state.auth.config.clusterConfig.Collections.ManagedProperties);
898 while (!responsiblePersonProperty && keys[index]) {
899 const key = keys[index];
900 if (state.auth.config.clusterConfig.Collections.ManagedProperties[key].Function === 'original_owner') {
901 responsiblePersonProperty = key;
907 let resource: Resource | undefined = getResource<GroupContentsResource & UserResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
909 while (resource && resource.kind !== ResourceKind.USER && responsiblePersonProperty) {
910 responsiblePersonUUID = (resource as CollectionResource).properties[responsiblePersonProperty];
911 resource = getResource<GroupContentsResource & UserResource>(responsiblePersonUUID)(state.resources);
914 if (resource && resource.kind === ResourceKind.USER) {
915 responsiblePersonName = getUserFullname(resource as UserResource) || (resource as GroupContentsResource).name;
918 return { uuid: responsiblePersonUUID, responsiblePersonName, parentRef: props.parentRef };
920 withStyles({}, { withTheme: true }))
921 ((props: { uuid: string | null, responsiblePersonName: string, parentRef: HTMLElement | null, theme: ArvadosTheme }) => {
922 const { uuid, responsiblePersonName, parentRef, theme } = props;
924 if (!uuid && parentRef) {
925 parentRef.style.display = 'none';
927 } else if (parentRef) {
928 parentRef.style.display = 'block';
931 if (!responsiblePersonName) {
932 return <Typography style={{ color: theme.palette.primary.main }} inline noWrap>
937 return <Typography style={{ color: theme.palette.primary.main }} inline noWrap>
938 {responsiblePersonName} ({uuid})
942 const renderType = (type: string, subtype: string) =>
944 {resourceLabel(type, subtype)}
947 export const ResourceType = connect(
948 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
949 const resource = getResource<GroupContentsResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources);
950 return { type: resource ? resource.kind : '', subtype: resource && resource.kind === ResourceKind.GROUP ? resource.groupClass : '' };
951 })((props: { type: string, subtype: string }) => renderType(props.type, props.subtype));
953 export const ResourceStatus = connect((state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
954 return { resource: getResource<GroupContentsResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources) };
955 })((props: { resource: GroupContentsResource }) =>
956 (props.resource && props.resource.kind === ResourceKind.COLLECTION)
957 ? <CollectionStatus uuid={props.resource.uuid} />
958 : <ProcessStatus uuid={props.resource.uuid} />
961 export const CollectionStatus = connect((state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
962 return { collection: getResource<CollectionResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources) };
963 })((props: { collection: CollectionResource }) =>
964 (props.collection.uuid !== props.collection.currentVersionUuid)
965 ? <Typography>version {props.collection.version}</Typography>
966 : <Typography>head version</Typography>
969 export const CollectionName = connect((state: RootState, props: { uuid: string, className?: string }) => {
971 collection: getResource<CollectionResource>(props.uuid)(state.resources),
973 className: props.className,
975 })((props: { collection: CollectionResource, uuid: string, className?: string }) =>
976 <Typography className={props.className}>{props.collection?.name || props.uuid}</Typography>
979 export const ProcessStatus = compose(
980 connect((state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
981 return { process: getProcess(props.uuid)(state.resources) };
983 withStyles({}, { withTheme: true }))
984 ((props: { process?: Process, theme: ArvadosTheme }) =>
986 ? <Chip label={getProcessStatus(props.process)}
988 height: props.theme.spacing.unit * 3,
989 width: props.theme.spacing.unit * 12,
990 ...getProcessStatusStyles(
991 getProcessStatus(props.process), props.theme),
992 fontSize: '0.875rem',
993 borderRadius: props.theme.spacing.unit * 0.625,
996 : <Typography>-</Typography>
999 export const ProcessStartDate = connect(
1000 (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
1001 const process = getProcess(props.uuid)(state.resources);
1002 return { date: (process && process.container) ? process.container.startedAt : '' };
1003 })((props: { date: string }) => renderDate(props.date));
1005 export const renderRunTime = (time: number) =>
1006 <Typography noWrap style={{ minWidth: '45px' }}>
1007 {formatTime(time, true)}
1010 interface ContainerRunTimeProps {
1014 interface ContainerRunTimeState {
1018 export const ContainerRunTime = connect((state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => {
1019 return { process: getProcess(props.uuid)(state.resources) };
1020 })(class extends React.Component<ContainerRunTimeProps, ContainerRunTimeState> {
1023 constructor(props: ContainerRunTimeProps) {
1025 this.state = { runtime: this.getRuntime() };
1029 return this.props.process ? getProcessRuntime(this.props.process) : 0;
1033 this.setState({ runtime: this.getRuntime() });
1036 componentDidMount() {
1037 this.timer = setInterval(this.updateRuntime.bind(this), 5000);
1040 componentWillUnmount() {
1041 clearInterval(this.timer);
1045 return this.props.process ? renderRunTime(this.state.runtime) : <Typography>-</Typography>;