rename job steps to job tasks. refs #1416
authorTom Clegg <>
Tue, 19 Mar 2013 20:30:10 +0000 (13:30 -0700)
committerTom Clegg <>
Tue, 19 Mar 2013 20:30:10 +0000 (13:30 -0700)
rename job steps to job tasks. refs #1416
14 files changed:
app/assets/javascripts/ [moved from app/assets/javascripts/ with 100% similarity]
app/assets/stylesheets/job_tasks.css.scss [moved from app/assets/stylesheets/job_steps.css.scss with 64% similarity]
app/controllers/job_steps_controller.rb [deleted file]
app/controllers/job_tasks_controller.rb [new file with mode: 0644]
app/helpers/job_steps_helper.rb [deleted file]
app/helpers/job_tasks_helper.rb [new file with mode: 0644]
app/models/job_step.rb [deleted file]
app/models/job_task.rb [new file with mode: 0644]
test/fixtures/job_tasks.yml [moved from test/fixtures/job_steps.yml with 100% similarity]
test/functional/job_tasks_controller_test.rb [moved from test/functional/job_steps_controller_test.rb with 57% similarity]
test/unit/helpers/job_steps_helper_test.rb [deleted file]
test/unit/helpers/job_tasks_helper_test.rb [new file with mode: 0644]
test/unit/job_task_test.rb [moved from test/unit/job_step_test.rb with 63% similarity]