3 label: WGS processing workflow scattered over samples
6 - class: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement
7 - class: ScatterFeatureRequirement
12 label: Directory of paired FASTQ files
15 format: edam:format_1929 # FASTA
16 label: Reference genome
27 format: edam:format_3016 # VCF
28 label: VCF of known polymorphic sites for BQSR
33 label: Desired split for variant calling
36 format: edam:format_3016 # VCF
37 label: Reference VCF for ClinVar
40 label: Function used to create HTML report
43 format: edam:format_1964 # HTML
44 label: Header for HTML report
47 format: edam:format_1964 # HTML
48 label: Footer for HTML report
53 outputSource: bwamem-gatk-report/gvcf
54 format: edam:format_3016 # GVCF
55 label: GVCFs generated from GATK
59 outputSource: bwamem-gatk-report/report
60 format: edam:format_1964 # HTML
61 label: ClinVar variant reports
65 run: ./helper/getfastq.cwl
68 out: [fastq1, fastq2, sample]
71 run: ./helper/bwamem-gatk-report-wf.cwl
72 scatter: [fastq1, fastq2, sample]
73 scatterMethod: dotproduct
75 fastq1: getfastq/fastq1
76 fastq2: getfastq/fastq2
78 sample: getfastq/sample
79 knownsites: knownsites
80 scattercount: scattercount
81 clinvarvcf: clinvarvcf
82 reportfunc: reportfunc
85 out: [qc-html,qc-zip,gvcf,report]
87 s:codeRepository: https://github.com/arvados/arvados-tutorial
88 s:license: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html
91 s: https://schema.org/
92 edam: http://edamontology.org/
95 - https://schema.org/version/latest/schema.rdf
96 - http://edamontology.org/EDAM_1.18.owl