2016-11-10 radhikacloses #10310
2016-11-10 radhika10310: invoke index and show actions only when they...
2016-11-10 Tom Clegg10310: Check discovery doc when deciding ArvadosBase...
2016-11-10 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '10460-cwl-staging-fix' refs #10460
2016-11-08 Peter Amstutz10460: Add check for 'dockerOutputDirectory' and raise...
2016-11-08 Tom CleggMerge branch '10467-client-disconnect' refs #10467
2016-11-08 Peter Amstutz10460: Want to propagate size fields to output.
2016-11-08 Tom Clegg10467: Merge branch 'master' into 10467-client-disconnect
2016-11-08 Peter Amstutz10460: Don't use adjustFileObjs to set secondaryFiles...
2016-11-08 Tom Clegg10467: Use context.Background() for tests and backgroun...
2016-11-08 Peter Amstutz10460: Add implied secondaryFiles based on input parame...
2016-11-08 Peter Amstutz10466: Report missing 'location' in File object as...
2016-11-08 Peter Amstutz10460: Fix initialWorkDir file staging broken by change...
2016-11-07 Tom CleggMerge branch '10468-blob-storage-timeouts' closes ...
2016-11-07 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '10460-cwl-directory-literal' closes ...
2016-11-07 Peter Amstutz10460: Style tweak make_output_collection
2016-11-07 Tom CleggRun keep-exercise tests. No issue #
2016-11-07 Tom Cleggkeep-exercise: limit PRNG usage to 512KiB per write...
2016-11-07 Tom Clegg10468: Use consts for defaults.
2016-11-07 Ward VandewegePackage keep-exercise.
2016-11-07 Tom CleggUpdate keep-exercise to new SDK. No issue #
2016-11-07 Tom Clegg10467: Check for Go 1.7.
2016-11-07 Tom Clegg10467: Update keep-exercise to new SDK.
2016-11-07 Tom Clegg10467: Interrupt Compare operation if caller disconnects.
2016-11-07 Tom Clegg10467: Use ErrClientDisconnect. Convert type assertion...
2016-11-07 Tom Clegg10467: Fix context error not propagated.
2016-11-07 Tom Clegg10467: Fix ctx not propagated.
2016-11-07 Tom Clegg10467: Fix context usage: ensure cancel always gets...
2016-11-07 Tom Clegg10467: Tidy up s3 early-cancel.
2016-11-07 Tom Clegg10467: Use context instead of http.CloseNotifier to...
2016-11-07 Tom Clegg10467: Fix panic: cannot call CloseNotify() after Serve...
2016-11-07 Tom Clegg10467: Abort S3 and release buffer if caller disconnect...
2016-11-07 Tom Clegg10467: Move http request context setup out to func.
2016-11-07 Tom Clegg10467: Return "context done" error instead of 404 if...
2016-11-07 Tom Clegg10467: Add Debug flag to config.
2016-11-07 Tom Clegg10467: Abort S3 request and release buffer if caller...
2016-11-07 Tom Clegg10468: Add RequestTimeout to Azure volume config.
2016-11-07 Tom Clegg10468: Use long S3 timeouts by default, instead of...
2016-11-07 Tom Clegg10468: Add ConnectTimeout and ReadTimeout configs for...
2016-11-07 Peter Amstutz10460: Update cwltool dependency.
2016-11-04 Tom CleggMerge branch '10459-cleanup-node-dns' refs #10459
2016-11-04 Tom Clegg10459: Tidy up some verbose code.
2016-11-04 Tom Clegg10459: Remove old IP from DNS when a node changes its...
2016-11-04 Peter Amstutz10460: Support for file and directory literals when...
2016-11-04 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '10461-cwl-keepdocker' refs #10461
2016-11-04 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '9849-cwl-efficient-log-scan' refs #9849
2016-11-04 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '9849-cwl-docker-lookup' refs #9849
2016-11-04 Peter Amstutz10461: Remove arv-keepdocker pull from test_with_arvbox...
2016-11-04 Peter Amstutz10461: Add test for fetching arvados_jobs image.
