## ======================================== ## Commands for both workshop and lesson websites. # Settings MAKEFILES=Makefile $(wildcard *.mk) JEKYLL=jekyll DST=_site # Controls .PHONY : commands clean files all : commands ## commands : show all commands. commands : @grep -h -E '^##' ${MAKEFILES} | sed -e 's/## //g' ## serve : run a local server. serve : ${JEKYLL} serve --config _config.yml,_config_dev.yml ## site : build files but do not run a server. site : ${JEKYLL} build --config _config.yml,_config_dev.yml ## figures : re-generate inclusion displaying all figures. figures : @bin/extract_figures.py -s _episodes -p bin/markdown-ast.rb > _includes/all_figures.html ## clean : clean up junk files. clean : @rm -rf ${DST} @rm -rf .sass-cache @rm -rf bin/__pycache__ @find . -name .DS_Store -exec rm {} \; @find . -name '*~' -exec rm {} \; @find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm {} \; ## ---------------------------------------- ## Commands specific to workshop websites. .PHONY : workshop-check ## workshop-check : check workshop homepage. workshop-check : @bin/workshop_check.py . ## ---------------------------------------- ## Commands specific to lesson websites. .PHONY : lesson-check lesson-files lesson-fixme lesson-single # Lesson source files in the order they appear in the navigation menu. SRC_FILES = \ index.md \ CONDUCT.md \ setup.md \ $(wildcard _episodes/*.md) \ reference.md \ $(wildcard _extras/*.md) \ LICENSE.md # Generated lesson files in the order they appear in the navigation menu. HTML_FILES = \ ${DST}/index.html \ ${DST}/conduct/index.html \ ${DST}/setup/index.html \ $(patsubst _episodes/%.md,${DST}/%/index.html,$(wildcard _episodes/*.md)) \ ${DST}/reference/index.html \ $(patsubst _extras/%.md,${DST}/%/index.html,$(wildcard _extras/*.md)) \ ${DST}/license/index.html ## lesson-check : validate lesson Markdown. lesson-check : @bin/lesson_check.py -s . -p bin/markdown-ast.rb unittest : python bin/test_lesson_check.py ## lesson-files : show expected names of generated files for debugging. lesson-files : @echo 'source:' ${SRC_FILES} @echo 'generated:' ${HTML_FILES} ## lesson-fixme : show FIXME markers embedded in source files. lesson-fixme : @fgrep -i -n FIXME ${SRC_FILES} || true #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Include extra commands if available. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -include commands.mk