Adding cwl to annotate and generate report
[arvados-tutorial.git] / cwl / bwa-gatk-wf.cwl
1 cwlVersion: v1.1
2 class: Workflow
4 inputs:
5   fastq1: File
6   fastq2: File
7   reference:
8     type: File
9     secondaryFiles:
10       - .amb
11       - .ann
12       - .bwt
13       - .pac
14       - .sa
15       - .fai
16       - ^.dict
17   sample: string
19 outputs:
20   qc-html:
21     type: File[]
22     outputSource: fastqc/out-html
23   qc-zip:
24     type: File[]
25     outputSource: fastqc/out-zip 
26   vcf:
27     type: File
28     outputSource: vep/out-vcf
30 steps:
31   fastqc:
32     run: fastqc.cwl
33     in:
34       fastq1: fastq1
35       fastq2: fastq2
36     out: [out-html, out-zip]
37   bwamem-samtools-view:
38     run: bwamem-samtools-view.cwl
39     in:
40       fastq1: fastq1
41       fastq2: fastq2
42       reference: reference
43       sample: sample
44     out: [bam]
45   samtools-sort:
46     run: samtools-sort.cwl
47     in:
48       bam: bwamem-samtools-view/bam
49       sample: sample
50     out: [out]
51   samtools-index:
52     run: samtools-index.cwl
53     in:
54       bam: samtools-sort/out
55     out: [out]
56   haplotypecaller:
57     run: gatk-haplotypecaller.cwl
58     in:
59       reference: reference
60       bam: samtools-index/out
61       sample: sample
62     out: [vcf]