7676: Test choosing cheaper nodes, and basic crunch-dispatch startup/locking.
[arvados.git] / services / api / test / unit / crunch_dispatch_test.rb
1 require 'test_helper'
2 require 'crunch_dispatch'
4 class CrunchDispatchTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
5   test 'choose cheaper nodes first' do
6     act_as_system_user do
7       Node.destroy_all
8       [['compute1', 3.20, 32],
9        ['compute2', 1.60, 16],
10        ['compute3', 0.80, 8]].each do |hostname, price, cores|
11         Node.create!(hostname: hostname,
12                      info: {
13                        'slurm_state' => 'idle',
14                      },
15                      properties: {
16                        'cloud_node' => {
17                          'price' => price,
18                        },
19                        'total_cpu_cores' => cores,
20                        'total_ram_mb' => cores*1024,
21                        'total_scratch_mb' => cores*10000,
22                      })
23       end
24       # Node with no price information
25       Node.create!(hostname: 'compute4',
26                    info: {
27                      'slurm_state' => 'idle',
28                    },
29                    properties: {
30                      'total_cpu_cores' => 8,
31                      'total_ram_mb' => 8192,
32                      'total_scratch_mb' => 80000,
33                    })
34       # Cheap but busy node
35       Node.create!(hostname: 'compute5',
36                    info: {
37                      'slurm_state' => 'alloc',
38                    },
39                    properties: {
40                      'cloud_node' => {
41                        'price' => 0.10,
42                      },
43                      'total_cpu_cores' => 32,
44                      'total_ram_mb' => 32768,
45                      'total_scratch_mb' => 320000,
46                    })
47     end
49     dispatch = CrunchDispatch.new
50     [[1, 16384, ['compute2']],
51      [2, 16384, ['compute2', 'compute1']],
52      [2, 8000, ['compute4', 'compute3']],
53     ].each do |min_nodes, min_ram, expect_nodes|
54       job = Job.new(runtime_constraints: {
55                       'min_nodes' => min_nodes,
56                       'min_ram_mb_per_node' => min_ram,
57                     })
58       nodes = dispatch.nodes_available_for_job_now job
59       assert_equal expect_nodes, nodes
60     end
61   end
63   test 'respond to TERM' do
64     lockfile = Rails.root.join 'tmp', 'dispatch.lock'
65     ENV['CRUNCH_DISPATCH_LOCKFILE'] = lockfile.to_s
66     begin
67       pid = Process.fork do
68         begin
69           # Abandon database connections inherited from parent
70           # process.  Credit to
71           # https://github.com/kstephens/rails_is_forked
72           ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler.connection_pools.each_value do |pool|
73             pool.instance_eval do
74               @reserved_connections = {}
75               @connections = []
76             end
77           end
78           ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection
79           CrunchDispatch.new.run []
80         ensure
81           Process.exit!
82         end
83       end
84       assert_with_timeout 5, "Dispatch did not lock #{lockfile}" do
85         !can_lock(lockfile)
86       end
87     ensure
88       Process.kill("TERM", pid)
89     end
90     assert_with_timeout 5, "Dispatch did not unlock #{lockfile}" do
91       can_lock(lockfile)
92     end
93   end
95   def assert_with_timeout timeout, message
96     t = 0
97     while (t += 0.1) < timeout
98       if yield
99         return
100       end
101       sleep 0.1
102     end
103     assert false, message + " (waited #{timeout} seconds)"
104   end
106   def can_lock lockfile
107     lockfile.open(File::RDWR|File::CREAT, 0644) do |f|
108       return f.flock(File::LOCK_EX|File::LOCK_NB)
109     end
110   end
111 end