Extract file-uploader, resotore file upload to collection creator
[arvados-workbench2.git] / src / components / file-upload / file-upload.tsx
1 // Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
2 //
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
5 import * as React from 'react';
6 import {
7     Grid,
8     StyleRulesCallback,
9     Table, TableBody, TableCell, TableHead, TableRow,
10     Typography,
11     WithStyles
12 } from '@material-ui/core';
13 import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/core';
14 import Dropzone from 'react-dropzone';
15 import { CloudUploadIcon } from "../icon/icon";
16 import { formatFileSize, formatProgress, formatUploadSpeed } from "~/common/formatters";
17 import { UploadFile } from '~/store/file-uploader/file-uploader-actions';
19 type CssRules = "root" | "dropzone" | "container" | "uploadIcon";
21 const styles: StyleRulesCallback<CssRules> = theme => ({
22     root: {
23     },
24     dropzone: {
25         width: "100%",
26         height: "200px",
27         overflow: "auto",
28         border: "1px dashed black",
29         borderRadius: "5px"
30     },
31     container: {
32         height: "100%"
33     },
34     uploadIcon: {
35         verticalAlign: "middle"
36     }
37 });
39 export interface FileUploadProps {
40     files: UploadFile[];
41     disabled: boolean;
42     onDrop: (files: File[]) => void;
43 }
45 export const FileUpload = withStyles(styles)(
46     ({ classes, files, disabled, onDrop }: FileUploadProps & WithStyles<CssRules>) =>
47         <Dropzone className={classes.dropzone} onDrop={files => onDrop(files)} disabled={disabled}>
48             {files.length === 0 &&
49                 <Grid container justify="center" alignItems="center" className={classes.container}>
50                     <Grid item component={"span"}>
51                         <Typography variant={"subheading"}>
52                             <CloudUploadIcon className={classes.uploadIcon} /> Drag and drop data or click to browse
53                     </Typography>
54                     </Grid>
55                 </Grid>}
56             {files.length > 0 &&
57                 <Table style={{ width: "100%" }}>
58                     <TableHead>
59                         <TableRow>
60                             <TableCell>File name</TableCell>
61                             <TableCell>File size</TableCell>
62                             <TableCell>Upload speed</TableCell>
63                             <TableCell>Upload progress</TableCell>
64                         </TableRow>
65                     </TableHead>
66                     <TableBody>
67                         {files.map(f =>
68                             <TableRow key={f.id}>
69                                 <TableCell>{f.file.name}</TableCell>
70                                 <TableCell>{formatFileSize(f.file.size)}</TableCell>
71                                 <TableCell>{formatUploadSpeed(f.prevLoaded, f.loaded, f.prevTime, f.currentTime)}</TableCell>
72                                 <TableCell>{formatProgress(f.loaded, f.total)}</TableCell>
73                             </TableRow>
74                         )}
75                     </TableBody>
76                 </Table>
77             }
78         </Dropzone>
79 );