package main import ( "bufio" "context" "errors" "flag" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "net/http" _ "net/http/pprof" "os" "path" "sort" "strings" "" "" log "" ) type exportNumpy struct { filter filter } func (cmd *exportNumpy) RunCommand(prog string, args []string, stdin io.Reader, stdout, stderr io.Writer) int { var err error defer func() { if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", err) } }() flags := flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ContinueOnError) flags.SetOutput(stderr) pprof := flags.String("pprof", "", "serve Go profile data at http://`[addr]:port`") runlocal := flags.Bool("local", false, "run on local host (default: run in an arvados container)") projectUUID := flags.String("project", "", "project `UUID` for output data") priority := flags.Int("priority", 500, "container request priority") inputFilename := flags.String("i", "-", "input `file`") outputFilename := flags.String("o", "-", "output `file`") annotationsFilename := flags.String("output-annotations", "", "output `file` for tile variant annotations csv") librefsFilename := flags.String("output-onehot2tilevar", "", "when using -one-hot, create csv `file` mapping column# to tag# and variant#") labelsFilename := flags.String("output-labels", "", "output `file` for genome labels csv") onehot := flags.Bool("one-hot", false, "recode tile variants as one-hot") cmd.filter.Flags(flags) err = flags.Parse(args) if err == flag.ErrHelp { err = nil return 0 } else if err != nil { return 2 } if *pprof != "" { go func() { log.Println(http.ListenAndServe(*pprof, nil)) }() } if !*runlocal { if *outputFilename != "-" { err = errors.New("cannot specify output file in container mode: not implemented") return 1 } runner := arvadosContainerRunner{ Name: "lightning export-numpy", Client: arvados.NewClientFromEnv(), ProjectUUID: *projectUUID, RAM: 240000000000, VCPUs: 16, Priority: *priority, KeepCache: 1, APIAccess: true, } err = runner.TranslatePaths(inputFilename) if err != nil { return 1 } runner.Args = []string{"export-numpy", "-local=true", fmt.Sprintf("-one-hot=%v", *onehot), "-i", *inputFilename, "-o", "/mnt/output/matrix.npy", "-output-annotations", "/mnt/output/annotations.csv", "-output-onehot2tilevar", "/mnt/output/onehot2tilevar.csv", "-output-labels", "/mnt/output/labels.csv", "-max-variants", fmt.Sprintf("%d", cmd.filter.MaxVariants), "-min-coverage", fmt.Sprintf("%f", cmd.filter.MinCoverage), "-max-tag", fmt.Sprintf("%d", cmd.filter.MaxTag), } var output string output, err = runner.Run() if err != nil { return 1 } fmt.Fprintln(stdout, output+"/matrix.npy") return 0 } var input io.ReadCloser if *inputFilename == "-" { input = ioutil.NopCloser(stdin) } else { input, err = open(*inputFilename) if err != nil { return 1 } defer input.Close() } input = ioutil.NopCloser(bufio.NewReaderSize(input, 8*1024*1024)) tilelib := &tileLibrary{ retainNoCalls: true, retainTileSequences: true, compactGenomes: map[string][]tileVariantID{}, } err = tilelib.LoadGob(context.Background(), input, strings.HasSuffix(*inputFilename, ".gz"), nil) if err != nil { return 1 } err = input.Close() if err != nil { return 1 } log.Info("filtering") cmd.filter.Apply(tilelib) log.Info("tidying") tilelib.Tidy() if *annotationsFilename != "" { log.Infof("writing annotations") var annow io.WriteCloser annow, err = os.OpenFile(*annotationsFilename, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0666) if err != nil { return 1 } defer annow.Close() err = (&annotatecmd{maxTileSize: 5000}).exportTileDiffs(annow, tilelib) if err != nil { return 1 } err = annow.Close() if err != nil { return 1 } } log.Info("building numpy array") out, rows, cols, names := cgs2array(tilelib) if *labelsFilename != "" { log.Infof("writing labels to %s", *labelsFilename) var f *os.File f, err = os.OpenFile(*labelsFilename, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0777) if