Merge branch '17535-test-provision-jenkins'
[arvados-dev.git] / jenkins /
2021-07-01 Javier BértoliMerge branch '17844-create-an-image-for-arvados-formula...
2021-07-01 Ward VandewegeThe bleeding edge branch on the arvados repo is now...
2017-02-14 Ward VandewegeAdd copyright notices to (almost) all files in this...
2017-02-01 Javier BértoliMerge branch '9050-script-to-delete-merged-branches'
2017-01-31 Nico CesarMerge branch '10769-diagnostics-9tee4'
2017-01-27 Nico Cesar10769: added diagnostics for container requests in... 10769-diagnostics-9tee4
2017-01-23 Ward VandewegeAbort diagnostics suite with prejudice if the git check...
2014-10-08 Ward VandewegeAllow for to pull the git...
2014-10-08 Ward VandewegeAllow specification of revision to test with diagnostic...
2014-10-08 Ward VandewegeFix stupid bug in - destinatio...
2014-10-08 Ward VandewegeParameterize the instance to run the diagnostics suite...
2014-10-01 Ward VandewegeAdd new jenkins script.