const blob = new Blob(byteArrays, { type: contentType });
return blob
+// From
+// This command requires the async package (
+Cypress.Commands.add('waitForDom', () => {
+ cy.window().then(win => {
+ let timeElapsed = 0;
+ cy.log("Waiting for DOM mutations to complete");
+ return new Cypress.Promise((resolve) => {
+ // set the required variables
+ let async = require("async");
+ let observerConfig = { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true };
+ let items = Array.apply(null, { length: 50 }).map(, Number);
+ win.mutationCount = 0;
+ win.previousMutationCount = null;
+ // create an observer instance
+ let observer = new win.MutationObserver((mutations) => {
+ mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
+ // Only record "attributes" type mutations that are not a "class" mutation.
+ // If the mutation is not an "attributes" type, then we always record it.
+ if (mutation.type === 'attributes' && mutation.attributeName !== 'class') {
+ win.mutationCount += 1;
+ } else if (mutation.type !== 'attributes') {
+ win.mutationCount += 1;
+ }
+ });
+ // initialize the previousMutationCount
+ if (win.previousMutationCount == null) win.previousMutationCount = 0;
+ });
+ // watch the document body for the specified mutations
+ observer.observe(win.document.body, observerConfig);
+ // check the DOM for mutations up to 50 times for a maximum time of 5 seconds
+ async.eachSeries(items, function iteratee(item, callback) {
+ // keep track of the elapsed time so we can log it at the end of the command
+ timeElapsed = timeElapsed + 100;
+ // make each iteration of the loop 100ms apart
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ if (win.mutationCount === win.previousMutationCount) {
+ // pass an argument to the async callback to exit the loop
+ return callback('Resolved - DOM changes complete.');
+ } else if (win.previousMutationCount != null) {
+ // only set the previous count if the observer has checked the DOM at least once
+ win.previousMutationCount = win.mutationCount;
+ return callback();
+ } else if (win.mutationCount === 0 && win.previousMutationCount == null && item === 4) {
+ // this is an early exit in case nothing is changing in the DOM. That way we only
+ // wait 500ms instead of the full 5 seconds when no DOM changes are occurring.
+ return callback('Resolved - Exiting early since no DOM changes were detected.');
+ } else {
+ // proceed to the next iteration
+ return callback();
+ }
+ }, 100);
+ }, function done() {
+ // Log the total wait time so users can see it
+ cy.log(`DOM mutations ${timeElapsed >= 5000 ? "did not complete" : "completed"} in ${timeElapsed} ms`);
+ // disconnect the observer and resolve the promise
+ observer.disconnect();
+ resolve();
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
--- /dev/null
+ * This command tries to ensure that the elements in the DOM are actually visible
+ * and done (re)rendering. This is due to how React re-renders components.
+ *
+ * => You should only use this command in instances where a test is failing due
+ * to detached elements. Cypress will probably give you a warning along the lines
+ * of, "Element has an effective width/height of 0". This warning is not very useful
+ * in pointing out it is due to the element being detached from the DOM AFTER the
+ * cy.get command had already retrieved it. This command can save you from that
+ * by explicitly waiting for the DOM to stop changing.
+ * => This command can take anywhere from 100ms to 5 seconds to complete
+ * => This command will exit early (500ms) when no changes are occurring in the DOM.
+ * We wait a minimum of 500ms because sometimes it can take up to around that time
+ * for mutations to start occurring.
+ *
+ * GitHub Issues:
+ * * (Closed - no activity)
+ * * (Open - re-get detached elements)
+ *
+ * @example Wait for the DOM to stop changing before retrieving an element
+ * cy.waitForDom().get('#an-elements-id')
+ */
+ waitForDom(): Chainable<any>