2013-11-19 Tom CleggAdd threading locks in Keep client
2013-11-19 Tom Cleggremove unused class DataReader
2013-11-19 Tom CleggEnsure script_version matches before satisfying pipelin...
2013-11-19 Tom CleggAdd /users/:uuid/event_stream action to subscribe to...
2013-11-19 Tom CleggSend job log messages to owner_uuid redis channel
2013-11-19 Tom CleggRead pipeline template from local file if --template...
2013-11-19 Ward Vandewegeun-comment ADD line for api.tar
2013-11-19 Ward VandewegeLet API server use SSO container.
2013-11-19 Ward VandewegeFixes for SSO rails app.
2013-11-19 Ward VandewegeGenerated files shouldn't have been committed.
2013-11-18 Ward VandewegeMerge branch 'master' of
2013-11-18 Tim PierceMerge branch '1579-keep-server-in-docker' of
2013-11-18 Tim PierceInstall warehouse-apps into arvados/warehouse directly...
2013-11-18 Tim PierceAdd prerequisites for Keep server described in
2013-11-18 Tim PierceAdd supervisor to start keepd when container is launched.
2013-11-18 Tim PierceBuild an arvados/warehouse container with locally check...
2013-11-18 Tim PierceInitial checkin for building warehouse-apps.
2013-11-18 Tim PierceDeploy containers with working copy of sources.
2013-11-18 Tom CleggRevert anjlab-bootstrap-rails to version 2 because...
2013-11-18 Tim PierceInstall warehouse-apps into arvados/warehouse directly...
2013-11-18 Tom CleggMove @redis.exists and .getrange outside .subscribe...
2013-11-18 Ward VandewegeAdd SSO docker container
2013-11-18 Ward VandewegeBring the name of the workbench secret token config...
2013-11-18 Tom CleggAvoid Rails cache when polling database for latest...
2013-11-18 Ward VandewegeMerge branch 'master' of
2013-11-18 Ward VandewegeAlso auto-generate _SECRET config variables when they...
2013-11-18 Tom CleggAdd Admin/Nodes page
2013-11-18 Tom CleggInclude privileged attributes in node#ping response
2013-11-18 Tom Cleggadd tests for node#ping, fix response when ping_secret...
2013-11-18 Tom CleggFix crash building api response when user is nil
2013-11-18 Tom CleggMerge branch '1600-native-keep-client'
2013-11-18 Tom CleggObey ARVADOS_API_HOST_INSECURE and use the debian trust...
2013-11-18 Tom CleggAllow all active users to retrieve list of keep nodes.
2013-11-18 Tom Cleggturn on logging if ARVADOS_DEBUG environment variable...
2013-11-18 Tom CleggUse hash to determine probe order
2013-11-18 Tom CleggAdd test case for reading and writing small Keep blocks
2013-11-18 Tom CleggUse httplib2 to connect to Keep instead of executing...
2013-11-18 Tom CleggObey ARVADOS_API_HOST_INSECURE and use the debian trust...
2013-11-15 Tim PierceAdd prerequisites for Keep server described in
2013-11-15 Ward VandewegeImprove error handling for login operations.
2013-11-15 Tom CleggAllow all active users to retrieve list of keep nodes.
2013-11-15 Tom Cleggfix error message scraping regexp
2013-11-15 Tom CleggUse more current slurm environment variable name in...
2013-11-15 Tom Cleggfix over-compensation for attempts counter when task...
2013-11-15 Tom Cleggreduce default #attempts per job task from 9 to 2
2013-11-15 Tom Cleggfix loop label syntax error introduced in 7c4460b82b8ab...
2013-11-14 Tim PierceAdd supervisor to start keepd when container is launched.
2013-11-14 Tim PierceBuild an arvados/warehouse container with locally check...
2013-11-14 Tim PierceMerge branch '1579-keep-server-in-docker' of
2013-11-14 Tom Cleggadd discovery document test
2013-11-14 Tom Cleggdelete cached discovery document during boot, so doc...
2013-11-14 Tom Cleggupdate discovery document generator for rails 3.2
2013-11-14 Tom Cleggadd generatedAt field to discovery document
2013-11-14 Tim PierceDeploy containers with working copy of sources.
2013-11-13 Tim PierceMerge branch 'master' of
2013-11-13 Tim PierceBreak out deploying vs. installation instructions.
2013-11-13 Ward VandewegeMerge branch 'master' of
2013-11-13 Ward VandewegeAdd workbench server to and
2013-11-13 Ward Vandewegedocserver container updates:
2013-11-13 Ward VandewegeFix Dockerfile comments.
2013-11-13 Ward VandewegeAdd docker image with workbench server.
2013-11-13 Tim PierceMerge branch 'master' of
2013-11-13 Tim PiercePrecompile Rails assets.
2013-11-12 Ward VandewegeAdd docker image with workbench server.
2013-11-12 Tim PierceMerge branch '1578-api-server-in-docker'
2013-11-11 Tim PierceSet nameservers at config time.
2013-11-11 Tim PierceMerge branch '1578-api-server-in-docker' of git.clinica...
2013-11-11 Tim PierceCopied Apache vhost config from qr1hi.
2013-11-11 Ward VandewegeWe want to be able to handle naked
2013-11-11 Ward VandewegeAdd sass explicitly
2013-11-11 Ward VandewegeStyle improvements -- rubocop
2013-11-11 Ward VandewegeAllow up to 10 levels of nesting for variable substitut...
2013-11-11 Tim PierceRename config.yml to config.yml.example (easier to...
2013-11-11 Ward VandewegeWe don't need the pg gem in workbench.
2013-11-11 Tom Cleggadd log_stream_href attribute to Job resource
2013-11-11 Ward VandewegeFix deprecation warning:
2013-11-11 Ward VandewegeWe don't use the bootstrap-rails gem, and it does not...
2013-11-11 Ward VandewegeFix deprecation warning:
2013-11-11 Ward VandewegeWe don't use the bootstrap-rails gem, and it does not...
2013-11-11 Tim PierceUse supervisord to start postgres + apache2 when the api
2013-11-08 Tim PierceStart the API container with supervisor, running postgr...
2013-11-08 Tim PierceInitial checkin for building warehouse-apps.
2013-11-08 Tom CleggCatch AbstractController::ActionNotFound instead of...
2013-11-08 Tom Cleggadd crunch_worker_state to Node api response. refs...
2013-11-08 Tom Cleggfix tests and behavior for nodes#list as called by...
2013-11-08 Tim PierceFix passenger filename.
2013-11-08 Tim PierceConfigure Apache and Passenger.
2013-11-08 Tim PierceBug fixes.
2013-11-07 Tim PierceSpecify all configuration settings in config.yml.
2013-11-07 Ward VandewegeAdd docker arvados/docserver build.
2013-11-07 Tom CleggUse current_user to select API response template. fixes...
2013-11-07 Tom CleggPreload all models at startup. Otherwise, in non-produc...
2013-11-07 Tom CleggAdd "not null" constraint to timestamp columns.
2013-11-07 Tom CleggRemove "test user needs createdb privilege" workaround.
2013-11-06 Tim PierceMerging the postgres container back into the api contai...
2013-11-06 Tim PierceSplitting out containers into arvados/base, arvados...
2013-11-06 Tim PierceMerge branch 'master' of
2013-11-05 Tim PierceRename "cfi" docker images to "arvados"
2013-11-05 Tom Cleggupgrade to latest Rails 3.2
2013-11-05 Tim PiercePost-install configuration script for PostgreSQL.