2014-07-26 Tom Clegg3235: Skip data-remote links in smoke test. They might...
2014-07-26 Tom Clegg3235: Show multiple object types in top-nav Search...
2014-07-25 Tom Clegg3235: Add test case.
2014-07-25 Tom Clegg3235: Fix SQL query.
2014-07-24 Tom Clegg3235: Split GroupsController#contents logic out to...
2014-07-21 Tom Clegg3235: Fix errant merge.
2014-07-21 Tom Clegg3235: Merge branch 'master' into 3235-top-nav-site...
2014-07-21 Tom Clegg3235: Fix project dropdown, use it when choosing collec...
2014-07-21 Tom CleggRemove extra spinner. closes #3301
2014-07-21 Tom Clegg3170: Use find().all() instead of page.all() to accommo...
2014-07-21 Tom Clegg3170: Fix stale use of tab_pane_valid_state. refs ...
2014-07-21 Tom Clegg3235: Hide projects dropdown unless caller asked for it.
2014-07-21 Tom CleggMerge branch '3170-refresh-tab-pane'
2014-07-21 Tom Clegg3170: Merge branch 'master' into 3170-refresh-tab-pane
2014-07-21 Tom Clegg3170: Add comments.
2014-07-21 Brett SmithMerge branch '2044-workbench-project-sharing'
2014-07-21 Brett Smith2044: Add Workbench interface to manage project sharing.
2014-07-21 Brett Smith2044: Workbench route to share a project with others.
2014-07-21 Brett Smith2044: Workbench can query the API /permissions method.
2014-07-21 Brett Smith2044: Add more helpers to get FA icons for objects.
2014-07-21 Brett Smith2044: Workbench supports API select parameter.
2014-07-21 Brett Smith2044: API server lets group managers see group permissi...
2014-07-21 Brett Smith2044: All users can give all other users folder permiss...
2014-07-21 Brett Smith3303: Add logfile support to arv-mount.
2014-07-19 Tom Clegg3235: Top nav "search" button opens a collection chooser.
2014-07-19 Tom CleggMerge branch '3214-permission-to-use-owner-uuid'
2014-07-19 Tom Clegg3214: Merge branch 'master' into 3214-permission-to...
2014-07-18 Tom Clegg3214: Readability: rearrange conditionals, and say...
2014-07-18 Tom Clegg3214: Split independent unit tests into separate test...
2014-07-18 Brett Smith3252: Include README in Python source manifest.
2014-07-18 radhikacloses #3160
2014-07-18 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 3160-copy-unnamed-pipeline
2014-07-18 radhika3160: use blank name when copying any object with no...
2014-07-18 Brett Smith3252: Fix README location in scripts.
2014-07-18 Brett SmithMerge branch '3252-py-sdk-install-docs-wip'
2014-07-18 Tom Clegg3170: On pipeline instance page, refresh the tab panes...
2014-07-18 Tom Clegg3170: Root out evil runtime-generated javascript. Simpl...
2014-07-18 Tom Clegg3214: Fix unclosed HTML tag.
2014-07-18 Tom Clegg3214: Ensure current_user has write permission on the...
2014-07-18 Tom Clegg3214: "New project" link in top nav dropdown create...
2014-07-18 radhika3160: use blank name when copying an unnamed pipeline...
2014-07-17 Brett Smith3252: Add Python package documentation.
2014-07-17 Brett Smith3252: Make Python tests runnable from
2014-07-16 Ward VandewegeDo not set action_mailer config settings in production...
2014-07-16 Tom Clegg3220: Merge branch '3220-http-status-codes' closes...
2014-07-16 Tom Clegg3220: Fix whitespace
2014-07-15 radhikacloses #3106
2014-07-15 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 3106-modal-loading-indicator
2014-07-15 Ward Vandewege3220: fix tests
2014-07-15 Brett Smith3195: Add job reuse test.
2014-07-14 Brett SmithMerge branch '3195-bugfix-job-min-script-ver'
2014-07-14 Brett SmithImprove API server's git rev-list calls.
2014-07-14 Brett Smith3195: Improve error handling in Job creation API.
2014-07-14 Brett SmithMerge branch '2044-api-users-index-wip'
2014-07-14 Brett Smith2044: Improve API test fixtures around projects.
2014-07-14 Brett Smith2044: API filters can search on boolean columns.
2014-07-14 Brett Smith2044: Non-admins get all users' basic info from index...
2014-07-14 Brett Smith3113: Make job task test more robust.
2014-07-14 Brett SmithMerge branch '3113-qsequence-serial'
2014-07-14 Brett Smith3113: API server assigns task qsequence from a PostgreS...
2014-07-14 Tom Clegg3113: Remove qsequence assignment shim. Clarify "do...
2014-07-13 Ward VandewegeThe --pretty option was removed from arv some time...
2014-07-10 Tom CleggFix broken links to SSH key help page. no issue #
2014-07-10 Tom Clegg3220: Adjust disk corruption behavior: If both corrupt...
2014-07-10 Tom Clegg3220: Fix HTTP status codes.
2014-07-10 Ward VandewegeMerge branch '3219-further-docker-improvements'
2014-07-10 Ward VandewegeUpdate the documentation to reflect the new, safer...
2014-07-10 Ward VandewegeBe smarter about building and the --realclean option:
2014-07-10 Ward VandewegeSanitize how we handle the --ssh option in the api...
2014-07-10 Ward VandewegeMerge branch '3219-further-docker-improvements'
2014-07-10 Ward VandewegeBe consistent about the version of ruby that is install...
2014-07-10 Ward VandewegeWhitespace fix.
2014-07-09 Ward VandewegeAnother tweak to tutorial-job-debug.html.textile.liquid
2014-07-09 Ward VandewegeBe more explicit that is a script which...
2014-07-09 Ward VandewegeImprove arv-run-pipeline-instance's logging when it...
2014-07-09 Brett SmithGive API server arv-run-pipeline-instance bugfix.
2014-07-09 radhika3106: show the spinner in the middle of the popup header
2014-07-09 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 3106-modal-loading-indicator
2014-07-09 Brett Smith3201: Simplify logic to decide "My Projects" is selectable.
2014-07-09 radhikacloses #3203
2014-07-09 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 3203-workbench-tutorial
2014-07-08 Brett Smith3201: Only Projects can be moved to "My Projects."
2014-07-08 Brett Smitharv-run-pipeline-instance doesn't submit nil Job parame...
2014-07-08 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 3203-workbench-tutorial
2014-07-08 radhika3203: fix doc issues with old dashboard references.
2014-07-08 Brett SmithStart API pipeline integration test.
2014-07-08 radhika3203: fix doc issues with compute references.
2014-07-08 Brett Smith3209: arv-run-pipeline-instance sends instance body...
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzMerge branch 'resumable-output-upload'. Adds signal...
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzActually use the resume cache
2014-07-08 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 3203-workbench-tutorial
2014-07-08 radhika3203: Update the pipeline tutorial page to run pipeline...
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzTurns out sys.exit runs finally: blocks.
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzAdd debugging
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzWrong num args
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzSigHandler object
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzStill messing with signals.
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzFix wrong number of parameters
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzRecord signals a different way
2014-07-08 Peter AmstutzMore work on signal handling