2014-09-24 radhika3038: if there is a unique constraint violation when...
2014-09-23 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 3038-default-port-numbers
2014-09-23 radhika3038: test needed minor update to match current pipelin...
2014-09-23 radhika3038: Recommended default port number related update...
2014-09-23 Tom CleggReport crunch_worker_state=down for nodes not occupying...
2014-09-22 Tom CleggRevert "Bugfix: do not try to overwrite docker_image_lo...
2014-09-22 Tom CleggMerge branch '3898-job-state-attr-TC' closes #3898
2014-09-22 Tom Clegg3898: Merge branch 'master' into 3898-job-state-attr-TC
2014-09-22 Tom Clegg3898: Assume a job Failed if it has started but state...
2014-09-22 Tom Clegg3898: Assume a job Failed if it is locked but state...
2014-09-22 Ward VandewegeBugfix: do not try to overwrite docker_image_locator...
2014-09-22 radhika3898: Update tests to match the updated job status...
2014-09-22 Tom CleggMerge branch '3894-gem-version' refs #3894
2014-09-22 Tom Clegg3894: Set arvados version in Gemfile.lock to one that...
2014-09-22 Tom Clegg3898: Populate state column using SQL transaction inste...
2014-09-22 Tom Clegg3898: Add error messages to assertions. Use assert_raise.
2014-09-22 Tom Clegg3898: Clean up job state hooks and validations.
2014-09-22 Tom Clegg3894: Merge branch 'master' into 3894-gem-version
2014-09-22 Tom Clegg3894: Remove outdated README.
2014-09-22 Tom Clegg3894: Use git log --first-parent to get nearest commit...
2014-09-22 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '3605-improved-dashboard' refs #3605
2014-09-22 Peter Amstutz3605: Fix tab param['tab_pane'] merge conflicts causing...
2014-09-20 Peter Amstutz3605: Fix tab_pane rendering. Remove spurious console...
2014-09-19 Tom Clegg3894: Merge branch 'master' into 3894-gem-version
2014-09-19 Tom Clegg3894: Fix up runtime dependency specs to make bundle...
2014-09-19 Peter AmstutzMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 3605...
2014-09-19 radhikarefs #3898
2014-09-19 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 3898-job-state-attr
2014-09-19 radhika3898: added include statement
2014-09-19 Tim PierceMerge branch '3705-async-work-queue'
2014-09-19 Tim Pierce3705: rename BlockWorkList -> WorkQueue
2014-09-19 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '3187-pipeline-instance-page' into 3605...
2014-09-19 Peter AmstutzFix Canceled -> Cancelled (american vs canadian spellin...
2014-09-19 radhikacloses #3898
2014-09-19 Peter AmstutzMerge branch 'master' into 3187-pipeline-instance-page
2014-09-19 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 3898-job-state-attr
2014-09-19 Tom CleggFix Gemfile.lock to use a real gem, not a dev build...
2014-09-19 Tom CleggUse new --run-pipeline-here instead of --run-here flag...
2014-09-19 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 3898-job-state-attr
2014-09-19 radhika3898: cancelled_at takes precedence over success flag.
2014-09-19 Tom Clegg3894: gem version numbers reflect latest commit in...
2014-09-19 Tim PierceBug fix: migration requires CurrentApiClient
2014-09-19 radhika3898: look for success before running.
2014-09-19 radhika3898: couple more test assertions
2014-09-19 radhika3898: if state is changed to Running and is_locked_by_u...
2014-09-19 radhika3898: set finished_at if nil when success is changed.
2014-09-19 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 3898-job-state-attr
2014-09-19 radhika3898: add unit test for job state attribute
2014-09-19 Peter Amstutz3605: Workbench tests pass!
2014-09-18 Brett Smith3147: FUSE requires a built Python SDK.
