#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os import glob from optparse import OptionParser from util import Reporter, read_markdown, IMAGE_FILE_SUFFIX def main(): """Main driver.""" args = parse_args() images = [] for filename in args.filenames: images += get_images(args.parser, filename) save(sys.stdout, images) def parse_args(): """Parse command-line arguments.""" parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-p', '--parser', default=None, dest='parser', help='path to Markdown parser') args, extras = parser.parse_args() require(args.parser is not None, 'Path to Markdown parser not provided') require(extras, 'No filenames specified') args.filenames = extras return args def get_filenames(source_dir): """Get all filenames to be searched for images.""" return glob.glob(os.path.join(source_dir, '*.md')) def get_images(parser, filename): """Extract all images from file.""" content = read_markdown(parser, filename) result = [] find_image_nodes(content['doc'], result) find_image_links(content['doc'], result) return result def find_image_nodes(doc, result): """Find all nested nodes representing images.""" if (doc['type'] == 'img') or \ ((doc['type'] == 'html_element') and (doc['value'] == 'img')): alt = doc['attr'].get('alt', '') result.append({'alt': alt, 'src': doc['attr']['src']}) else: for child in doc.get('children', []): find_image_nodes(child, result) def find_image_links(doc, result): """Find all links to files in the 'fig' directory.""" if ((doc['type'] == 'a') and ('attr' in doc) and ('href' in doc['attr'])) \ or \ ((doc['type'] == 'html_element') and (doc['value'] == 'a') and ('href' in doc['attr'])): path = doc['attr']['href'] if os.path.splitext(path)[1].lower() in IMAGE_FILE_SUFFIX: result.append({'alt':'', 'src': doc['attr']['href']}) else: for child in doc.get('children', []): find_image_links(child, result) def save(stream, images): """Save results as Markdown.""" text = '\n


'.format(img['alt'], img['src']) for img in images]) print(text, file=stream) def require(condition, message): """Fail if condition not met.""" if not condition: print(message, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()