Usage: arv keep [method] [--parameters]
Use 'arv keep [method] --help' to get more information about specific methods.
-Available methods: ls, get, put, less, check, docker
+Available methods: ls, get, put, docker
if ['get', 'put', 'ls', 'normalize'].index @sub then
# Native Arvados
exec `which arv-#{@sub}`.strip, *remaining_opts
- elsif ['less', 'check'].index @sub then
- # wh* shims
- exec `which wh#{@sub}`.strip, *remaining_opts
elsif @sub == 'docker'
exec `which arv-keepdocker`.strip, *remaining_opts
puts "Usage: arv keep [method] [--parameters]\n"
puts "Use 'arv keep [method] --help' to get more information about specific methods.\n\n"
- puts "Available methods: ls, get, put, less, check, docker"
+ puts "Available methods: ls, get, put, docker"
when 'pipeline'