2013-09-27 Tom CleggMigrate the test database to 0 instead of trying to...
2013-09-27 Tom Cleggadd a few fixtures and tests for API. refs #1517 refs...
2013-09-27 Tom Cleggfix down-migration: add_column should have been remove_...
2013-09-27 Tom CleggIgnore failure in data-migration part of old schema...
2013-09-27 Tom CleggFix exception if api_client_authorization does not...
2013-09-26 Tom Cleggadd local job debugging tutorial. closes #1515
2013-09-26 Tom Cleggfix exception when script_version is nil
2013-09-26 Tom Cleggadd ruby wrapper around crunch-job
2013-09-26 Tom Cleggmove crunch-job to arv-crunch-job and add to arvados...
2013-09-24 Tom Cleggfill in intro-to-git page
2013-09-24 Tom Cleggupdate API tokens doc to match current API tokens page
2013-09-24 Tom Cleggdo not munge hash keys in client-provided request....
2013-09-24 Tom Cleggtest API update semantics, confirm put/get cycle preser...
2013-09-24 Tom Cleggupdate "correct answer" hashes in collection tests...
2013-09-17 Tom CleggDuring task setup, if it exists, run /crunch_scripts...
2013-09-16 Tom Cleggpass api_token and pipeline_instance in request body...
2013-09-16 Tom CleggModify API discovery document and CLI tool so resource...
2013-09-15 Tom Cleggescape spaces in manifest filenames
2013-09-15 Tom Cleggadd CollectionWriter.write_directory_tree()
2013-09-15 Tom Cleggmaintain directory structure in collection_extract
2013-09-15 Tom Cleggfix extra empty stream in all_streams() response
2013-09-15 Tom Cleggoverwrite existing files in stream_extract
2013-09-15 Tom Cleggadd util.listdir_recursive()
2013-09-15 Tom Cleggfix os.path.dirname usage
2013-09-15 Tom Cleggfix out of scope function use
2013-09-15 Tom Cleggmkdir -p in collection_extract()
2013-09-15 Tom Cleggadd one-task-per-stream utils
2013-09-15 Tom Cleggfix stream names in CollectionWriter
2013-09-15 Tom Clegguse . as default stream name
2013-09-15 Tom Cleggfix infinite loop in flush_data
2013-09-15 Tom Cleggallow caller to override std* pipes in run_command
2013-09-15 Tom Cleggadd zipball_extract
2013-09-15 Tom Cleggadd crunch_scripts/file-select
2013-09-05 Tom CleggRevert "remove extra newline"
2013-09-05 Tom Cleggreplace compute_node_security_group config with generic...
2013-08-28 Ward VandewegeTypo in the 'create virtual machine' command.
2013-08-22 Tom Cleggfix :id -> {uuid} subst in discovery doc when generatin...
2013-08-13 Tom Cleggallow admin to change object UUIDs
2013-08-01 Tom Clegguse ssh -T to silence pty warning
2013-08-01 Tom Cleggfix spelling of arv argument
2013-08-01 Tom Cleggclean up jobs page, add expand/collapse
2013-08-01 Tom Cleggtone down css on jobs index
2013-08-01 Tom Cleggfix uuid column heading on jobs index
2013-07-31 Tom Cleggupdate crunch install doc
2013-07-31 Tom Clegglock CRUNCH_DISPATCH_LOCKFILE while running, if provided
2013-07-31 Tom Cleggadd links beside editable object uuids
2013-07-31 Tom Cleggput back :find_object_by_uuid in virtual_machines contr...
2013-07-31 Tom Cleggfix exception in get_all_logins when user has no author...
2013-07-30 Tom Clegggitignore arvados-cli gem
2013-07-30 Tom Cleggadd auth scopes
2013-07-24 Tom Cleggfix example ssh command
2013-07-23 Tom Cleggshow copy-paste-friendly current token at top of API...
2013-07-23 Tom Cleggclean up SDK examples
2013-07-22 Tom Cleggfix top nav extra padding with responsive + small window
2013-07-22 Tom Cleggfix bash "read -d" usage
2013-07-22 Tom Cleggfix backward-compatible env var
2013-07-18 Tom Cleggsay "interrupt" nicely instead of a stack trace on ^C
2013-07-18 Tom Cleggadd --no-reuse and --no-reuse-finished options to arv...
2013-07-18 Samuel Shapiroadded PuTTY instructions to docs site
2013-07-18 Ward VandewegeFix numbering of tutorials on workbench landing page.
2013-07-17 Tom Clegguse find() instead of where() to get a single object
2013-07-17 Tom Clegghide account summary bar if user is not activated yet
2013-07-17 Tom Cleggcount files instead of specimens on dashboard
2013-07-17 Tom Cleggcount accessible objects instead of owned objects on...
2013-07-17 Tom Cleggfix "pipeline run" command
2013-07-17 Tom Cleggfix pipeline component names
2013-07-17 Tom Clegguse "nano" instead of pseudocode "edit"
2013-07-17 Tom Cleggnew dashboard content
2013-07-17 Tom Cleggadd new-pipeline tutorial
2013-07-17 Tom Cleggfix command line parsing
2013-07-17 Tom Cleggadd "arv pipeline run" -> "arv-run-pipeline-instance...
2013-07-17 Tom Cleggrename wh-run-pipeline-instance to arv-run-pipeline...
2013-07-17 Tom Clegglink job and collection uuids to workbench pages
2013-07-17 Tom Cleggstrip extra newline
2013-07-17 Tom Cleggadd usr/local/arvados/src pythonpath
2013-07-17 Tom Cleggfix namespace
2013-07-17 Tom Cleggprepend to PYTHONPATH instead of replacing
2013-07-16 Tom Cleggfix job dependencies -- grok arrays and hashes in scrip...
2013-07-16 Tom Cleggadd collection-merge script
2013-07-16 Tom Cleggadd CollectionReader.manifest_text()
2013-07-16 Tom Cleggcomments
2013-07-16 Tom Cleggtweak example templates
2013-07-15 Tom Cleggadd GATK VariantFiltration tutorial
2013-07-15 Tom Cleggupdate git commit hash link target
2013-07-15 Tom Cleggadd "arv keep check"
2013-07-15 Tom Cleggopen up specimens page index and show pages
2013-07-11 Tom Clegglink to "ssh access" doc page from "authorized keys...
2013-07-11 Tom Cleggadd piwik info to workbench install doc
2013-07-11 Tom Cleggadd GATK2 VariantFiltration example crunch script
2013-07-11 Tom Cleggadd transparent decompression option to util.collection...
2013-07-11 Ward VandewegeTweak arv keep wrapper a bit more. No more output rewri...
2013-07-11 Tom Clegglazy check for # files actually retrieved
2013-07-11 Tom Cleggadd util functions, fix up tmp dirs
2013-07-11 Tom Cleggadd output & code notes to job tutorial
2013-07-11 Tom Cleggremove extra newline
2013-07-11 Ward VandewegeAdd piwik support to workbench.
2013-07-10 Ward VandewegeAdd whls wrapper. This is a temporary hack. Not proud...
2013-07-10 Ward VandewegeRemove 'pre' from the gem version; otherwise we can...
2013-07-10 Ward VandewegeMerge branch 'master' of
2013-07-10 Ward VandewegeChanges for ruby sdk packaging as a gem.