err != nil { return 1 } defer f.Close() _, outBasename := path.Split(*outputFilename) for i, name := range names { _, err = fmt.Fprintf(f, "%d,%q,%q\n", i, trimFilenameForLabel(name), outBasename) if err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("write %s: %w", *labelsFilename, err) return 1 } } err = f.Close() if err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("close %s: %w", *labelsFilename, err) return 1 } } log.Info("writing numpy file") var output io.WriteCloser if *outputFilename == "-" { output = nopCloser{stdout} } else { output, err = os.OpenFile(*outputFilename, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0777) if err != nil { return 1 } defer output.Close() } bufw := bufio.NewWriter(output) npw, err := gonpy.NewWriter(nopCloser{bufw}) if err != nil { return 1 } if *onehot { log.Info("recoding to onehot") recoded, librefs, recodedcols := recodeOnehot(out, cols) out, cols = recoded, recodedcols if *librefsFilename != "" { log.Infof("writing onehot column mapping") err = cmd.writeLibRefs(*librefsFilename, tilelib, librefs) if err != nil { return 1 } } } log.Info("writing numpy") npw.Shape = []int{rows, cols} npw.WriteInt16(out) err = bufw.Flush() if err != nil { return 1 } err = output.Close() if err != nil { return 1 } return 0 } func (*exportNumpy) writeLibRefs(fnm string, tilelib *tileLibrary, librefs []tileLibRef) error { f, err := os.OpenFile(fnm, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0666) if err != nil { return err } defer f.Close() for i, libref := range librefs { _, err = fmt.Fprintf(f, "%d,%d,%d\n", i, libref.Tag, libref.Variant) if err != nil { return err } } return f.Close() } func cgs2array(tilelib *tileLibrary) (data []int16, rows, cols int, cgnames []string) { for name := range tilelib.compactGenomes { cgnames = append(cgnames, name) } sort.Strings(cgnames) rows = len(tilelib.compactGenomes) for _, cg := range tilelib.compactGenomes { if cols < len(cg) { cols = len(cg) } } // flag low-quality tile variants so we can change to -1 below lowqual := make([]map[tileVariantID]bool, cols/2) for tag, variants := range tilelib.variant { lq := lowqual[tag] for varidx, hash := range variants { if len(tilelib.seq[hash]) == 0 { if lq == nil { lq = map[tileVariantID]bool{} lowqual[tag] = lq } lq[tileVariantID(varidx+1)] = true } } } data = make([]int16, rows*cols) for row, name := range cgnames { for i, v := range tilelib.compactGenomes[name] { if v > 0 && lowqual[i/2][v] { data[row*cols+i] = -1 } else { data[row*cols+i] = int16(v) } } } return } func recodeOnehot(in []int16, incols int) (out []int16, librefs []tileLibRef, outcols int) { rows := len(in) / incols maxvalue := make([]int16, incols) for row := 0; row < rows; row++ { for col := 0; col < incols; col++ { if v := in[row*incols+col]; maxvalue[col] < v { maxvalue[col] = v } } } outcol := make([]int, incols) dropped := 0 for incol, maxv := range maxvalue { outcol[incol] = outcols if maxv == 0 { dropped++ } for v := 1; v <= int(maxv); v++ { librefs = append(librefs, tileLibRef{Tag: tagID(incol), Variant: tileVariantID(v)}) outcols++ } } log.Printf("recodeOnehot: dropped %d input cols with zero maxvalue", dropped) out = make([]int16, rows*outcols) for inidx, row := 0, 0; row < rows; row++ { outrow := out[row*outcols:] for col := 0; col < incols; col++ { if v := in[inidx]; v > 0 { outrow[outcol[col]+int(v)-1] = 1 } inidx++ } } return } type nopCloser struct { io.Writer } func (nopCloser) Close() error { return nil } func trimFilenameForLabel(s string) string { if i := strings.LastIndex(s, "/"); i >= 0 { s = s[i+1:] } s = strings.TrimSuffix(s, ".gz") s = strings.TrimSuffix(s, ".fa") s = strings.TrimSuffix(s, ".fasta") s = strings.TrimSuffix(s, ".1") s = strings.TrimSuffix(s, ".2") s = strings.TrimSuffix(s, ".gz") s = strings.TrimSuffix(s, ".vcf") return s }