# Copyright (C) The Lightning Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 cwlVersion: v1.0 class: CommandLineTool label: RTG vcfeval to compare VCFs hints: DockerRequirement: dockerPull: vcfutil inputs: baselinevcfgz: type: File label: Baseline VCF secondaryFiles: [.tbi] callsvcfgz: type: File label: Calls VCF secondaryFiles: [.tbi] sdf: type: Directory label: RTG reference directory outputs: summary: type: File label: Summary file outputBinding: glob: "eval/summary.txt" baseCommand: [rtg, vcfeval] arguments: - prefix: "-b" valueFrom: $(inputs.baselinevcfgz) - prefix: "-c" valueFrom: $(inputs.callsvcfgz) - prefix: "-t" valueFrom: $(inputs.sdf) - prefix: "-o" valueFrom: "eval"