Remove columns configurator usage to project-explorer, use provided keys when mapping...
[arvados-workbench2.git] / src / components / data-explorer /
2018-06-14 Michal KlobukowskiRemove columns configurator usage to project-explorer...
2018-06-14 Michal KlobukowskiCreate tests for columns configurator
2018-06-14 Michal KlobukowskiClean up columns configurator code
2018-06-14 Michal KlobukowskiExtend column with headerRender and configurable proper...
2018-06-14 Michal KlobukowskiMake data-explorer onItemClick prop optional
2018-06-14 Michal KlobukowskiCreate popover component, replace popover in columns...
2018-06-14 Michal KlobukowskiChange column configurator icon, make column list more...
2018-06-14 Michal KlobukowskiMerge branch 'master'
2018-06-13 Michal KlobukowskiCreate data-explorer and project-explorer prototype