2014-06-16 Peter Amstutz2883: Added radio buttons to filter tasks by success...
2014-06-13 Tim PierceMerge branch 'master' into 2934-limit-crunch-logs
2014-06-13 Tom CleggFix infinite scroll in chooser. refs #2872
2014-06-13 Tim Pierce2934: add "bar" repository to test fixture
2014-06-13 Tim Pierce2934: count events and bytes in-memory
2014-06-13 Peter AmstutzFix fuse driver tests broken by changes to test fixture...
2014-06-13 Tom Clegg2872: Merge branch '2872-folder-nav' closes #2872
2014-06-13 Tom Clegg2872: Add data binding for project names in dropdown.
2014-06-13 Tim Pierce2934: add launch_crunch_dispatch to integration test
2014-06-13 Tim PierceMerge branch '2934-limit-crunch-logs' of git.curoverse...
2014-06-13 Tom Clegg2872: Merge branch 'master' into 2872-folder-nav
2014-06-13 Peter AmstutzMerge branch 'origin-2883-job-log-viewer' closes #2883
2014-06-13 Tom Clegg2753: Fix param name (filter -> filters).
2014-06-13 Peter Amstutz2883: Moved addToLogViewer function out of the template...
2014-06-13 Tom Clegg2872: Redirect to parent project after deleting a subpr...
2014-06-13 Tom Clegg2872: Fix provenance graph double-smart-scroll.
2014-06-13 Tom Clegg2961: Fix crash on pipeline_instances/compare.
2014-06-13 Tom Clegg2872: Fix test, to match fixed fixture.
2014-06-13 Tom Clegg2872: Move project_tree code into helper_methods, fix...
2014-06-12 Tom Clegg2872: Fix bugs, tweak formatting
2014-06-12 Brett SmithMerge branch '2879-docker-image-installer'
2014-06-12 Brett Smith2879: arv-keepdocker reports a better error for ambiguo...
2014-06-12 Brett Smith2879: Clarify Docker image search behavior in Keep...
2014-06-12 Brett Smith2879: Docker Keep installer returns 0 if image already...
2014-06-12 Brett Smith2879: Add arv-keepdocker command.
2014-06-12 Brett Smith2879: arv-put main() returns what it prints.
2014-06-12 Brett Smith2879: Move Python is_hex function to arvados.util.
2014-06-12 Brett Smith2879: Split arv-put's ArgumentParser into module segments.
2014-06-12 Brett Smith2879: Factor out arv-put's cache creation to a utility...
2014-06-12 Tom Clegg2755: Merge branch '2755-require-keep-permission' refs...
2014-06-12 Tom Clegg2755: Fix handling of stripped/orig manifest text.
2014-06-12 peter2883: Added filtering for crunchstat, slurm log lines.
2014-06-12 Tom Clegg2755: Preserve blob signatures in manifest_text passed...
2014-06-12 Peter AmstutzExpanded search path for cgroup stats, changed command...
2014-06-12 Peter AmstutzBugfix in logging which cgroup stats files it uses...
2014-06-12 Peter AmstutzBugfix searching for cgroup stats files. refs #2882
2014-06-12 Peter AmstutzCrunchstat logs where it reads its stats from. refs...
2014-06-12 Peter AmstutzRuns crunch script using "stdbuf -o0 -e0" so stdout...
2014-06-12 Tom Clegg2755: Fix unfinished comment.
2014-06-12 Tom Clegg2872: Fix selector in test case.
2014-06-12 Tom Clegg2872: Add "move to project" button, fix "copy to projec...
2014-06-12 Tom Clegg2872: Fix "remove" icon and pencil icon placement.
2014-06-12 Tom Clegg2872: Muster all the "move" and "add" buttons up to...
2014-06-12 Tom Clegg2872: Show projectless jobs/pipelines in "recent" list...
2014-06-12 Peter AmstutzMade a note about user how permissions are applied...
2014-06-12 Tom Clegg2872: Fix tests broken in merge.
2014-06-12 Tim Pierce2934: add limits for crunch job log generation.
