Send new user data to server
[arvados-workbench2.git] / src / views / my-account-panel / my-account-panel-root.tsx
1 // Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
2 //
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
5 import * as React from 'react';
6 import { Field, InjectedFormProps } from "redux-form";
7 import { TextField } from "~/components/text-field/text-field";
8 import { NativeSelectField } from "~/components/select-field/select-field";
9 import {
10     StyleRulesCallback,
11     WithStyles,
12     withStyles,
13     Card,
14     CardContent,
15     Button,
16     Typography,
17     Grid,
18     InputLabel
19 } from '@material-ui/core';
20 import { ArvadosTheme } from '~/common/custom-theme';
21 import { User } from "~/models/user";
22 import { require } from "~/validators/require";
24 type CssRules = 'root' | 'gridItem' | 'label' | 'title' | 'actions';
26 const styles: StyleRulesCallback<CssRules> = (theme: ArvadosTheme) => ({
27     root: {
28         width: '100%',
29         overflow: 'auto'
30     },
31     gridItem: {
32         height: 45,
33         marginBottom: 20
34     },
35     label: {
36         fontSize: '0.675rem'
37     },
38     title: {
39         marginBottom: theme.spacing.unit * 3,
40         color: theme.palette.grey["600"]
41     },
42     actions: {
43         display: 'flex',
44         justifyContent: 'flex-end'
45     }
46 });
48 export interface MyAccountPanelRootActionProps {}
50 export interface MyAccountPanelRootDataProps {
51     isPristine: boolean;
52     isValid: boolean;
53     initialValues?: User;
54 }
56 export const MY_ACCOUNT_FORM = 'myAccountForm';
58 const FILES_FIELD_VALIDATION = [require];
60 type MyAccountPanelRootProps = InjectedFormProps<MyAccountPanelRootActionProps> & MyAccountPanelRootDataProps & WithStyles<CssRules>;
62 export const MyAccountPanelRoot = withStyles(styles)(
63     ({ classes, isValid, handleSubmit, reset, isPristine, invalid, submitting }: MyAccountPanelRootProps) => {
64         return <Card className={classes.root}>
65             <CardContent>
66                 <Typography variant="title" className={classes.title}>User profile</Typography>
67                 <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
68                     <Grid container direction="row" spacing={24}>
69                         <Grid item xs={6}>
70                             <Grid item className={classes.gridItem}>
71                                 <Field
72                                     label="E-mail"
73                                     name="email"
74                                     component={TextField}
75                                     disabled
76                                 />
77                             </Grid>
78                             <Grid item className={classes.gridItem}>
79                                 <Field
80                                     label="First name"
81                                     name="firstName"
82                                     component={TextField}
83                                     disabled
84                                 />
85                             </Grid>
86                             <Grid item className={classes.gridItem}>
87                                 <Field
88                                     label="Identity URL"
89                                     name="identityUrl"
90                                     component={TextField}
91                                     disabled
92                                 />
93                             </Grid>
94                             <Grid item className={classes.gridItem}>
95                                 <Field
96                                     label="*Organization"
97                                     name="prefs.profile.organization"
98                                     component={TextField}
99                                     validate={FILES_FIELD_VALIDATION}
100                                 />
101                             </Grid>
102                             <Grid item className={classes.gridItem}>
103                                 <Field
104                                     label="Website"
105                                     name="prefs.profile.website_url"
106                                     component={TextField}
107                                 />
108                             </Grid>
109                             <Grid item className={classes.gridItem}>
110                                 <InputLabel className={classes.label} htmlFor="prefs.profile.role">Organization</InputLabel>
111                                 <Field
112                                     id="prefs.profile.role"
113                                     name="prefs.profile.role"
114                                     component={NativeSelectField}
115                                     items={[
116                                         {key: 'Bio-informatician', value: 'Bio-informatician'},
117                                         {key: 'Data Scientist', value: 'Data Scientist'},
118                                         {key: 'Analyst', value: 'Analyst'},
119                                         {key: 'Researcher', value: 'Researcher'},
120                                         {key: 'Software Developer', value: 'Software Developer'},
121                                         {key: 'System Administrator', value: 'System Administrator'},
122                                         {key: 'Other', value: 'Other'}
123                                     ]}
124                                 />
125                             </Grid>
126                         </Grid>
127                         <Grid item xs={6}>
128                             <Grid item className={classes.gridItem} />
129                             <Grid item className={classes.gridItem}>
130                                 <Field
131                                     label="Last name"
132                                     name="lastName"
133                                     component={TextField}
134                                     disabled
135                                 />
136                             </Grid>
137                             <Grid item className={classes.gridItem} />
138                             <Grid item className={classes.gridItem}>
139                                 <Field
140                                     label="*E-mail at Organization"
141                                     name="prefs.profile.organization_email"
142                                     component={TextField}
143                                     validate={FILES_FIELD_VALIDATION}
144                                 />
145                             </Grid>
146                         </Grid>
147                         <Grid item xs={12} className={classes.actions}>
148                             <Button color="primary" onClick={reset} disabled={isPristine}>Discard changes</Button>
149                             <Button color="primary" variant="contained" type="submit" disabled={isPristine || invalid || submitting}>Save changes</Button>
150                         </Grid>
151                     </Grid>
152                 </form>
153             </CardContent>
154         </Card>;}
155 );