// Copyright (C) The Lightning Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 package lightning import ( "bufio" "context" "errors" "flag" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "net/http" _ "net/http/pprof" "os" "runtime" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvados" "github.com/arvados/lightning/hgvs" log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" ) type annotatecmd struct { dropTiles []bool variantHash bool maxTileSize int tag2tagid map[string]tagID reportAnnotation func(tag tagID, outcol int, variant tileVariantID, refname string, seqname string, pdi hgvs.Variant) } func (cmd *annotatecmd) RunCommand(prog string, args []string, stdin io.Reader, stdout, stderr io.Writer) int { var err error defer func() { if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", err) } }() flags := flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ContinueOnError) flags.SetOutput(stderr) pprof := flags.String("pprof", "", "serve Go profile data at http://`[addr]:port`") runlocal := flags.Bool("local", false, "run on local host (default: run in an arvados container)") projectUUID := flags.String("project", "", "project `UUID` for output data") priority := flags.Int("priority", 500, "container request priority") inputFilename := flags.String("i", "-", "input `file` (library)") outputFilename := flags.String("o", "-", "output `file`") flags.BoolVar(&cmd.variantHash, "variant-hash", false, "output variant hash instead of index") flags.IntVar(&cmd.maxTileSize, "max-tile-size", 50000, "don't try to make annotations for tiles bigger than given `size`") err = flags.Parse(args) if err == flag.ErrHelp { err = nil return 0 } else if err != nil { return 2 } if *pprof != "" { go func() { log.Println(http.ListenAndServe(*pprof, nil)) }() } if !*runlocal { if *outputFilename != "-" { err = errors.New("cannot specify output file in container mode: not implemented") return 1 } runner := arvadosContainerRunner{ Name: "lightning annotate", Client: arvados.NewClientFromEnv(), ProjectUUID: *projectUUID, RAM: 80000000000, VCPUs: 16, Priority: *priority, } err = runner.TranslatePaths(inputFilename) if err != nil { return 1 } runner.Args = []string{"annotate", "-local=true", fmt.Sprintf("-variant-hash=%v", cmd.variantHash), "-max-tile-size", strconv.Itoa(cmd.maxTileSize), "-i", *inputFilename, "-o", "/mnt/output/tilevariants.csv"} var output string output, err = runner.Run() if err != nil { return 1 } fmt.Fprintln(stdout, output+"/tilevariants.csv") return 0 } var input io.ReadCloser if *inputFilename == "-" { input = ioutil.NopCloser(stdin) } else { input, err = os.Open(*inputFilename) if err != nil { return 1 } defer input.Close() } var output io.WriteCloser if *outputFilename == "-" { output = nopCloser{stdout} } else { output, err = os.OpenFile(*outputFilename, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0666) if err != nil { return 1 } defer output.Close() } bufw := bufio.NewWriterSize(output, 4*1024*1024) tilelib := &tileLibrary{ retainNoCalls: true, retainTileSequences: true, } err = tilelib.LoadGob(context.Background(), input, strings.HasSuffix(*inputFilename, ".gz")) if err != nil { return 1 } err = cmd.exportTileDiffs(bufw, tilelib) if err != nil { return 1 } err = bufw.Flush() if err != nil { return 1 } err = output.Close() if err != nil { return 1 } err = input.Close() if err != nil { return 1 } return 0 } func (cmd *annotatecmd) exportTileDiffs(outw io.Writer, tilelib *tileLibrary) error { tagset := tilelib.taglib.Tags() if len(tagset) == 0 { return errors.New("cannot annotate library without tags") } taglen := len(tagset[0]) var refs []string for name := range tilelib.refseqs { refs = append(refs, name) } cmd.tag2tagid = make(map[string]tagID, len(tagset)) for tagid, tagseq := range tagset { cmd.tag2tagid[string(tagseq)] = tagID(tagid) } sort.Strings(refs) log.Infof("len(refs) %d", len(refs)) outch := make(chan string, runtime.NumCPU()*2) var outwg sync.WaitGroup defer outwg.Wait() outwg.Add(1) go func() { defer outwg.Done() for s := range outch { io.WriteString(outw, s) } }() defer close(outch) nseqs := 0 for _, refcs := range tilelib.refseqs { nseqs += len(refcs) } throttle := &throttle{Max: runtime.NumCPU()*2 + nseqs*2 + 1} defer throttle.Wait() for _, refname := range refs { refname := refname refcs := tilelib.refseqs[refname] var seqnames []string for seqname := range refcs { seqnames = append(seqnames, seqname) } sort.Strings(seqnames) for _, seqname := range seqnames { seqname := seqname