2020-11-11 Lucas Di Pentima15685: Adds file path validation on rename file dialog.
2020-11-11 Lucas Di Pentima15685: Removes unused code.
2020-11-10 Lucas Di Pentima15685: Fixes file name encoding/decoding handling on...
2020-11-10 Lucas Di Pentima15685: Expands file renaming tests exposing some edge...
2020-11-06 Lucas Di Pentima15685: Merge branch 'master' into 15685-file-renaming...
2020-11-06 Lucas Di Pentima15685: Fixes unneeded Math.floor() calls on some tests...
2020-11-05 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '17018-readonly-file-actions-fix'
2020-11-05 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '16719-collection-version-basic-ui'
2020-11-05 Lucas Di Pentima16719: Don't try to click something to force logout... 16719-collection-version-basic-ui
2020-11-05 Lucas Di Pentima16719: Fixes random test failures.
2020-11-05 Lucas Di Pentima16719: Renames test suite.
2020-11-05 Lucas Di Pentima16719: Merge branch '16719-collection-version-basic...
2020-11-05 Peter Amstutz16719: Revise layout for collection panel.
2020-10-23 Lucas Di Pentima17018: Fixes the bug adding checks for readonly context... 17018-readonly-file-actions-fix
2020-10-23 Lucas Di Pentima17018: Adds integration tests exposing the bug.
2020-10-22 Lucas Di Pentima15685: Avoids the webdav service to report server error...
2020-10-22 Lucas Di Pentima15685: Adds integration tests for file renaming.
2020-10-21 Daniel KutyłaMerge branch '17019-token-visible-within-test'
2020-10-21 Daniel Kutyła 17019: replaced domain and cluster with fake data 17019-token-visible-within-test
2020-10-21 Daniel Kutyła17019: replaced token with fake data
2020-10-20 Lucas Di Pentima16719: Removes console debug message.
2020-10-20 Lucas Di Pentima16719: Merge branch 'master' into 16719-collection...
2020-10-20 Lucas Di Pentima16719: Deduplicates collection detail component.
2020-10-20 Daniel KutyłaMerge branch '16812-token-appears-in-the-download-URL'
2020-10-20 Lucas Di Pentima16719: Enhances collection panel.
2020-10-20 Lucas Di Pentima16719: Changes wording from 'Copy to project' to 'Make...
2020-10-19 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '16718-past-collection-versions-search'
2020-10-19 Daniel Kutyła16812: Cleared token code 16812-token-appears-in-the-download-URL
2020-10-18 Daniel Kutyła16812: Fixed failed tests
2020-10-18 Daniel KutyłaMerge branch '16812-token-appears-in-the-download-URL...
2020-10-18 Daniel Kutyła16812: Reverted changes in download action, fixed keep...
2020-10-18 Daniel Kutyła16812: Reverted changes in download action, fixed keep...
2020-10-15 Peter Amstutz16812: Handoff token using query param
2020-10-15 Lucas Di Pentima16719: Ignores integration test config file's lack...
2020-10-15 Lucas Di Pentima16719: Adds integration test for collection's old versi...
2020-10-15 Lucas Di Pentima16719: Adds integration test for old collection version...
2020-10-14 Lucas Di Pentima16719: Fixes collection panel when showing an old version.
2020-10-13 Daniel Kutyła16812: Removed download attribute, fixed redirectTo
2020-10-13 Lucas Di Pentima16718: Adds tests for include_old_version usage on... 16718-past-collection-versions-search
2020-10-12 Lucas Di Pentima16718: Merge branch 'master' into 16718-past-collection...
2020-10-12 Lucas Di Pentima16718: Removes redundant column on search results.
2020-10-12 Daniel KutyłaMerge branch 'master' into 16812-token-appears-in-the...
2020-10-12 Daniel KutyłaMerge branch '16037-download-selected-functionality...
2020-10-12 Daniel Kutyła16037: Fix for cypress test 16037-download-selected-functionality-messes-up-file-names
2020-10-12 Daniel Kutyła16037: Added proper comments and enabled missing feature
2020-10-09 Lucas Di PentimaFixes build target on Makefile. No issue # 2.1.0
2020-10-09 Ward VandewegeBuilding workbench2 packages should not run the tests...
2020-10-09 Daniel Kutyła16037: Disabled download functionality for multiple...
