2015-05-19 Radhika Chippadacloses #5720
2015-05-18 Tom Clegg5720: Leave existing content in place (and schedule...
2015-05-15 Nico CesarMerge branch '5998-arvdock-bridge-option'
2015-05-15 Nico Cesar$start_bridge -> $bridge
2015-05-15 Ward VandewegeCheck in docker/sso/, forgotten in commi...
2015-05-15 Tom CleggMerge branch '5748-max-buffers-leak-TC' refs #5748
2015-05-15 Tom Clegg5748: gofmt fixes.
2015-05-15 Tom Clegg5748: Time out leak tests after 20s.
2015-05-15 Tom Clegg5748: Put() always takes a non-nil buf.
2015-05-14 Brett Smith5915: Workbench tries the anonymous reader token first...
2015-05-14 Peter Amstutz5748: Basic tests to check for bufferpool resource...
2015-05-14 Peter Amstutz5748: Fix leaks in GetBlock error handling and PutBlock...
2015-05-14 Radhika Chippadacloses #5645
2015-05-14 Radhika Chippada5645: updated comment
2015-05-14 Radhika ChippadaMerge branch 'master' into 5645-open-graph-meta-tags
2015-05-14 Radhika Chippada5645: add og:site_name to the list of open graph meta...
2015-05-12 Nico CesarMerge branch 'master' into 5998-arvdock-bridge-option
2015-05-12 Nico Cesartrailing whitespaces
2015-05-12 Nico Cesarfixing some trailing whitespaces
2015-05-12 Ward VandewegeFix sso docker container build, and enable local accoun...
2015-05-12 Nico Cesarinitial version to have a --bridge parameter
2015-05-12 Radhika ChippadaMerge branch 'master' into 5720-ajax-loading-error
2015-05-12 Radhika Chippada5720: when jqxhr readyState == 0 or status == 0, inste...
2015-05-12 Radhika Chippada5720: when jqxhr readyState == 0 or status == 0, instea...
2015-05-12 Radhika Chippada5645: added open graph meta tags to page
2015-05-12 Ward VandewegeAdd instructions to generate assets to SSO installation...
2015-05-12 Ward VandewegeReorder SSO install documentation so that the rake...
2015-05-12 Ward VandewegeEven more SSO server install instructions.
2015-05-12 Ward VandewegeUpdate SSO server documentation to match current reality.
2015-05-11 Brett SmithMerge branch '5736-node-manager-easy-slot-cleanup-wip'
2015-05-11 Brett Smith5736: Node Manager cleans node records after shutting...
2015-05-11 Brett Smith5736: Fix typo in Node Manager test comments.
2015-05-11 Brett SmithMerge branch '3793-clean-docker-images-wip'
2015-05-11 Brett Smith3793: Add Docker image cleaner service for compute...
2015-05-11 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '5992-keep-proxy-ignore-locator-hints...
2015-05-11 Peter Amstutz5992: keepproxy strips +K@{5} hints from locators befor...
2015-05-11 Radhika Chippadacloses #3454
2015-05-11 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '3198-inode-cache' refs #3198
2015-05-11 Radhika ChippadaMerge branch 'master' into 3454-default-docker-image
2015-05-11 Peter Amstutz3198: Fix Operation(inode_cache) init. Break up tests...
2015-05-11 Radhika Chippadarefs #5682 : update arvados gem version
2015-05-11 Radhika Chippadacloses #5682
2015-05-11 Radhika ChippadaMerge branch 'master' into 5682-download-file-error
2015-05-11 Radhika Chippadacloses #4467
2015-05-09 Ward VandewegeFix install instructions: create arvados repository.
2015-05-08 Tom CleggMerge branch '5748-max-buffers' refs #5748
2015-05-08 Tom Clegg5748: Update keepstore install docs (-max-buffers,...
2015-05-08 Tom Clegg5748: Log clock time for each request.
2015-05-08 Tom Clegg5748: Check for errors when writing pidfile. Keep it...
2015-05-08 Tom Clegg5748: Return the real decoder error for unparseable...
2015-05-08 Tom Clegg5748: Use a buffer pool instead of calling runtime...
