--- title: Setup --- {% capture generic_tab_content %} # Setting up a practice repository We will create a new git repository and import a library of existing tool definitions that will help us build our workflow. Create a new empty git repository to hold our workflow with this command: ``` git init rnaseq-cwl-training-exercises ``` {: .language-bash } Next, import bio-cwl-tools with this command: ``` git submodule add https://github.com/common-workflow-library/bio-cwl-tools.git ``` {: .language-bash } # Downloading sample and reference data Start from your rnaseq-cwl-exercises directory. ``` mkdir rnaseq cd rnaseq wget --mirror --no-parent --no-host --cut-dirs=1 https://download.jutro.arvadosapi.com/c=9178fe1b80a08a422dbe02adfd439764+925/ ``` {: .language-bash } # Downloading or generating STAR index Running STAR requires index files generated from the reference. This is a rather large download (4 GB). Depending on your bandwidth, it may be faster to generate it yourself. ## Downloading ``` mkdir hg19-chr1-STAR-index cd hg19-chr1-STAR-index wget --mirror --no-parent --no-host --cut-dirs=1 https://download.jutro.arvadosapi.com/c=02a12ce9e2707610991bd29d38796b57+2912/ ``` {: .language-bash } ## Generating Create `chr1-star-index.yaml`: ``` InputFiles: - class: File location: rnaseq/reference_data/chr1.fa format: http://edamontology.org/format_1930 IndexName: 'hg19-chr1-STAR-index' Gtf: class: File location: rnaseq/reference_data/chr1-hg19_genes.gtf Overhang: 99 ``` {: .language-yaml } Generate the index with your local cwl-runner. ``` cwl-runner bio-cwl-tools/STAR/STAR-Index.cwl chr1-star-index.yaml ``` {: .language-bash } {% endcapture %} {% capture arvados_tab_content %} # Setting up a practice repository We will create a new git repository and import a library of existing tool definitions that will help us build our workflow. When using the recommended [VSCode environment to develop on Arvados](https://doc.arvados.org/v2.3/user/cwl/arvados-vscode-training.html), start by forking the [arvados-vscode-cwl-template](https://github.com/arvados/arvados-vscode-cwl-template) repository. 1. Vscode: On the left sidebar, choose `Explorer` ![](assets/img/Explorer.png) 1. Select `Clone Repository` and enter [https://github.com/arvados/arvados-vscode-cwl-template](https://github.com/arvados/arvados-vscode-cwl-template), then click `Open` 1. If asked `Would you like to open the cloned repository?` choose `Open` Next, import the [bio-cwl-tools](https://github.com/common-workflow-library/bio-cwl-tools) repository: 1. Vscode: In the top menu, select `Terminal` → `New Terminal` 1. This will open a terminal window in the lower part of the screen 1. Run this command: ``` git submodule add https://github.com/common-workflow-library/bio-cwl-tools.git ``` {: .language-bash } # Downloading sample and reference data > ## Note > > You may already have access to this collection. > > You can check by going to Workbench and pasting > `9178fe1b80a08a422dbe02adfd439764+925` into the search box. If you > arrived at a collection page instead of a "not found" error, then > you do not need to perform this download step. {: .callout} 1. Go to [https://workbench2.jutro.arvadosapi.com](https://workbench2.jutro.arvadosapi.com) and sign in, this will create an account 2. Go to `Get an API token` under the user menu 3. Log into the shell node of your Arvados cluster 4. On the shell node, copy the host name and token for the `jutro` cluster into the file `~/.config/arvados/jutro.conf` as described on the page for [arv-copy](https://doc.arvados.org/user/topics/arv-copy.html). Now, on shell node of your Arvados cluster, use `arv-copy` to copy the collection: ``` arv-copy --src jutro 9178fe1b80a08a422dbe02adfd439764+925 ``` {: .language-bash } # Downloading or generating STAR index Running STAR requires index files generated from the reference. This is a rather large download (4 GB). Depending on your bandwidth, it may be faster to generate it yourself. ## Downloading > ## Note > > As above, you can check by going to Workbench and pasting > `02a12ce9e2707610991bd29d38796b57+2912` into the search box to see > if you already have access to this collection. {: .callout} Use `arv-copy` to copy the collection: ``` arv-copy --src jutro 02a12ce9e2707610991bd29d38796b57+2912 ``` {: .language-bash } ## Generating Create `chr1-star-index.yaml`: ``` InputFiles: - class: File location: keep:9178fe1b80a08a422dbe02adfd439764+925/reference_data/chr1.fa format: http://edamontology.org/format_1930 IndexName: 'hg19-chr1-STAR-index' Gtf: class: File location: keep:9178fe1b80a08a422dbe02adfd439764+925/reference_data/chr1-hg19_genes.gtf Overhang: 99 ``` {: .language-yaml } Generate the index with arvados-cwl-runner. ``` arvados-cwl-runner bio-cwl-tools/STAR/STAR-Index.cwl chr1-star-index.yaml ``` {: .language-bash } {% endcapture %}
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