2020-10-07 Lucas Di Pentima16718: Shows collection status info as "old version...
2020-10-06 Daniel Kutyła16037: Added filtering for directories when downloading
2020-10-06 Lucas Di Pentima16718: Adds unit test cases for the new is:pastVersion...
2020-10-06 Lucas Di Pentima16718: Adds option to search for collection's past...
2020-10-05 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '16941-inactive-remotes' refs #16941
2020-10-05 Peter Amstutz16941: Remove debug statement.
2020-10-05 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '16947-session-validate' refs #16947
2020-10-05 Peter Amstutz16947: do not produce snackbar errors in validateSessions() 16947-session-validate
2020-10-05 Peter AmstutzMerge branch 'master' into 16941-inactive-remotes 16941-inactive-remotes
2020-10-05 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '16947-session-validate' refs #16947
2020-10-05 Peter Amstutz16941: Fix AxiosInstance import. Add apiClient accessor
2020-10-02 Peter Amstutz16941: Make it possible to mock retrieving cluster...
2020-10-02 Peter Amstutz16947: Don't show misleading session validate errors.
2020-10-02 Peter Amstutz16941: Multi-site search recognizes inactive remote...
2020-10-01 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '16927-trailing-slash' refs #16927
2020-10-01 Peter Amstutz16927: Remove clusterConfigJSON local variable
2020-10-01 Peter Amstutz16927: Consistently strip trailing slashes from config... 16927-trailing-slash
2020-09-29 Daniel Kutyła16812: More type fixes
2020-09-29 Daniel Kutyła16812: Added proper location template
2020-09-29 Daniel Kutyła16812: Added types to remove compile errors
2020-09-28 Ward VandewegeDo not error out in the integration test cleanup function.
2020-09-28 Daniel Kutyła16812: Reverted env changes
2020-09-28 Daniel Kutyła16812: Another way of testing href
2020-09-28 Daniel Kutyła16812: Added unit test fix
2020-09-28 Daniel Kutyła16812: Added unit tests
2020-09-25 Daniel Kutyła16812: Added new mechanism to skip token in the url
2020-09-24 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '16592-renaming-fix'
2020-09-24 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '16811-public-favs' refs #16811
2020-09-23 Lucas Di Pentima16592: Restores 'Rename' action. Adds support for baseU... 16592-renaming-fix
2020-09-23 Lucas Di Pentima16592: Adds tests exposing the bug.
2020-09-22 Daniel KutyłaMerge branch '16243-filter-files-by-name-on-collections...
2020-09-22 Daniel Kutyła16243: Removed console.log 16243-filter-files-by-name-on-collections-file-listing
2020-09-21 Daniel Kutyła16243: Fixed copy of selected items to new collection
2020-09-18 Peter Amstutz16811: Filter "Public favorites" from "Shared with... 16811-public-favs
2020-09-18 Peter Amstutz16811: Add cypress test for setting/unsetting public...
2020-09-16 Daniel Kutyła16243: Added reducer changes in order to make file...
2020-09-14 Peter Amstutz16811: Use public favorites project.
2020-09-11 Daniel Kutyła16243: Added tests
2020-09-11 Daniel Kutyła16243: Added filtering for collection files
2020-09-10 Peter Amstutz16811: Don't filter star links on name
2020-09-10 Peter Amstutz16811: Fix public favorites.
2020-09-08 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '16679-token-security-enhancements'
2020-09-08 Lucas Di Pentima16679: Drops TokeLifetime in favor of IdleTimeout on... 16679-token-security-enhancements
2020-09-07 Lucas Di Pentima16679: Uses sessionStorage when Login.TokenLifetime...
2020-09-07 Lucas Di Pentima16679: Adds tests for AutoLogout component.
2020-09-04 Lucas Di Pentima16679: Adds AutoLogout component that closes the sessio...
2020-09-02 Lucas Di Pentima16679: Merge branch 'master' into 16679-token-security...
2020-09-02 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '16680-expired-token-handling'
2020-09-01 Lucas Di Pentima16679: Adds test for auth middleware's logout handling.
2020-09-01 Lucas Di Pentima16679: Adds test on action dispatching when using the...
2020-09-01 Lucas Di Pentima16680: Adds end-to-end test convering invalid token... 16680-expired-token-handling
2020-08-31 Lucas Di Pentima16680: Updates deprecated MAINTAINER use on Dockerfile.