generate_md_episodes <- function() { if (require("knitr")) { if (packageVersion("knitr") < '1.9.19') { stop("knitr must be version 1.9.20 or higher") } } else stop("knitr 1.9.20 or above is needed to build the lessons.") if (!require("stringr")) stop("The package stringr is required for generating the lessons.") ## where the Rmd files and the datasets are located rmd_path <- "_episodes_rmd" rmd_data <- file.path(rmd_path, "data") ## where the markdown files and the datasets will end up dest_path <- "_episodes" dest_data <- file.path(dest_path, "data") ## find all the Rmd files, and generates the paths for their respective outputs src_rmd <- list.files(pattern = "??-*.Rmd$", path = rmd_path, full.names = TRUE) dest_md <- file.path(dest_path, gsub("Rmd$", "md", basename(src_rmd))) ## knit the Rmd into markdown mapply(function(x, y) { knitr::knit(x, output = y) }, src_rmd, dest_md) ## copy the datasets from _episodes_rmd/data to _episodes/data rmd_data_files <- list.files(path = rmd_data, full.names = TRUE) dest_data_files <- file.path(dest_data, basename(rmd_data_files)) if (!dir.exists(file.path(dest_data))) dir.create(file.path(dest_data)) apply(cbind(rmd_data_files, dest_data_files), 1, function(x) file.copy(x[1], x[2])) } generate_md_episodes()