From a798952d64584cdcec2a13dc0df434692d2b521e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Peter Amstutz <>
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2019 15:03:37 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] 15531: Documentation updates

Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Peter Amstutz <>
 doc/admin/merge-remote-account.html.textile.liquid | 13 +++++++++++--
 sdk/python/tests/fed-migrate/README                |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/admin/merge-remote-account.html.textile.liquid b/doc/admin/merge-remote-account.html.textile.liquid
index 8ef4e632d0..2fa7a6e41c 100644
--- a/doc/admin/merge-remote-account.html.textile.liquid
+++ b/doc/admin/merge-remote-account.html.textile.liquid
@@ -27,7 +27,9 @@ h2. Get user report
 h3. With a LoginCluster
-Set the @ARVADOS_API_HOST@ and @ARVADOS_API_TOKEN@ environment variables to be an admin user on the @LoginCluster@.  It will automatically determine the other clusters that are listed in the federation.
+When using centralized user database as specified by "LoginCluster":federation.html#LoginCluster in the config file.
+Set the @ARVADOS_API_HOST@ and @ARVADOS_API_TOKEN@ environment variables to be an admin user on cluster in @LoginCluster@ .  It will automatically determine the other clusters that are listed in the federation.
 Next, run @arv-federation-migrate@ with the @--report@ flag:
@@ -87,7 +89,14 @@ h2. Migrate users
 To avoid disruption, advise users to log out and avoid running workflows while performing the migration.
-After updating @users.csv@, use the @--migrate@ option (add @--tokens tokens.csv@ if not using LoginCluster):
+After updating @users.csv@, you can preview the migration using the @--dry-run@ option (add @--tokens tokens.csv@ if not using LoginCluster).  This will print out what actions the migration will take (as if it were happening) and report possible problems, but not make any actual changes on any cluster:
+$ arv-federation-migrate --dry-run users.csv
+( Migrating x6b1s-tpzed-w4nhkx2rmrhlr54 to x3982-tpzed-1vl3k7knf7qihbe
+Execute the migration using the @--migrate@ option (add @--tokens tokens.csv@ if not using LoginCluster):
 $ arv-federation-migrate --migrate users.csv
diff --git a/sdk/python/tests/fed-migrate/README b/sdk/python/tests/fed-migrate/README
index d6a0560b7e..83d659d4dc 100644
--- a/sdk/python/tests/fed-migrate/README
+++ b/sdk/python/tests/fed-migrate/README
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ arv-federation-migrate should be in the path or the full path supplied
 in the 'fed_migrate' input parameter.
 # Create arvbox containers fedbox(1,2,3) for the federation
-$ cwltool --enable-ext arvbox-make-federation.cwl > fed.json
+$ cwltool --enable-ext arvbox-make-federation.cwl --arvbox_base ~/.arvbox > fed.json
 # Configure containers and run tests
 $ cwltool fed-migrate.cwl fed.json