2020-12-18 Zhian N. KamvarSpeed up builds of R-based lessons
2020-12-17 KilianIgnore .jekyll-metatada
2020-12-10 Maxim Belkinlesson.scss: wildcard selectors for code blocks
2020-12-10 Maxim Belkin404 page for better learner experience
2020-12-09 Zhian N. Kamvaradd control structure
2020-12-09 Zhian N. Kamvarrun R-based lessons in forks
2020-12-09 Toby Hodgesaccept any base filename for Rmd episodes
2020-12-07 Maxim BelkinFix Ruby style
2020-12-03 Zhian N. Kamvarset CRAN url if default is "@CRAN@"
2020-11-09 Toby HodgesMatlab -> MATLAB
2020-11-05 Maxim Belkin_config.yml: mention Carpentries Incubator
2020-11-02 Christina Kremoving contractions from CONTRIBUTING (#512)
2020-10-28 François Michonneaudrop patch version, fix at v1
2020-10-28 François Michonneaubump ruby version (as specified in github-pages v209)
2020-10-22 Maxim Belkinlesson.scss: no borders around unrecognized code (...
2020-10-21 Toby Hodgesupdate expected reference filename (#508)
2020-10-20 François Michonneauadd warning code block
2020-10-20 François MichonneauRevert "Merge branch 'gh-pages' of github.com:carpentri...
2020-10-20 François Michonneauadd warning blockquote
2020-10-20 François MichonneauMerge branch 'gh-pages' of github.com:carpentries/style...
2020-10-19 Zhian N. Kamvaradd default repository to install_required_packages...
2020-10-08 Toby Hodgesupdate link to discuss mailing list (#507)
2020-09-21 Maxim Belkinlesson.scss: styling for DIVs for embedding Youtube...
2020-09-21 Maxim BelkinGH Website action: rename + don't use lesson directory...
2020-09-02 Maxim BelkinGitHub Action: website.yml: don't run in forks (#501)
2020-08-25 Maxim BelkinGitHub Actions: better workflow and job names (#500)
2020-08-25 Maxim BelkinGitHub Actions: website (#488)
2020-08-22 François MichonneauSync styles first (#494)
2020-08-20 François Michonneauremove unused code highlight classes (#498)
2020-08-19 Henry Schreineradd three more common languages (#497)
2020-08-19 Henry Schreinerfix: tighten definitions of highlighter (#496)
2020-08-14 Maxim BelkinGitHub Actions: check lesson template (#489)
2020-08-13 François Michonneaufix variable name
2020-08-11 François Michonneauonly display Episodes drop-down if we have episodes...
2020-08-11 Maxim BelkinFix Python scripts for Windows: UTF-8 encoding (#485)
2020-08-11 Maxim BelkinMakefile: fix 'lesson-fixme' target for Windows (#486)
2020-08-11 Maxim BelkinOS stripe: adjust line height (#490)
2020-08-07 François Michonneauadd vendor folder to gitignore and _config.yml
2020-08-07 François Michonneau[fix carpentries/styles#477] rewrite travis script
2020-08-07 Maxim BelkinMakefile: don't use /bin/bash shell (#484)
2020-08-05 Maxim Belkinrepo_check.py: match https repositories (#483)
2020-08-05 Maxim BelkinMakefile: fix comment in front of `lesson-check` (...
2020-08-05 Maxim Belkinrepo_check.py: allow URLs not ending with .git (#482)
2020-07-28 Toby Hodges_config.yml: link to Lesson Life Cycle chapter of CDH
2020-07-25 Renato AlvesMake links in code tags distinguishable (#478)
2020-07-24 Joseph Stachelekadd warning blockquote style, carpentries/styles#49...