2016-11-03 Peter AmstutzCheck exit code before rethrowing error from catching...
2016-11-03 Tom CleggMerge branch '10224-efficient-event-poll-startup' refs...
2016-11-03 Tom Clegg10224: Workaround Firefox failure to parse localized...
2016-11-03 Tom Clegg10224: Update tests to expect event_type="delete".
2016-11-03 Tom Clegg10224: Choose a recent-event threshold without querying...
2016-11-03 Tom Clegg10224: Change event_type to "delete" to match HTTP...
2016-11-03 Peter Amstutz9849: Provide stub log to be parsed.
2016-11-03 Peter AmstutzUse --net=host when running jobs inside arvbox to work...
2016-11-03 Peter Amstutz9849: Use one regex instead of 3 when scanning log.
2016-11-03 Peter Amstutz9849: Cache docker lookup.
2016-11-03 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '10448-cwl-runner-disable-reuse' closes...
2016-11-03 Peter Amstutz10448: Tests include enable_reuse flag and that --disab...
2016-11-03 Peter Amstutz10448: Pass through enable_reuse flag to runner.
2016-11-03 Peter AmstutzFix git log to get last log for sdk/cwl or sdk/python...
2016-11-02 radhikarefs #10231
2016-11-02 radhika10231: validate_runtime_constraints should occur before...
2016-11-02 radhikacloses #10231
2016-11-02 radhikarefs #10028
2016-11-02 radhika10028: when an "is_a" filter is used while fetching...
2016-10-31 Tom CleggMerge branch '10343-dockercleaner-config' refs #10343
2016-10-31 Tom Clegg10343: Merge branch 'master' into 10343-dockercleaner...
2016-10-31 Tom Clegg10343: Add comment about unwieldy ExecStart command.
2016-10-31 Peter AmstutzCompute correct arvados-cwl-runner version, refs #10194
2016-10-31 radhika10231: add keep_cache_ram to doc
2016-10-31 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 10231-keep-cache-runtime...
2016-10-31 Peter Amstutztag arvados/arvbox-base with latest so that FROM arvado...
2016-10-31 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '10315-new-arv-put-performance'
2016-10-28 Tom Clegg10343: Update postinst script to run on Red Hat systems...
2016-10-28 Lucas Di Pentima10315: Merge branch 'master' into 10315-new-arv-put...
2016-10-28 Lucas Di Pentima10315: Moved conditional on pending write size checking
2016-10-28 Tom Clegg10343: Improve log message.
2016-10-28 Ward VandewegeExplicitly list all root-level directories in this...
2016-10-28 Lucas Di Pentima10315: Update pending write size count just before...
2016-10-28 Lucas Di Pentima10315: Added back the BlockManager's put threads lazy...
2016-10-28 Tom Clegg10343: Update arvados-docker-cleaner install docs to...
2016-10-27 Tom Clegg10343: Allow running without config file, if -config...
2016-10-26 Ward VandewegePin the python-daemon backport for centos7, newer versi...
2016-10-26 Tom CleggMerge branch '10008-check-token-exp-on-open' refs ...
2016-10-26 Tom Clegg10008: Comment to explain known deficiencies.
2016-10-26 Lucas Di Pentima10315: Moved the BlockManager's put threads lazy loadin...
2016-10-25 Lucas Di Pentima10315: Brought back the new arv-put tests from 9701...
2016-10-25 Lucas Di Pentima10315: Enhanced performance when writing lots of small...
2016-10-25 radhikacloses #10079
2016-10-25 radhika10079: show spinner when a child component details...
2016-10-25 radhika10079: add "parent" to work_unit to aid the child display
2016-10-25 radhika10079: fixed route so that @object is available
2016-10-25 radhika10079: checking log_link on children needs to be an...
2016-10-25 radhika10079: show_child_component method needs anonymous...
2016-10-25 radhika10079: ajax to display child component details; not...
2016-10-25 radhika10079: Move Log and Output links into child details...
2016-10-25 radhika10231: update crunchrun to pass Container.RuntimeConstr...