[arvados-dev.git] / jenkins /
2017-02-21 Ward VandewegeFix detection of version of arvados/jobs image to install.
2017-02-14 Ward VandewegeAdd copyright notices to (almost) all files in this...
2017-02-14 Ward VandewegeDocker 1.13 doesn't support tag --force anymore. Detect...
2017-02-14 Ward VandewegeThe docker tag -f flag is now --force.
2017-02-01 Javier BértoliMerge branch '9050-script-to-delete-merged-branches'
2017-01-31 Nico CesarMerge branch '10769-diagnostics-9tee4'
2017-01-28 Ward VandewegeRemove centos6 from our package upload script.
2017-01-28 Ward VandewegeRemove debian7 from our package upload script.
2017-01-27 Nico Cesar10769: added diagnostics for container requests in... 10769-diagnostics-9tee4
2017-01-27 Ward VandewegeAdd support for ubuntu1604 to
2017-01-23 Ward VandewegeAbort diagnostics suite with prejudice if the git check...
2017-01-23 Ward VandewegeAbort performance suite with prejudice if the git check...
2017-01-19 Javier BértoliAdd script to delete merged branches
2016-12-23 Ward VandewegeWe now have improved mailchimp plugin packaging, this...
2016-12-02 Nico Cesarparameters were not well parsed
2016-12-01 Ward VandewegeAdd additional scopes needed to run cwl tests on Crunch_v2
2016-11-29 Ward make the concurrency of running puppet...
2016-11-04 Peter AmstutzImprove error handling and reporting in run-cwl-test...
2016-10-26 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '10194-arvados-jobs-version' refs #10194
2016-10-26 Peter Amstutz10194: Make sure to install the version of arvados... 10194-arvados-jobs-version
2016-10-19 Tom CleggRemove excess params in debug message. No issue #
2016-10-19 Tom CleggBug fixes. No issue #
2016-10-18 Tom CleggAdd install-arvados-jobs-image script. No issue #
2016-10-14 Ward needs one more permission in its scoped...
2016-09-22 Ward VandewegeAdd required permissions for
2016-09-22 Ward VandewegeUpgrade a bit:
2016-08-25 Nico Cesarfixed bug on the way we deploy docker arvados/jobs...
2016-08-17 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '9784-update-scopes' closes #9784
2016-08-15 Peter AmstutzRemove CWL test exclusions, no issue #
2016-08-15 Peter Amstutz9784: Update scopes to the ones actually in use by CI. 9784-update-scopes
2016-07-28 Tom CleggUse wrapper to enable checksums in cwl conformance...
2016-07-17 Nico Cesaradded for running cwl-test on the...
2016-07-16 Ward VandewegeMake sure to tag the docker image as latest even if...
2016-06-29 Nico CesarMerge branch '9254-latest-tag'
2016-06-29 Nico Cesar9254: adding latest tag 9254-latest-tag
2016-06-16 Nico CesarMerge branch '8750-run-deploy-in-parallel'
2016-06-15 Brett Smithrun_upload_packages: Improve names around run_and_grep.
2016-06-15 Brett Smithrun_upload_packages ensures destination scp directory...
2016-06-15 Brett SmithMerge branch '9309-python-redundant-upload-wip'
2016-06-14 Nico Cesar8750: parallel deploy is working 8750-run-deploy-in-parallel
2016-06-10 Brett Smith9309: run_upload_packages checks for re-upload errors... 9309-python-redundant-upload-wip
2016-06-01 Brett SmithMerge branch '9309-centos7-uplaods-wip'
2016-05-28 Brett Smith9309: Add support for uploading centos7 packages. 9309-centos7-uplaods-wip
2016-05-28 Brett Smith9224: Update each TimestampFile after upload.
2016-05-17 Ward VandewegeRemove a bunch of files that were moved to the arvados...
2016-05-17 Ward VandewegeWe need a per-target last_upload timestamp file.
2016-04-20 Peter AmstutzCWL build script maintenance. refs #8980
2016-03-26 Nico Cesaradding an extra script for parallel puppet runs
2016-03-19 Ward VandewegeThe upload script now uses a per-distro tmp directory.
2016-03-16 Tom CleggFix backports dir search for PACKAGE="llfuse==0.41... 8345-backports-version-fix
2016-03-11 Tom CleggMerge branch '8345-llfuse-unpin' refs #8345
2016-03-11 Tom Clegg8345: Need "yum install -y" to reliably install rpm...
