generate_md_episodes <- function() { if (!requireNamespace("renv", quietly = TRUE)) { install.packages("renv", repos = c(CRAN = "")) } if (!requireNamespace("rprojroot", quietly = TRUE)) { install.packages("rprojroot", repos = c(CRAN = "")) } cfg <- rprojroot::has_file_pattern("^_config.y*ml$") root <- rprojroot::find_root(cfg) required_pkgs <- unique(c( ## Packages for episodes renv::dependencies(file.path(root, "_episodes_rmd"), progress = FALSE, error = "ignore")$Package, ## Pacakges for tools renv::dependencies(file.path(root, "bin"), progress = FALSE, error = "ignore")$Package )) missing_pkgs <- setdiff(required_pkgs, rownames(installed.packages())) if (length(missing_pkgs)) { message("Installing missing required packages: ", paste(missing_pkgs, collapse=", ")) install.packages(missing_pkgs) } if (require("knitr") && packageVersion("knitr") < '1.9.19') stop("knitr must be version 1.9.20 or higher") ## get the Rmd file to process from the command line, and generate the path ## for their respective outputs args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE) if (!identical(length(args), 2L)) { stop("input and output file must be passed to the script") } src_rmd <- args[1] dest_md <- args[2] ## knit the Rmd into markdown knitr::knit(src_rmd, output = dest_md) # Read the generated md files and add comments advising not to edit them add_no_edit_comment <- function(y) { con <- file(y) mdfile <- readLines(con) if (mdfile[1] != "---") stop("Input file does not have a valid header") mdfile <- append( mdfile, "# Please do not edit this file directly; it is auto generated.", after = 1 ) mdfile <- append( mdfile, paste("# Instead, please edit", basename(y), "in _episodes_rmd/"), after = 2 ) writeLines(mdfile, con) close(con) return(paste("Warning added to YAML header of", y)) } vapply(dest_md, add_no_edit_comment, character(1)) } generate_md_episodes()