throttle.Acquire() if throttle.Err() != nil { break } go func() { defer throttle.Release() throttle.Report(cmd.annotateSequence(throttle, outch, tilelib, taglen, refname, seqname, refcs[seqname], len(refs) > 1)) }() } } throttle.Wait() return throttle.Err() } func (cmd *annotatecmd) annotateSequence(throttle *throttle, outch chan<- string, tilelib *tileLibrary, taglen int, refname, seqname string, reftiles []tileLibRef, refnamecol bool) error { refnamefield := "" if refnamecol { refnamefield = "," + trimFilenameForLabel(refname) } var refseq []byte // tilestart[123] is the index into refseq // where the tile for tag 123 was placed. tilestart := map[tagID]int{} tileend := map[tagID]int{} for _, libref := range reftiles { if libref.Variant < 1 { return fmt.Errorf("reference %q seq %q uses variant zero at tag %d", refname, seqname, libref.Tag) } seq := tilelib.TileVariantSequence(libref) if len(seq) < taglen { return fmt.Errorf("reference %q seq %q uses tile %d variant %d with sequence len %d < taglen %d", refname, seqname, libref.Tag, libref.Variant, len(seq), taglen) } overlap := taglen if len(refseq) == 0 { overlap = 0 } tilestart[libref.Tag] = len(refseq) - overlap refseq = append(refseq, seq[overlap:]...) tileend[libref.Tag] = len(refseq) } log.Infof("seq %s len(refseq) %d len(tilestart) %d", seqname, len(refseq), len(tilestart)) // outtag is tag's index in the subset of tags that aren't // dropped. If there are 10M tags and half are dropped by // dropTiles, tag ranges from 0 to 10M-1 and outtag ranges // from 0 to 5M-1. // // IOW, in the matrix built by cgs2array(), {tag} is // represented by columns {outtag}*2 and {outtag}*2+1. outcol := -1 for tag, tvs := range tilelib.variant { if len(cmd.dropTiles) > tag && cmd.dropTiles[tag] { continue } tag := tagID(tag) outcol++ // Must shadow outcol var to use safely in goroutine below. outcol := outcol refstart, ok := tilestart[tag] if !ok { // Tag didn't place on this reference // sequence. (It might place on the same // chromosome in a genome anyway, but we don't // output the annotations that would result.) // outch <- fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d,-1%s\n", tag, outcol, refnamefield) continue } for variant := 1; variant <= len(tvs); variant++ { variant, hash := tileVariantID(variant), tvs[variant-1] tileseq := tilelib.TileVariantSequence(tileLibRef{Tag: tag, Variant: variant}) if len(tileseq) == 0 { continue } else if len(tileseq) < taglen { return fmt.Errorf("tilevar %d,%d has sequence len %d < taglen %d", tag, variant, len(tileseq), taglen) } var refpart []byte endtag := string(tileseq[len(tileseq)-taglen:]) if endtagid, ok := cmd.tag2tagid[endtag]; !ok { // Tile variant doesn't end on a tag, so it can only place at the end of a chromosome. refpart = refseq[refstart:] log.Warnf("%x tilevar %d,%d endtag not in ref: %s", hash[:13], tag, variant, endtag) } else if refendtagstart, ok := tilestart[endtagid]; !ok { // Ref ends a chromsome with a (possibly very large) variant of this tile, but genomes with this tile don't. // Give up. (TODO: something smarter) log.Debugf("%x not annotating tilevar %d,%d because end tag %d is not in ref", hash[:13], tag, variant, endtagid) continue } else { // Non-terminal tile vs. non-terminal reference. refpart = refseq[refstart : refendtagstart+taglen] log.Tracef("\n%x tilevar %d,%d endtag %s endtagid %d refendtagstart %d", hash[:13], tag, variant, endtag, endtagid, refendtagstart) } if len(refpart) > cmd.maxTileSize { log.Warnf("%x tilevar %d,%d skipping long diff, ref %s seq %s pos %d ref len %d", hash[:13], tag, variant, refname, seqname, refstart, len(refpart)) continue } if len(tileseq) > cmd.maxTileSize { log.Warnf("%x tilevar %d,%d skipping long diff, ref %s seq %s variant len %d", hash[:13], tag, variant, refname, seqname, len(tileseq)) continue } // log.Printf("\n%x @ refstart %d \n< %s\n> %s\n", tv.Blake2b, refstart, refpart, tileseq) throttle.Acquire() go func() { defer throttle.Release() diffs, _ := hgvs.Diff(strings.ToUpper(string(refpart)), strings.ToUpper(string(tileseq)), 0) for _, diff := range diffs { diff.Position += refstart var varid string if cmd.variantHash { varid = fmt.Sprintf("%x", hash)[:13] } else { varid = fmt.Sprintf("%d", variant) } outch <- fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d,%s%s,%s:g.%s\n", tag, outcol, varid, refnamefield, seqname, diff.String()) if cmd.reportAnnotation != nil { cmd.reportAnnotation(tag, outcol, variant, refname, seqname, diff) } } }() } } return nil }