2016-03-11 Tom Clegg8345: 8491: Downgrade to llfuse 0.41 until #8345 gets...
2016-03-10 Ward VandewegeGet the go binary from a http url instead of https...
2016-03-10 Ward VandewegeBuild package for arvados-cwl-runner.
2016-03-10 radhikarefs #8558
2016-03-09 radhika8558: add cwl to jenkins 8558-add-cwl-jenkins
2016-03-07 Tom Clegg8345: Uninstall old llfuse from reused virtualenv,... 8345-llfuse-unpin
2016-03-07 Tom Clegg8345: Merge branch 'master' into 8345-llfuse-unpin
2016-03-07 Tom Clegg8345: Fix up log messages to show which distro/package...
2016-03-07 Tom Clegg8345: Build contextlib2 backport, needed by python...
2016-03-03 Tom Clegg8345: Add build-essential to ubuntu1204 package-buildin...
2016-03-03 Tom Clegg8345: Build and install new fuse libs before building...
2016-03-02 Ward VandewegeBuild arvbox instead of the old docker images.
2016-03-02 Tom Clegg8345: Use a separate vendor/cache for each OS target...
2016-03-01 Tom CleggMerge branch 'master' into 8345-llfuse-unpin
2016-02-29 Brett Smith8371, 8413: Bump Rails package iteration.
2016-02-29 Brett SmithMerge branch '8413-fix-rails-postinst-chgrp-wip'
2016-02-29 Brett Smith8413: Rails postinst doesn't chgrp root /etc/arvados.
2016-02-29 Brett SmithMerge branch '8371-centos-postrm-bugfix-wip'
2016-02-26 Brett Smith8371: Rails postrm only fires after removing last RPM. 8371-centos-postrm-bugfix-wip
2016-02-25 Peter AmstutzMerge branch 'arvbox-fixes' no issue #
2016-02-20 Tom CleggMerge branch 'master' into 8345-llfuse-unpin
2016-02-20 Tom CleggInstall bundler gem in all build containers.
2016-02-20 Tom CleggFix dependencies after installing built package. refs...
2016-02-20 Ward VandewegePin package builds of the google-api-python-client...
2016-02-20 Tom Clegg8345: Add libselinux-dev build-dep missed by awk script...
2016-02-19 Joshua C. Randalluses variable for curl output filename and makes curl...
2016-02-19 Joshua C. Randallcleans up debian/changelog generation per tomclegg...
2016-02-19 Joshua C. Randalladds safety quotes and '-[0-9]' before wildcard as...
2016-02-19 Joshua C. Randalladds safety quotes and '_' before wildcard as suggested...
2016-02-05 Joshua Randalladds centos6 backport of fuse 2.9.2
2016-02-04 Joshua RandallUnpins llfuse version and adds fuse 2.9.2 backport
2016-02-03 Brett SmithInhibit udev startup in Debian test Docker images.
2016-02-03 Brett Smith.deb dependencies from Python packages ignore iteration.
2016-02-01 Peter AmstutzPin llfuse to 0.41.1 because 0.42 came out and broke...
2016-01-29 Peter AmstutzAdd distinct fpm_exclude so it shows up in the right...
2016-01-27 Peter AmstutzBump iteration of rails packages to -4 refs #8008
2016-01-27 Peter AmstutzFix selecting most recent package for package testing...
2016-01-25 Brett Smith8008: Make dependencies for build-dockerfiles.
2016-01-22 Ward VandewegeMake sure not to accidentally include config/applicatio...
2016-01-22 Ward VandewegeMerge branch '8066-git-init-from-postinst'
2016-01-22 Ward VandewegeSome review fixes. 8066-git-init-from-postinst
2016-01-22 Ward VandewegeMerge branch 'master' into 8066-git-init-from-postinst
2016-01-22 Ward VandewegeMake sure not to accidentally include config/applicatio...
2016-01-22 Peter AmstutzBump libcloud package version pin to 0.20.2dev1 refs...
2016-01-21 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '8008-test-all-packages' closes #8008
2016-01-21 Peter Amstutz8008: Tweak error code reporting. Remove debugging... 8008-test-all-packages
2016-01-20 Brett Smith8008: Quote more variables in package test scripts.
2016-01-20 radhikarefs #8028