2014-09-18 Phil HodgsonMerge branch '3661-copy-move-from-show' refs #3661
2014-09-18 Phil HodgsonMerge branch 'master' into 3661-copy-move-from-show
2014-09-18 Tom CleggMerge branch '3901-cannot-find-commit' refs #3901
2014-09-18 Brett Smith3147: Rebuild the Python SDK to satisfy FUSE version...
2014-09-18 Tom Clegg3901: Add missing error checks while copying git objects.
2014-09-18 Phil Hodgson3661: visual bug fix: button should be a link
2014-09-18 Brett SmithMerge branch '3147-py-collection-retries-wip2'
2014-09-18 Brett Smith3147: crunch-job retries data uploads more for longer...
2014-09-18 Brett Smith3147: Add retry support to FUSE driver.
2014-09-18 Brett Smith3147: FUSE driver requires a Python SDK with retry...
2014-09-18 Brett Smith3147: Add retry support to PySDK list_all utility.
2014-09-18 Brett Smith3147: Add retry support to Python CLI tools.
2014-09-18 Brett Smith3147: Add retry support to PySDK Collection objects.
2014-09-18 Brett Smith3147: Add retry support to PySDK StreamReader classes.
2014-09-18 Brett Smith3147: Make PySDK KeepClient.get and put retry_methods.
2014-09-18 Brett Smith3147: Add retry_method to the Python SDK.
2014-09-18 Brett Smith3147: Fix variable name typo.
2014-09-18 Brett Smith3147: PySDK StreamReader instantiates a KeepClient...
2014-09-18 Brett Smith3147: Move PySDK HTTP test infrastructure to testutil.
2014-09-18 Brett Smith3147: PySDK tests use mock>=1.0 and easier mock side_ef...
2014-09-18 radhika3898: db migration to add state attribute to job.
2014-09-18 Phil HodgsonMerge branch 'master' into 3661-copy-move-from-show
2014-09-18 Phil HodgsonMerge branch '3338-tab-counts' refs #3338
2014-09-18 Phil HodgsonMerge branch 'master' into 3338-tab-counts
2014-09-18 Peter AmstutzMerge branch 'master' into 3605-improved-dashboard
2014-09-18 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '3605-queue-position-size' refs #3605
2014-09-18 Peter Amstutz3605: Use #each_with_index instead of #each_index
2014-09-18 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '3605-node-info-field' refs #3605
2014-09-18 Peter Amstutz3605: Do .to_i on total_cpu_cores, total_ram_mb, and...
2014-09-18 Peter Amstutz3605: Add properties column to node. Put public-facing...
2014-09-18 Tim PierceBug fix: Added missing owner_uuid to user fixture.
2014-09-18 Tim PierceMerge branch '3927-user-owner-uuid-not-null'
2014-09-18 Tim Pierce3927: add NOT NULL constraint to User.owner_uuid
2014-09-18 Peter AmstutzMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 3605...
2014-09-18 Phil Hodgson3338: move code that sets the share_links to its own...
2014-09-18 Tom CleggUpdate Gemfiles to use latest arvados gem. refs #3550
2014-09-17 Tom CleggMerge branch '3550-local-pipeline' closes #3550
2014-09-17 Tom Clegg3550: Merge branch 'master' into 3550-local-pipeline
2014-09-17 Peter Amstutz3605: Test queue_size method and queue_position field...
2014-09-17 radhikacloses #2761
2014-09-17 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 2761-diagnostic-suite
2014-09-17 mishazMerge branch 'update-go-sdk-documentation'
2014-09-17 radhikano issue # - fix couple more places where description...
2014-09-17 Tim Pierce3411: fix failing tests
2014-09-17 Phil Hodgson3338: add a 'count-change' event that the tab panes...
2014-09-17 Tim PierceMerge branch '3411-expire-collections'
2014-09-17 Tim Pierce3411: added new collection fixtures owned by active_user
2014-09-17 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '3187-pipeline-instance-page' into 3605...
2014-09-17 radhikano issue # : fix nil issue in pipeline_templates page
2014-09-17 Peter Amstutz3187: Fix tests and some debug spew.