--- --- {% comment %} When rendering websites locally, `site.github.url` doesn't get resolved properly unless GitHub PAT are set up and available in the environment. This leads to warnings and errors when trying to serve the site locally. To work around this, we use the `jekyll.environment` variable which is set to `development` when rendering the site locally, and set to `production` on GitHub where `site.github.url` will be defined. {% endcomment %} {% if jekyll.environment == "development" %} {% assign search_domain_url = "" %} {% elsif jekyll.environment == "production" %} {% assign search_domain_url = site.github.url %} {% endif %} {% include favicons.html %} {{ site.title }}{% if page.title %}: {{ page.title }}{% endif %} {% include life_cycle.html %}
{% include navbar.html %} {{ content }} {% if site.kind == "workshop" %} {% include workshop_footer.html %} {% else %} {% include lesson_footer.html %} {% endif %}
{% include javascript.html %}