2014-06-12 Peter AmstutzMerge branch 'origin-2882-job-process-stats' refs ...
2014-06-12 Peter Amstutz2882: Search subdirectories of cgroup for stats, becaus...
2014-06-12 Peter Amstutz2883: Removed commented out code related to live loadin...
2014-06-12 Tom Clegg2872: Merge branch 'master' into 2872-folder-nav
2014-06-12 Tom Clegg2872: Fix bookmark bar causing spurious window width.
2014-06-12 peter2883: Adjusted task type column width. Commented out...
2014-06-12 Tom Clegg2755: Add api server config to enable mandatory Keep...
2014-06-12 peter2883: Adjust timestamp display based on timezone and...
2014-06-11 Peter Amstutz2883: Live updating log wip
2014-06-11 Peter Amstutz2883: Styling column widths so they don't jump around...
2014-06-11 Peter Amstutz2883: Moved hardcoded styles out into a stylesheet.
2014-06-11 Peter Amstutz2883: Log viewer works, supports sorting and filtering.
2014-06-11 radhikarefs #2871
2014-06-11 radhika2871: fix the typo caught by integration test
2014-06-11 radhikacloses #2871
2014-06-11 Peter Amstutz2883: Initial work on fetching and parsing job log
2014-06-10 Ward VandewegeBugfix: the discovery doc should not clobber defaults...
2014-06-10 Peter AmstutzAdded error-handler for x-editable that extracts Arvado...
2014-06-10 radhika2871: add andand to prevent error
2014-06-10 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 2871-preload-objects
2014-06-10 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '2961-load-tab-partials' closes #2961
2014-06-10 Ward Vandewegearv-run-pipeline-instance should not keep trying to...
2014-06-10 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '2826-simple-go-sdk' closes #2826
2014-06-10 Ward VandewegeFix inconsistent JSON error return behavior on job...
2014-06-10 Brett SmithMerge branch '2880-crunch-dispatch-node-constraints'
2014-06-10 Brett Smith2880: Don't dispatch Jobs until runtime constraints...
2014-06-10 Brett Smith2880: Improve error reporting when crunch-dispatch...
2014-06-10 Brett Smith2880: crunch-dispatch must stop putting symbols in...
2014-06-10 Peter Amstutz2961: Removed calls to wait_for_ajax, fixes user tests.
2014-06-10 Peter Amstutz2961: user-setup-modal-window div is no longer in foote...
2014-06-10 Peter Amstutz2961: Don't call #render_index from #index on folders_c...
2014-06-10 Peter Amstutz2961: Do not include meta tag for websockets if there...
2014-06-10 Peter Amstutz2961: Fixed name of collection on collection show page...
2014-06-10 Peter Amstutz2961: Track valid/up to date state for each panel,...
2014-06-10 Peter Amstutz2961: Added use count so ajax loading icon is accurate...
2014-06-10 Peter Amstutz2961: Removed dangling close div.
2014-06-10 Peter Amstutz2961: Added missing user uuid to session.
2014-06-10 Peter AmstutzMerge branch 'master' into 2961-load-tab-partials
2014-06-10 Peter AmstutzFix for running workbench against server that doesn...
2014-06-10 Peter Amstutz2961: Job index needs to call super sometimes, render_i...
2014-06-10 Peter Amstutz2961: Changed index methods on some controllers to...
2014-06-10 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 2871-preload-objects
2014-06-10 radhika2871: trailing whitespace
2014-06-09 Peter AmstutzSpecify server-side keep-alive ping interval for websoc...
2014-06-09 Peter Amstutz2961: Escaped erb used embedded in javascript. Updated...
2014-06-09 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 2871-preload-objects
2014-06-09 radhika2871: test preload_objects_for_dataclass helper method
2014-06-09 Ward VandewegeAdd puma to the Gemfile for the API server; we use...
2014-06-09 radhika2871: preload_log_collections tests
2014-06-09 radhika2871: more testing
2014-06-09 radhika2871: more tests
2014-06-09 radhika2871: test invoking methods a second time to retrieve...
2014-06-09 radhika2871: add tests for get_n_objects_of_class helper method