2013-07-11 Ward VandewegeAdd piwik support to workbench.
2013-07-10 Ward VandewegeAdd whls wrapper. This is a temporary hack. Not proud...
2013-07-10 Ward VandewegeRemove 'pre' from the gem version; otherwise we can...
2013-07-10 Ward VandewegeMerge branch 'master' of
2013-07-10 Ward VandewegeChanges for ruby sdk packaging as a gem.
2013-07-10 Tom Cleggclarify monitoring jobs until success=True
2013-07-10 Tom Cleggpipeline_templates and pipeline_instances are not admin...
2013-07-10 Tom Clegghide expired and job-specific auth tokens from workbenc...
2013-07-10 Tom Cleggfix nil bugs
2013-07-10 Tom Cleggextend pgp data tutorial
2013-07-10 Tom Cleggfix is_locked_by reference
2013-07-10 Tom Cleggfix is_locked_by reference
2013-07-10 Tom Clegguse pattern as regexp
2013-07-10 Tom Cleggupdate language on job intro page
2013-07-10 Tom Cleggfix word wrap
2013-07-10 Tom Cleggquote yaml title
2013-07-10 Tom Cleggupdate uuids for pgp data example
2013-07-10 Tom Cleggremove special group/show stuff
2013-07-10 Tom Cleggrestore uuid column
2013-07-10 Tom Cleggremove special group/show stuff
2013-07-10 Tom Cleggupdate provenance link conventions
2013-07-09 Tom Cleggshow provenance
2013-07-09 Tom Cleggfix up collections index/show
2013-07-09 Tom Cleggreword "change api endpoint to suit" reminder
2013-07-08 Ward VandewegeMerge branch 'master' of
2013-07-08 Ward VandewegeFix versoining number for arvados gem.
2013-07-08 Tom Cleggupdate example collection hash
2013-07-08 Tom Cleggrename more foreign uuid attributes
2013-07-08 Tom Cleggdocument adding crunch user
2013-07-08 Tom Cleggrename more foreign uuid attributes
2013-07-08 Tom Cleggrename foreign uuid attributes
2013-07-08 Ward VandewegeAdd some more detail about arv's dependencies and how...
2013-07-05 Tom Cleggadd identifier link to conventions list
2013-07-05 Tom Cleggstart pgp data tutorial
2013-07-01 Tom Cleggfix inflections
2013-07-01 Tom Cleggadd repository usage example and doc link
2013-07-01 Tom Cleggshow login names and config instructions on VMs page
2013-07-01 Tom Cleggrestrict visible-because-references-me to permission...
2013-07-01 Tom Cleggupdate example configs
2013-06-28 Tom Cleggfix tutorial bugs
2013-06-28 Tom Cleggfix doc link
2013-06-28 Tom Cleggpoint to tutorial if no local tutorials...
2013-06-28 Tom Cleggremove stub pages
2013-06-28 Tom Cleggadd "first job" tutorial
2013-06-28 Tom Cleggadd Data menu
2013-06-28 Tom Cleggcollections does not need to be admin-only
2013-06-28 Tom Cleggremove "add a new VM" button from non-admin VM index...
2013-06-28 Tom Cleggmore specific info about VMs page
2013-06-28 Tom Clegguse the same API host for all examples
2013-06-28 Tom Cleggupdate running and finished_at attributes at completion
2013-06-28 Tom Cleggdocument redis dependency
2013-06-28 Tom Cleggchdir out of supervise dir when starting job
2013-06-28 Tom Cleggadd pgp-survey-import
2013-06-28 Tom Cleggadd workbench favicon
2013-06-28 Tom Cleggfix up default site name
2013-06-27 Tom Cleggadd pgp-survey-parse
2013-06-27 Tom Cleggfixes and docs for testing crunch jobs locally
2013-06-27 Tom Cleggfix human/humans inflection
2013-06-27 Tom Cleggadd Human resource
2013-06-27 Tom Cleggadd Admin menu with Users and Groups
2013-06-27 Tom Cleggremove "create new api client authorization" button
2013-06-27 Tom Cleggupdate dispatch docs
2013-06-27 Tom Cleggfix editable + serialized-hash attributes
2013-06-27 Tom Cleggfix active/admin editables
2013-06-27 Tom Cleggfix editable User attributes
2013-06-27 Tom Cleggadd trait resource
2013-06-27 Tom Cleggadd util class
2013-06-26 Tom Cleggfix grammar
2013-06-26 Tom Cleggnotify admin about new users
2013-06-26 Tom Clegglink JobTasks api page
2013-06-26 Tom Clegguser#is_active fixes
2013-06-26 Tom Cleggactivate admin users created before is_active flag...
2013-06-26 Tom Cleggadd user#is_active flag
2013-06-26 Tom Cleggdocument passenger streaming setup
2013-06-26 Tom Cleggadd jobs#log_tail_follow
2013-06-25 Tom Cleggfix permissions and bugs, use decompressed_name in...
2013-06-25 Tom Cleggadd transparent gunzip support, fix string concatenatio...
2013-06-25 Tom Cleggadd transparent bz2 decompression, some tests and fixes
2013-06-25 Tom Cleggdocs and fixes
2013-06-25 Tom Cleggreader fixes
2013-06-25 Tom Cleggadd missing newline at end of manifest
2013-06-25 Tom Cleggfix KeyError in os.environ check
2013-06-25 Tom Cleggfix for bare repos
2013-06-25 Tom Clegghash and grep examples for new reader/writer tools
2013-06-25 Tom Cleggadd Reader classes, local storage mode, and basic test...
2013-06-25 Tom Clegguse which to find crunch-job instead of hoping sudo...
2013-06-23 Tom Clegguse find_or_create_by instead of rescue RecordNotUnique
2013-06-22 Tom Cleggupdate dev job docs
2013-06-22 Tom Cleggremove some leftovers from subversion support
2013-06-22 Tom Cleggfix attempts to save dev job status in arvados db
2013-06-22 Tom Cleggfix dev job id
2013-06-22 Tom Cleggshow full uuid even in uuid column on index pages
2013-06-21 Tom Cleggadd likely job dependencies section
2013-06-21 Tom Cleggsend git-archive from ctl to compute node instead of...
2013-06-21 Tom Cleggwork around sudo environment sanitizing
2013-06-21 Tom Cleggupdate docs
2013-06-20 Tom Cleggconfigurable setuid for crunch jobs
2013-06-20 Tom Cleggobey RAILS_ENV if given
2013-06-20 Tom Cleggtweak daemontools scripts
2013-06-20 Tom Cleggtweak daemontools scripts