for seg in f.segments])
for f in self._files.values()])
return ' '.join(manifest_text) + '\n'
-# class StreamWriter(StreamReader):
-# def __init__(self, tokens, keep=None, debug=False, _empty=False,
-# num_retries=0):
-# super(StreamWriter, self).__init__(tokens, keep, debug, _empty, num_retries)
-# if len(self._files) != 1:
-# raise AssertionError("StreamWriter can only have one file at a time")
-# sr = self._files.popitem()[1]
-# self._files[] = StreamFileWriter(self, sr.segments,
-# self.mutex = threading.Lock()
-# self.current_bblock = None
-# self.bufferblocks = {}
-# # wrap superclass methods in mutex
-# def _proxy_method(name):
-# method = getattr(StreamReader, name)
-# @functools.wraps(method, ('__name__', '__doc__'))
-# def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
-# with self.mutex:
-# return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
-# return wrapper
-# for _method_name in ['files', 'all_files', 'size', 'locators_and_ranges', 'readfrom', 'manifest_text']:
-# locals()[_method_name] = _proxy_method(_method_name)
-# @retry_method
-# def _keepget(self, locator, num_retries=None):
-# if locator in self.bufferblocks:
-# bb = self.bufferblocks[locator]
-# return str(bb.buffer_block[0:bb.write_pointer])
-# else:
-# return self._keep.get(locator, num_retries=num_retries)
-# def _init_bufferblock(self):
-# last = self._data_locators[-1]
-# streamoffset = last.range_start + last.range_size
-# if last.range_size == 0:
-# del self._data_locators[-1]
-# self.current_bblock = BufferBlock("bufferblock%i" % len(self.bufferblocks), streamoffset)
-# self.bufferblocks[self.current_bblock.locator] = self.current_bblock
-# self._data_locators.append(self.current_bblock.locator_list_entry)
-# def _repack_writes(self):
-# '''Test if the buffer block has more data than is referenced by actual segments
-# (this happens when a buffered write over-writes a file range written in
-# a previous buffered write). Re-pack the buffer block for efficiency
-# and to avoid leaking information.
-# '''
-# segs = self._files.values()[0].segments
-# bufferblock_segs = []
-# i = 0
-# tmp_segs = copy.copy(segs)
-# while i < len(tmp_segs):
-# # Go through each segment and identify segments that include the buffer block
-# s = tmp_segs[i]
-# if s[LOCATOR] < self.current_bblock.locator_list_entry.range_start and (s[LOCATOR] + s.range_size) > self.current_bblock.locator_list_entry.range_start:
-# # The segment straddles the previous block and the current buffer block. Split the segment.
-# b1 = self.current_bblock.locator_list_entry.range_start - s[LOCATOR]
-# b2 = (s[LOCATOR] + s.range_size) - self.current_bblock.locator_list_entry.range_start
-# bb_seg = [self.current_bblock.locator_list_entry.range_start, b2, s.range_start+b1]
-# tmp_segs[i] = [s[LOCATOR], b1, s.range_start]
-# tmp_segs.insert(i+1, bb_seg)
-# bufferblock_segs.append(bb_seg)
-# i += 1
-# elif s[LOCATOR] >= self.current_bblock.locator_list_entry.range_start:
-# # The segment's data is in the buffer block.
-# bufferblock_segs.append(s)
-# i += 1
-# # Now sum up the segments to get the total bytes
-# # of the file referencing into the buffer block.
-# write_total = sum([s.range_size for s in bufferblock_segs])
-# if write_total < self.current_bblock.locator_list_entry.range_size:
-# # There is more data in the buffer block than is actually accounted for by segments, so
-# # re-pack into a new buffer by copying over to a new buffer block.
-# new_bb = BufferBlock(self.current_bblock.locator,
-# self.current_bblock.locator_list_entry.range_start,
-# starting_size=write_total)
-# for t in bufferblock_segs:
-# t_start = t[LOCATOR] - self.current_bblock.locator_list_entry.range_start
-# t_end = t_start + t.range_size
-# t[0] = self.current_bblock.locator_list_entry.range_start + new_bb.write_pointer
-# new_bb.append(self.current_bblock.buffer_block[t_start:t_end])
-# self.current_bblock = new_bb
-# self.bufferblocks[self.current_bblock.locator] = self.current_bblock
-# self._data_locators[-1] = self.current_bblock.locator_list_entry
-# self._files.values()[0].segments = tmp_segs
-# def _commit(self):
-# # commit buffer block
-# # TODO: do 'put' in the background?
-# pdh = self._keep.put(self.current_bblock.buffer_block[0:self.current_bblock.write_pointer])
-# self._data_locators[-1][0] = pdh
-# self.current_bblock = None
-# def commit(self):
-# with self.mutex:
-# self._repack_writes()
-# self._commit()
-# def _append(self, data):
-# if len(data) > config.KEEP_BLOCK_SIZE:
-# raise ArgumentError("Please append data chunks smaller than config.KEEP_BLOCK_SIZE")
-# if self.current_bblock is None:
-# self._init_bufferblock()
-# if (self.current_bblock.write_pointer + len(data)) > config.KEEP_BLOCK_SIZE:
-# self._repack_writes()
-# if (self.current_bblock.write_pointer + len(data)) > config.KEEP_BLOCK_SIZE:
-# self._commit()
-# self._init_bufferblock()
-# self.current_bblock.append(data)
-# def append(self, data):
-# with self.mutex:
-# self._append(data)