2015-09-25 radhika7162: updated comment
2015-09-24 radhika7162: move replicasPerThread logic outside the for...
2015-09-24 radhika7162: SetServiceRoots keepproxy hints only (revert...
2015-09-24 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 7162-support-service-types
2015-09-23 radhikacloses #7329
2015-09-23 Brett Smith7321: arvados/jobs Dockerfile installs python-pip.
2015-09-23 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 7329-empty-block-issue
2015-09-23 radhika7329: improved TestableVolumeManagerFactory method...
2015-09-23 Brett Smith7321: arvados/jobs Dockerfile installs development...
2015-09-23 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 7329-empty-block-issue
2015-09-23 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '7225-collection-hang' closes #7225
2015-09-22 radhika7329: since moved functional testing into generic testi...
2015-09-22 radhika7329: add generic volume based keepstore tests to have...
2015-09-22 Peter Amstutz7225: Better exception handling for unexpected state...
2015-09-22 Peter Amstutz7225: Add test to validate fix that 2nd commit call...
2015-09-22 Peter Amstutz7225: Fix typo in _BufferBlock.set_state() that resulte...
2015-09-22 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 7329-empty-block-issue
2015-09-22 Tom Clegg7329: Fix infinite loop in Compare when reading an...
2015-09-22 radhika7162: Update code to address the bug "current code...
2015-09-22 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 7162-support-service-types
2015-09-22 radhika7162: Update datamanager code to ask for all non-proxy...
2015-09-22 Tom CleggMerge branch '7309-git-push-default' closes #7309
2015-09-22 Tom Clegg7309: Push branches explicitly in tests instead of...
2015-09-22 Tom Clegg7329: Add generic tests for empty block handling.
2015-09-21 Tom Clegg7329: Fix infinite loop in Compare when reading an...
2015-09-21 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 7162-support-service-types
2015-09-21 radhika7162: Use replicasPerService to avoid sending redundant...
2015-09-21 Brett SmithAPI server limits KeepService changes to admins.
2015-09-21 radhika7162: enhance SetServiceRoots to look for all service...
2015-09-17 radhika7329: It appears that UnixVolume -> Compare method...
2015-09-16 Brett SmithMerge branch 'pr/24'
2015-09-15 radhikarefs #7015
2015-09-15 radhika7015: correct typo in copied template uuid
2015-09-15 radhika7015: Update arv-copy user guide to use a pipeline...
2015-09-15 radhikacloses #6260
2015-09-15 radhika6260: update keepproxy test TestPostWithoutHash to...
2015-09-15 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 6260-test-datamanager
2015-09-15 radhikarefs #7179
2015-09-15 radhika7179: more updates to address golint suggestions around...
2015-09-15 Nico Cesardocker builds are failing for compute nodes.
2015-09-15 Joshua C. Randall7262: blacklists pbr >= 1.7.0
2015-09-15 radhika6260: most golint suggestions are addressed.
2015-09-14 radhika6260: so many golint complaints!!
2015-09-14 radhika6260: golint suggested updates
2015-09-14 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 6260-test-datamanager
2015-09-14 radhikacloses #7179
2015-09-14 radhika6260: golint suggestions incorporated. Also, the earlie...
2015-09-14 radhika7179: Most of golint suggested updates are made. Some...
2015-09-14 radhika7179: some more golint suggested updates
2015-09-12 radhika7179: several golint suggested updates such as "don...
2015-09-12 radhika7179: handler_test.go is now lint free according to...
2015-09-12 radhika7179: Rather than using a DoGenericReadOnlyVolumeTests...
2015-09-12 radhika7179: A few golint suggested updates. There are still...
2015-09-11 radhika7179: add TestUnixVolumeWithGenericTestsSerialized...
2015-09-11 radhikaMerge branch '7179-generic-volume-tests' of git.curover...
2015-09-11 Tom Clegg7179: Tighten Put requirements when overwriting existin...
2015-09-11 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 7179-generic-volume-tests
2015-09-11 Tom CleggMerge branch 'wtsi-hgi-fix/7310-git-v2-http-500-error...
2015-09-11 radhika7179: add generic volume test; as part of this exercise...
2015-09-11 Joshua C. Randall7310: adds git v2 style regex to match http 500 error
2015-09-10 Tom Clegg6260: Reduced-replication test requires replication...
2015-09-10 radhika7179: list out the potential tests
2015-09-10 Tom Clegg6260: Remove unnecessary Sleep()
2015-09-10 Joshua C. RandallPuts pbr 1.7.0 on blacklist for services/dockercleaner
2015-09-10 Joshua C. RandallBlacklists pbr version 1.7.0 as it is not working with...
2015-09-10 radhika6260: no longer need the
2015-09-10 Tom CleggMerge branch '7179-test-mocks' refs #7179
2015-09-10 Tom CleggMerge branch 'master' into 7179-test-mocks
2015-09-09 Tom Clegg7179: Improve comments.
2015-09-09 Peter AmstutzBrown bag typo bugfix. refs #7031
2015-09-09 Peter AmstutzCatch errors thrown by sync_node() in Azure driver...
2015-09-09 Tom Clegg6260: Fix up /status.json checks.
2015-09-09 Tom Clegg6260: Simplify verifyBlocks logic.
2015-09-09 Tom Clegg6260: Remove test for impossible condition.
2015-09-09 Tom Clegg6260: Fix up error messages.
2015-09-09 Tom Clegg6260: Remove extra hyphen from command line args.
2015-09-09 Tom Clegg6260: Just use the token loaded by the SDK (ARVADOS_API...
2015-09-09 Tom Clegg7179: Improve description of how races must be handled.
2015-09-09 Peter AmstutzBump node manager libcloud pin to dev3 refs #7031
2015-09-09 Tom CleggMerge branch '7121-fix-deadlock' closes #7121
2015-09-09 radhika6260: update datamanager.go to return error than Fatalf...
2015-09-08 radhika6260: Continue to force never_delete to be true until...
2015-09-08 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 6260-test-datamanager
2015-09-08 radhika6260: look for two replicas
2015-09-08 Tom Clegg7179: Add Volume interface specs.
2015-09-08 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '7193-provision-azure-compute' closes...
2015-09-08 Peter Amstutz7193: Tweak example config.
2015-09-08 Brett Smith7225: ArvadosFile.flush() commits all underlying blocks.
2015-09-08 Tom Clegg7121: Add collisionOrCorrupt->DiskHashError test cases...
2015-09-08 Brett Smith7170: Fix Ruby configure switch typo.
2015-09-08 Brett SmithMove down in install...
2015-09-08 Tom Clegg7121: Add comment about why buffers must be returned.
2015-09-08 radhika6260: break old blocks into used and unused sets to...
2015-09-08 radhikaMerge branch 'master' into 6260-test-datamanager
2015-09-08 Tom Clegg7121: Fixup log messages (remove excess \n, show which...
2015-09-08 Tom Clegg7121: Log all errors (except the everyday "not found...
2015-09-08 Tom Clegg7121: Clarify expected behavior of Compare() in Volume...
2015-09-08 Tom Clegg7121: Rename mutex_test.go -> mock_mutex_for_test.go
2015-09-08 Tom Clegg7121: Update comment to match new argument name.
2015-09-08 Tom Clegg7121: 7218: Get the serialize lock before opening a...