2015-05-08 Radhika Chippada5720: when jqxhr readyState == 0 or status == 0, it...
2015-05-08 Tom CleggMerge branch '4882-no-host-when-container' closes ...
2015-05-08 Tom Clegg4882: If -cgroup-cid flag is given, only read container...
2015-05-07 Radhika Chippada5682: update workbench arvados gem version
2015-05-07 Radhika Chippada5682: move logic to check if '/' in filename into each_...
2015-05-07 Peter Amstutz3198: Add --file-cache and --directory-cache to arv...
2015-05-07 Peter Amstutz3198: Inodes() and Operations() take InodeCache() objec...
2015-05-07 Radhika Chippada4467: Move select_all_items and unselect_all_items...
2015-05-07 Radhika ChippadaMerge branch 'master' into 4467-project-contents-select-all
2015-05-07 Radhika Chippada3454: use configured default docker image when none...
2015-05-07 Tom CleggMerge branch '5745-serialize-content-only' closes ...
2015-05-07 Tom Clegg5745: Fix test order dependency (restore mocked methods...
2015-05-07 Tom Clegg5745: Serialize writes and data reads, but allow concur...
2015-05-07 Tom CleggMerge branch '5523-stats-error' closes #5523
2015-05-06 Ward VandewegeFix docker image build for SSO server after refactoring...
2015-05-06 Nancy Ouyangrefs #5493: Merge branch '5493-fix-yellow-gif'
2015-05-06 Nancy Ouyang5493: fix yellow gif
2015-05-06 Tom CleggMerge branch '5748-keepstore-leak' refs #5748
2015-05-06 Tom Clegg5748: Clean up comments and variable names.
2015-05-06 Tom Clegg5748: Write index data to http.ResponseWriter, instead...
2015-05-06 Brett SmithMerge branch '5842-node-manager-tighten-successful...
2015-05-06 Brett Smith5842: Node Manager only considers nodes busy if they...
2015-05-06 Brett Smith5842: Node Manager shuts down booted nodes if they...
2015-05-06 Ward VandewegeMerge branch '5926-parameterize-max-slots'
2015-05-06 Ward VandewegeImprove comment in application.default.yml based on...
2015-05-06 Ward VandewegeMake MAX_SLOTS a configurable parameter, and rename...
2015-05-06 Tom Clegg5523: Say "notice" instead of "error" when stats file...
2015-05-06 Radhika Chippada4467: add test for "Select all" and "Unselect all"...
2015-05-05 Radhika Chippada4467: add "select all" and "unselect all" buttons to...
2015-05-05 Radhika Chippadacloses #5735
2015-05-05 Radhika Chippada5735: move tiptitle into nonhtml_options
2015-05-05 Radhika ChippadaMerge branch 'master' into 5735-edit-description-box...
2015-05-05 Radhika Chippada5735: add comment
2015-05-05 Radhika Chippada5735: add a new nonhtml_options parameter to render_edi...
2015-05-04 Radhika Chippada5735: use data- for button text and button class custom...
2015-05-04 Radhika Chippada5735: exclude btn* attributes from span tag.
2015-05-04 Tom CleggMerge branch '5724-blob-signature-ttl' closes #5724
2015-05-04 Radhika ChippadaMerge branch 'master' into 5735-edit-description-box...
2015-05-04 Radhika Chippada5735: use the inline css for description only so that...
2015-05-04 Brett SmithMerge branch '5752-arv-copy-preserve-docker-timestamps...
2015-05-04 Brett Smith5752: arv-copy preserves properties of docker_image...
2015-05-04 Radhika ChippadaMerge branch 'master' into 5735-edit-description-box...
2015-05-04 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '5787-run-command-checkin' refs #5787
2015-05-04 Peter Amstutz5787: Change caught_error to last_error in to...
2015-05-04 Tom CleggMerge branch '5893-helper-stdin' closes #5893
2015-05-04 Tom CleggMerge branch '5724-blob-signature-ttl' commit '6fc44a6...
2015-05-04 Tom Clegg5724: Update reference to keepstore flag, now -blob...
2015-05-04 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '5562-pycurl-upload' closes #5562
2015-05-02 Tom Clegg5893: Remove "disable repo browsing with git2" stuff.