# Copyright (C) The Lightning Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 $namespaces: arv: "http://arvados.org/cwl#" cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow label: Convert CGIVAR to VCF and BED region requirements: arv:RunInSingleContainer: {} hints: DockerRequirement: dockerPull: cgivar2vcfbed ResourceRequirement: ramMin: 12000 inputs: cgivar: type: File label: Input CGIVAR sample: type: string label: Sample name reference: type: File label: CRR reference used for cgatools cgascript: type: File label: Script invoking cgatools fixscript: type: File label: Script to fix VCF outputs: vcfgz: type: File label: Output VCF outputSource: bedtools-intersect/vcfgz bed: type: File label: BED region VCF outputSource: gvcf_regions/bed steps: cgatools-mkvcf: run: cgatools-mkvcf.cwl in: cgascript: cgascript reference: reference cgivar: cgivar sample: sample out: [vcf] fix_vcf: run: fix_vcf.cwl in: fixscript: fixscript vcf: cgatools-mkvcf/vcf out: [fixedvcf] gvcf_regions: run: gvcf_regions.cwl in: vcf: fix_vcf/fixedvcf out: [bed] bedtools-intersect: run: bedtools-intersect.cwl in: vcf: fix_vcf/fixedvcf bed: gvcf_regions/bed out: [vcfgz]