2018-08-28 Pawel Kowalczykcr changes
2018-08-28 Pawel Kowalczykinformation card in separate file
2018-08-28 Pawel Kowalczykinformation-card-view
2018-08-28 Pawel Kowalczykmerge master
2018-08-28 Pawel Kowalczykclean code
2018-08-28 Pawel Kowalczykinfo-card-view
2018-08-28 Michal KlobukowskiMerge branch '14102-actions-repository'
2018-08-28 Michal KlobukowskiUpdate main-app-bar tests
2018-08-27 Michal KlobukowskiReuse openContextMenu action
2018-08-27 Michal KlobukowskiDelegate collection actions to workbench actions
2018-08-27 Michal KlobukowskiClean up old project store
2018-08-27 Michal KlobukowskiDelegate workbench refreshing actions from project...
2018-08-27 Michal KlobukowskiMerge branch 'master'
2018-08-27 Michal KlobukowskiMerge branch 'master'
2018-08-27 Pawel KowalczykMerge branch 'master' into 13858-process-view-informati...
2018-08-27 Janicki ArturMerge branch '14103-improve-dialogs'
2018-08-27 Janicki Arturrename file and path for dialog-forms - move-to
2018-08-27 Michal KlobukowskiRemove unused file, update side panel tree actions
2018-08-27 Pawel Kowalczykinit process-view-info-card
2018-08-27 Michal KlobukowskiClean up code
2018-08-27 Janicki Arturclean code
2018-08-27 Janicki Arturclean code
2018-08-27 Janicki ArturChange move-to feature - files path, rename variables...
2018-08-27 Janicki Arturrename folder dialog-collection-copy -> dialog-copy
2018-08-27 Janicki ArturRewrite edit project - add dialog form, actions, remove...
2018-08-27 Michal KlobukowskiDelete code smells
2018-08-25 Michal KlobukowskiOptimize side panel tree
2018-08-25 Michal KlobukowskiApply wrapped unionize
2018-08-25 Michal KlobukowskiRestore context menu in side bar and breadcrumbs
2018-08-25 Michal KlobukowskiFix side panel item double collapsing
2018-08-25 Michal KlobukowskiCreate breadcrumbs actions
2018-08-24 Michal KlobukowskiExtract breadcrumbs view component
2018-08-24 Michal KlobukowskiRefactor to apply global navigation actions
2018-08-24 Janicki Arturadd dialog create project, form-fields, remove creator...
2018-08-24 Janicki ArturMerge branch 'master' into 14103-improve-dialogs
2018-08-24 Janicki Arturupdate collections create and update (forms and dialogs)
2018-08-24 Pawel KowalczykMerge branch '13897-make-a-copy-collections'
2018-08-24 Pawel Kowalczyknames
2018-08-24 Pawel Kowalczyknames
2018-08-24 Pawel Kowalczykcr
2018-08-24 Pawel Kowalczykcr changes
2018-08-24 Pawel Kowalczykcr changes
2018-08-24 Pawel Kowalczykchanged names and paths for files
2018-08-23 Michal KlobukowskiAdd utils for recognizing resource by uuid
2018-08-23 Michal KlobukowskiAdd resource service helpers, add user service, add...
2018-08-23 Janicki Arturstore - remove collection creator, modify modla for...
2018-08-23 Pawel Kowalczykcr changes + tests fix
2018-08-23 Michal KlobukowskiCreate store for custom properties
2018-08-23 Pawel Kowalczyk13897-make-a-copy-collections
2018-08-23 Janicki Arturstore - change collection update action name, create...
2018-08-23 Janicki Arturchange path for coolection updater in context menu
2018-08-23 Janicki Arturstore - remove collection updater, rewrite collection...
2018-08-22 Michal KlobukowskiExtract major components from workbench
2018-08-22 Michal KlobukowskiCreate common state for resources
2018-08-22 Michal KlobukowskiCreate unionize wrapper
2018-08-22 Pawel KowalczykMerge branch '13988-copy-refactor'
2018-08-22 Pawel KowalczykMerge branch 'master' into 13988-copy-refactor
2018-08-22 Pawel Kowalczykcr changes
2018-08-22 Pawel Kowalczykcr changes
2018-08-22 Pawel KowalczykprojectPickerTree moved to component
2018-08-22 Michal KlobukowskiMerge branch '14095-filters-in-data-explorer'
2018-08-22 Pawel Kowalczykproject-copy-using-form-dialog
2018-08-22 Michal KlobukowskiUpdate data-table tests
2018-08-22 Michal KlobukowskiUpdate condition for displaying filters
2018-08-21 Daniel KosFix setting build number
2018-08-21 Janicki Arturrefs #master Fix small bugsfor details panel and dialog...
2018-08-21 Michal KlobukowskiMerge branch '13898-fix-bad-url-in-collecions-service'
2018-08-21 Michal KlobukowskiRemove unnecesary slashes from urls
2018-08-21 Michal KlobukowskiMerge branch '13896-fix-reload-after-moving-a-project'
2018-08-21 Michal KlobukowskiBlock reloading if item is not in the tree
2018-08-21 Michal KlobukowskiMerge branch '13831-move-projects'
2018-08-21 Michal KlobukowskiUpdate test
2018-08-21 Michal KlobukowskiMerge branch 'master'
2018-08-21 Michal KlobukowskiMerge branch '14078-obtain-configuration-data-from...
2018-08-21 Michal KlobukowskiMerge branch 'master' into 14078-obtain-configuration...
2018-08-21 Pawel KowalczykMerge branch '13988-make-a-copy-popup'
2018-08-21 Pawel KowalczykMerge branch 'master' into 13988-make-a-copy-popup
2018-08-21 Pawel Kowalczykimporting by ~
2018-08-21 Janicki Arturrefs #master Add tooltip and snackbar to collection...
2018-08-21 Pawel Kowalczykmerge conflicts
2018-08-21 Pawel Kowalczykcr changes
2018-08-21 Michal KlobukowskiRefactor code
2018-08-21 Michal KlobukowskiRemove unused function from services
2018-08-21 Michal KlobukowskiRefresh lists after moving a resource
2018-08-21 Michal KlobukowskiSplit move to dialog into two separate dialogs
2018-08-21 Michal KlobukowskiUpdate ownership error check
2018-08-21 Michal KlobukowskiAdd more error handlers
2018-08-20 Michal KlobukowskiAdd sameUuid validation
2018-08-20 Michal KlobukowskiImplement resource moving
2018-08-20 Michal KlobukowskiMerge branch '14015-rename-a-file'
2018-08-20 Michal KlobukowskiRemove dialog default generic type value
2018-08-20 Michal KlobukowskiFix CR comments
2018-08-20 Pawel Kowalczyksmall refactor
2018-08-20 Pawel Kowalczykmerge master
2018-08-20 Pawel Kowalczykdefaultvalue in input
2018-08-20 Michal KlobukowskiMerge branch 'master' into 14015-rename-a-file
2018-08-20 Michal KlobukowskiMerge branch '14014-create-collection-with-selected...
2018-08-20 Michal KlobukowskiHandle collection partial copy errors
2018-08-20 Michal KlobukowskiMerge branch 'master'
2018-08-20 Pawel KowalczykMerge branch '13902-ui-move-to-popup'