docs(examples): remove extra dash in temp file
[arvados-formula.git] / arvados / osfamilymap.yaml
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 # vim: ft=yaml
3 #
4 # Setup variables using grains['os_family'] based logic.
5 # You just need to add the key:values for an `os_family` that differ
6 # from `defaults.yaml` + `osarch.yaml`.
7 # Only add an `os_family` which is/will be supported by the formula.
8 #
9 # If you do not need to provide defaults via the `os_family` grain,
10 # you will need to provide at least an empty dict in this file, e.g.
11 # osfamilymap: {}
12 ---
13 Debian:
14   repo:
15     url_base: ''
16     file: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/arvados.list
17     key_url: ''
19 RedHat:
20   repo:
21     url_base: '$releasever/os/$basearch/'
22     file: /etc/yum.repos.d/arvados.repo
23     key_url: ''
25   ruby:
26     manage_ruby: true
27     use_rvm: true
29     pkg: ruby-2.5.7
30     gems_deps:
31       - rubygem-bundler
32       - curl
33       - gcc
34       - git
35       - libcurl
36       - libcurl-devel
37       - pam-devel
38       - postgresql-devel
39       - libxml2
40       - libxml2-devel
41       - make
42       - python3-devel
43       - ruby-devel
44       - zlib-devel
45   ##### SHELL
46   shell:
47     shellinabox:
48       config: /etc/sysconfig/shellinaboxd
49       service:
50         name: shellinaboxd