2020-07-10 ocaisaDeprecated use of --path when installing bundle (#473)
2020-07-10 François Michonneaufix AMY's URL
2020-07-06 Maxim BelkinLicense is not a copyright. License info ID (#472)
2020-07-06 Maxim Belkinassets/js/lesson.js: use .length instead of .size()
2020-06-30 Maxim BelkinUpgrade jQuery to 3.5.1 (#469)
2020-06-29 François Michonneaubump ruby version
2020-06-29 Maxim BelkinOS stripe color (#468)
2020-06-22 Maxim BelkinImprove pull request template (#465)
2020-06-19 Maxim Belkinlesson.scss: style tab panels on setup pages (#464)
2020-06-15 Maxim BelkinImprove issue template (#463)
2020-05-29 Zhian N. KamvarUse renv (#462)
2020-05-28 Zhian N. KamvarUse carpentries/lesson-docker for docker-serve make...
2020-02-12 Maxim Belkin_includes/links.md: Update PyYAML link (#457)
2020-02-12 Katrin LeinweberUpdate PyPI link
2020-02-10 François Michonneauadd warning hook + CSS class for Rmd-based lessons...
2019-12-18 François Michonneauspecify YAML loader
2019-12-16 Anthony GitterUpdate R install in .travis.yml (#430)
2019-12-13 Maxim BelkinMakefile: improve commands target and commands categori...
2019-12-13 Maxim BelkinMakefile: use Python to execute repo_check.py
2019-12-13 Maxim BelkinMakefile: Specify shell. Don't include commands.mk
2019-12-13 François Michonneauadd .bundle to .gitignore
2019-12-13 François Michonneauadd @maxim-belkin suggestions
2019-12-13 François Michonneaurefactor use of docker
2019-12-13 François Michonneauinstall gems locally
2019-12-13 François Michonneauuse bundler to render lessons
2019-12-12 Maxim BelkinMerge pull request carpentries/styles#446
2019-12-11 François Michonneaufix urls in _config.yml
2019-12-09 Maxim BelkinMakefile: fix two more syntax errors in conditionals
2019-12-09 Maxim BelkinMakefile: fix syntax in conditional
2019-12-09 Maxim BelkinMakefile: handle MS Store's Python 3
2019-12-06 Maxim BelkinMakefile: suppress another error message on Windows
2019-12-06 Maxim Belkinfix typo in lesson_initialize.py
2019-12-06 Maxim BelkinMakefile: suppress error message on Windows
2019-12-06 Maxim Belkintest_lesson_check.py: skip unnecessary steps
2019-12-06 Maxim BelkinMakefile: Windows does not like single quotes
2019-12-06 Sarah Brownclarify comment on python check block
2019-12-05 Maxim Belkinrepo_check.py: enforce utf-8 encoding
2019-12-05 Maxim Belkinlesson_check.py: Windows-compatible regular expression...
2019-12-05 Maxim Belkinlesson_initialize: windows compatibility
2019-12-05 Maxim BelkinRemove executable bits from Python scripts
2019-12-05 Maxim BelkinUndo optimizations to read_all_markdown
2019-12-05 Maxim Belkinutil.py: remove empty line
2019-12-05 Maxim BelkinMakefile: detect Python 3
2019-12-05 Joao RodriguesSilenced output of PYTHON calls
2019-12-05 Joao RodriguesFixes encoding problem on Windows systems, with minimal...
2019-12-04 Joao RodriguesRemoved shebang lines from Python scripts to avoid...
2019-12-04 Joao RodriguesReverted variable names
2019-12-04 Joao RodriguesAdded PYTHON variable to define executable to run pytho...
2019-12-04 Joao RodriguesCleaned leftover debug code and old implementations.
2019-12-03 Joao RodriguesReverted change of permissiveness on lesson_check
2019-12-03 Joao RodriguesModified shebang to use python, not python3.
2019-12-03 Joao RodriguesRefactored paths to make use of OS agnostic methods
2019-12-03 Joao RodriguesForced re-encoding of text to UTF-8, to avoid issues...
2019-12-02 François Michonneauremove Jekyll command markers from comment block