2014-07-14 Ward VandewegeCompute nodes can now run jobs. Also, small fixes all...
2014-07-14 Ward VandewegeCompute nodes can run jobs - almost. The final arv...
2014-07-13 Ward VandewegeTwo compute nodes work at the slurm level. Crunch-dispa...
2014-07-10 Ward VandewegeFirst set of changes to add crunch-dispatch and compute...
2014-07-10 Ward VandewegeUpdate the documentation to reflect the new, safer...
2014-07-10 Ward VandewegeBe smarter about building and the --realclean option:
2014-07-10 Ward VandewegeSanitize how we handle the --ssh option in the api...
2014-07-10 Ward VandewegeBe consistent about the version of ruby that is install...
2014-07-10 Ward VandewegeWhitespace fix.
2014-07-09 Ward VandewegeAnother tweak to tutorial-job-debug.html.textile.liquid
2014-07-09 Ward VandewegeBe more explicit that is a script which...
2014-07-09 Ward VandewegeImprove arv-run-pipeline-instance's logging when it...
2014-07-09 Brett SmithGive API server arv-run-pipeline-instance bugfix.
2014-07-09 Brett Smith3201: Simplify logic to decide "My Projects" is selectable.
2014-07-09 radhikacloses #3203
2014-07-09 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 3203-workbench-tutorial
2014-07-08 Brett Smith3201: Only Projects can be moved to "My Projects."
2014-07-08 Brett Smitharv-run-pipeline-instance doesn't submit nil Job parame...
2014-07-08 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 3203-workbench-tutorial
2014-07-08 radhika3203: fix doc issues with old dashboard references.
2014-07-08 Brett SmithStart API pipeline integration test.
2014-07-08 radhika3203: fix doc issues with compute references.
2014-07-08 Brett Smith3209: arv-run-pipeline-instance sends instance body...
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzMerge branch 'resumable-output-upload'. Adds signal...
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzActually use the resume cache
2014-07-08 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 3203-workbench-tutorial
2014-07-08 radhika3203: Update the pipeline tutorial page to run pipeline...
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzTurns out sys.exit runs finally: blocks.
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzAdd debugging
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzWrong num args
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzSigHandler object
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzStill messing with signals.
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzFix wrong number of parameters
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzRecord signals a different way
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzMore work on signal handling
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzForward signals to process.
2014-07-08 radhika3203: Update "Accessing Arvados Workbench" page.
2014-07-08 radhikarefs #2380 Needed to updated all docs referencing to...
2014-07-08 radhika2380: ssh doc references are updated to point to the...
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzUse resumable upload writing output in run-command
2014-07-08 radhikacloses #2380
2014-07-08 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 2380-ssh-doc
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '3206-keepproxy-use-client-token' closes...
2014-07-08 Brett SmithMerge branch '3078-arv-put-name-links'
2014-07-08 Brett Smith3176: Fix arv-put's resume cache writing.
2014-07-08 Brett Smith3078: Add arv-put options to add the upload to a Project.
2014-07-08 Brett Smith3078: arv-put supports dynamic stderr.
2014-07-08 Brett Smith3078: arv-put always writes progress before starting...
2014-07-08 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 2380-ssh-doc
2014-07-08 radhika2380: update the add key image and text
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzKeepproxy use client-supplied token when forwarding...
2014-07-08 radhika2380: more updates
2014-07-08 radhika2380: Extract common documentation items from Unix...
2014-07-08 Peter Amstutzmissing paren typo in refs...
2014-07-08 Peter Amstutzbc-bio script links gemini reference data. refs #2991
2014-07-08 Brett Smith3204: Remove redundant pull-right from Workbench Collec...
2014-07-08 radhikarefs #3140
2014-07-08 radhika3140: revert multiple content tabs work
2014-07-07 Peter Amstutzadd 'import sys' to arvados-bcbio-nextgen. no issue #
2014-07-07 Peter AmstutzDon't use "arv" command wrapper, call arv-get/arv-put...
2014-07-07 radhika2380: one more update
2014-07-07 Peter AmstutzUpdate arvados-cli dependency to correct deployed versi...
2014-07-07 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '3123-pipeline-report-job-submit-errors...
2014-07-07 Peter AmstutzGoogle API client jsonifies the body, so we don't have to.
2014-07-07 radhika2380: rename ssh-access.html.textile.liquid as ssh...
2014-07-07 radhika2380: minor updates
2014-07-07 Peter AmstutzUpdate package version dependencies on arvados-cli...
2014-07-07 radhika2380: more updates and also correct the link to unix...
2014-07-07 Peter Amstutzarv-run-pipeline-instance sends error message to logs...
2014-07-07 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 2380-ssh-doc
2014-07-07 radhikacloses #3140
2014-07-07 Ward Vandewegecrunch-dispatch: make sure to update the info['slurm_st...
2014-07-07 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 3140-project-content-tabs
2014-07-07 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 3140-project-content-tabs
2014-07-07 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 2380-ssh-doc
2014-07-07 radhika2380: more doc updates
2014-07-07 radhika2380: minor doc updates
2014-07-07 Peter AmstutzDon't render selection check boxes when using show_file...
2014-07-07 radhika2380: minor doc updates
2014-07-07 Peter AmstutzConsider script_parameters in determining whether to...
2014-07-07 radhika2380: ssh to SSH where applicable
2014-07-07 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 2380-ssh-doc
2014-07-07 Peter AmstutzDefault arvados-bcbio-nextgen pipeline to use freebayes...
2014-07-07 Peter Amstutzarvados-bcbio-nextgen writes output now. Put write_dir...
2014-07-07 Peter AmstutzBugfix os.environ() -> os.environ[] no issue #
2014-07-07 Peter AmstutzMerge branch 'bcbio-nextgen' refs #2991
2014-07-07 Peter AmstutzAdd -n cores to run bcbio in parallel on a multicore...
2014-07-07 Peter AmstutzAdd $(node.cores) substitution to run-program, and...
2014-07-07 Peter Amstutzrun-command retry after exception when writing output...
2014-07-07 Ward VandewegeDoc: fix link to pipeline instances page in workbench.
2014-07-04 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '3185-job-invalid-without-errors' refs...
2014-07-04 Tom Clegg3185: Fix job validation failure with no errors given.
2014-07-04 Peter AmstutzUpdate api server Gemfile dependency on arvados-cli...
2014-07-04 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '2991-job-docker-images' refs #2991
2014-07-04 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '2342-run-command-wrapper' refs #2342
2014-07-04 Ward VandewegeMerge branch '3141-keep-logging-improvements'
2014-07-04 Ward Vandewegekeep: MockVolume should return os.ErrNotExist instead...
2014-07-04 Ward VandewegeRevert "Do not print an error when hitting 'not found...
2014-07-04 Peter AmstutzUpdate api server Gemfile dependency on arvados-cli...
2014-07-04 Ward VandewegeMerge branch 'master' into 3141-keep-logging-improvements