Merge branch '19785-add-cwl' into main
[lightning.git] / cwl / gvcf2fasta / untar-concat-get_bed_varonlyvcf.cwl
1 # Copyright (C) The Lightning Authors. All rights reserved.
2 #
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
5 cwlVersion: v1.1
6 class: CommandLineTool
7 label: Untar, concatenate, and get no call BED and variant only VCF from gVCF
8 requirements:
9   ShellCommandRequirement: {}
10 hints:
11   DockerRequirement:
12     dockerPull: vcfutil
13   ResourceRequirement:
14     ramMin: 5000
15     outdirMin: 40000
16 inputs:
17   sampleid:
18     type: string
19     label: Sample ID
20   vcftar:
21     type: File
22     label: Input gVCF tar
23   gqcutoff:
24     type: int
25     label: GQ (Genotype Quality) cutoff for filtering  
26   genomebed:
27     type: File
28     label: Whole genome BED
29   bashscript:
30     type: File
31     label: Script to untar and concatenate vcf tar ball
32     default:
33       class: File
34       location: src/
35 outputs:
36   nocallbed:
37     type: File
38     label: No call BED of gVCF
39     outputBinding:
40       glob: "*_nocall.bed"
41   varonlyvcf:
42     type: File
43     label: Variant only VCF
44     outputBinding:
45       glob: "*_varonly.vcf.gz"
46     secondaryFiles: [.tbi]
47 baseCommand: bash
48 arguments:
49   - $(inputs.bashscript)
50   - $(inputs.sampleid)
51   - $(inputs.vcftar)
52   - shellQuote: False
53     valueFrom: "&&"
54   - "/gvcf_regions/"
55   - prefix: "--min_GQ"
56     valueFrom: $(inputs.gqcutoff)
57   - $(inputs.sampleid).vcf.gz
58   - shellQuote: False
59     valueFrom: ">"
60   - $(inputs.sampleid).bed
61   - shellQuote: False
62     valueFrom: "&&"
63   - "bedtools"
64   - "subtract"
65   - prefix: "-a"
66     valueFrom: $(inputs.genomebed)
67   - prefix: "-b"
68     valueFrom: $(inputs.sampleid).bed
69   - shellQuote: False
70     valueFrom: ">"
71   - $(inputs.sampleid)_nocall.bed
72   - shellQuote: False
73     valueFrom: "&&"
74   - "bgzip"
75   - "-dc"
76   - $(inputs.sampleid).vcf.gz
77   - shellQuote: False
78     valueFrom: "|"
79   - "grep"
80   - "-v"
81   - "END="
82   - shellQuote: False
83     valueFrom: "|"
84   - "bgzip"
85   - "-c"
86   - shellQuote: False
87     valueFrom: ">"
88   - $(inputs.sampleid)_varonly.vcf.gz
89   - shellQuote: False
90     valueFrom: "&&"
91   - "tabix"
92   - $(inputs.sampleid)_varonly.vcf.gz
93   - shellQuote: False
94     valueFrom: "&&"
95   - "rm"
96   - $(inputs.sampleid).vcf.gz
97   - $(inputs.sampleid).bed