# Copyright (C) The Lightning Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 cwlVersion: v1.1 class: Workflow label: Impute gVCF and convert to FASTA for gVCF with NON_REF requirements: ScatterFeatureRequirement: {} SubworkflowFeatureRequirement: {} hints: DockerRequirement: dockerPull: vcfutil inputs: sampleid: type: string label: Sample ID vcf: type: File label: Input gVCF gqcutoff: type: int label: GQ (Genotype Quality) cutoff for filtering genomebed: type: File label: Whole genome BED ref: type: File label: Reference FASTA haplotypes: type: int[] label: Haplotypes of sample default: [1, 2] chrs: type: string[] refsdir: Directory mapsdir: Directory panelnocallbed: File outputs: fas: type: File[] label: Output pair of FASTAs outputSource: bcftools-consensus/fa steps: fixvcf-get_bed_varonlyvcf: run: fixvcf-get_bed_varonlyvcf.cwl in: sampleid: sampleid vcf: vcf gqcutoff: gqcutoff genomebed: genomebed out: [nocallbed, varonlyvcf] imputation-wf: run: ../imputation/imputation-wf.cwl in: sample: sampleid chrs: chrs refsdir: refsdir mapsdir: mapsdir vcf: fixvcf-get_bed_varonlyvcf/varonlyvcf nocallbed: fixvcf-get_bed_varonlyvcf/nocallbed panelnocallbed: panelnocallbed out: [phasedimputedvcf, phasedimputednocallbed] bcftools-consensus: run: bcftools-consensus.cwl scatter: haplotype in: sampleid: sampleid vcf: imputation-wf/phasedimputedvcf ref: ref haplotype: haplotypes mask: imputation-wf/phasedimputednocallbed out: [fa]