X-Git-Url: https://git.arvados.org/arvados.git/blobdiff_plain/d6cccd7cd0c02742218b73b510d475c84e6bd5a3..e51ba73431f40cfcb6a8f2c80bb5373f23609fcd:/doc/install/salt-multi-host.html.textile.liquid diff --git a/doc/install/salt-multi-host.html.textile.liquid b/doc/install/salt-multi-host.html.textile.liquid index e1c777a332..ae76c5b58d 100644 --- a/doc/install/salt-multi-host.html.textile.liquid +++ b/doc/install/salt-multi-host.html.textile.liquid @@ -11,10 +11,11 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0 # "Introduction":#introduction # "Prerequisites and planning":#prerequisites -## "Create AWS infrastructure with Terraform":#terraform -## "Create required insfrastructure manually":#inframanual # "Download the installer":#download # "Initialize the installer":#copy_config +# "Set up your infrastructure":#setup-infra +## "Create AWS infrastructure with Terraform":#terraform +## "Create required infrastructure manually":#inframanual # "Edit local.params":#localparams # "Configure Keep storage":#keep # "Choose the SSL configuration":#certificates @@ -44,52 +45,83 @@ Determine the base domain for the cluster. This will be referred to as @${DOMAI For example, if CLUSTER is @xarv1@ and DOMAIN is @example.com@, then @controller.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ means @controller.xarv1.example.com@. -h3(#terraform). Create AWS infrastructure with Terraform +h3(#DNS). DNS hostnames for each service -To simplify the tedious and error-prone process of building a working cloud infrastructure for your Arvados cluster, we provide a set of Terraform code files that you can run against Amazon Web Services. +You will need a DNS entry for each service. When using the "Terraform script":#terraform to set up your infrastructure, these domains will be created automatically using AWS Route 53. -These files are located in the @tools/salt-install/terraform/aws/@ directory and are divided in three sections: +In the default configuration these are: -# The @vpc/@ subdirectory controls the network related infrastructure of your cluster, including firewall rules and split-horizon DNS resolution. -# The @data-storage/@ subdirectory controls the stateful part of your cluster, currently only sets up the S3 bucket for holding the Keep blocks and in the future it'll also manage the database service. -# The @services/@ subdirectory controls the hosts that will run the different services on your cluster, makes sure that they have the required software for the installer to do its job. +# @controller.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ +# @ws.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ +# @keep0.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ +# @keep1.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ +# @keep.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ +# @download.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ +# @*.collections.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ -- important note, this must be a wildcard DNS, resolving to the @keepweb@ service +# @workbench.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ +# @workbench2.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ +# @webshell.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ +# @shell.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ -h4. Software requirements & considerations +For more information, see "DNS entries and TLS certificates":install-manual-prerequisites.html#dnstls. -In addition of having "Terraform CLI":https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/tutorials/aws-get-started/install-cli tool installed on your computer, you'll also need the "AWS CLI":https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/getting-started-install.html tool and proper credentials already configured. +h2(#download). Download the installer + +{% assign local_params_src = 'multiple_hosts' %} +{% assign config_examples_src = 'multi_host/aws' %} +{% assign terraform_src = 'terraform/aws' %} +{% include 'download_installer' %} + +h2(#setup-infra). Set up your infrastructure + +## "Create AWS infrastructure with Terraform":#terraform +## "Create required infrastructure manually":#inframanual -Once all the required tools are present, as a first step you should run @terraform init@ inside each subdirectory, so that all the required modules get downloaded. If you happen to miss this step, running @terraform apply@ will just exit with a message asking for this. +h3(#terraform). Create AWS infrastructure with Terraform (AWS specific) + +We provide a set of Terraform code files that you can run to create the necessary infrastructure on Amazon Web Services. + +These files are located in the @terraform@ installer directory and are divided in three sections: + +# The @terraform/vpc/@ subdirectory controls the network related infrastructure of your cluster, including firewall rules and split-horizon DNS resolution. +# The @terraform/data-storage/@ subdirectory controls the stateful part of your cluster, currently only sets up the S3 bucket for holding the Keep blocks and in the future it'll also manage the database service. +# The @terraform/services/@ subdirectory controls the hosts that will run the different services on your cluster, makes sure that they have the required software for the installer to do its job. + +h4. Software requirements & considerations {% include 'notebox_begin' %} -The Terraform state files (that keep crucial infrastructure information from the cloud) will be saved inside each subdirectory, under the @terraform.tfstate@ name. You should keep these files secure as they contain unencrypted secrets. Research on state files management best practices is left as an exercise to the reader. +The Terraform state files (that keep crucial infrastructure information from the cloud) will be saved inside each subdirectory, under the @terraform.tfstate@ name. These will be committed to the git repository used to coordinate deployment. It is very important to keep this git repository secure, only sysadmins that will be responsible for maintaining your Arvados cluster should have access to it. {% include 'notebox_end' %} h4. Terraform code configuration -Each section described above contain a @terraform.tfvars@ file with some configuration values that you should set before applying each configuration. You'll at least need to set up the cluster prefix and domain name in @vpc/terraform.tfvars@: +Each section described above contain a @terraform.tfvars@ file with some configuration values that you should set before applying each configuration. You should set the cluster prefix and domain name in @vpc/terraform.tfvars@:
region_name = "us-east-1"
 # cluster_name = "xarv1"
 # domain_name = "example.com"
-The other @data-storage/terraform.tfvars@ and @services/terraform.tfvars@ files already have sensible defaults so you may not need to modify them. +If you don't set the variables @vpc/terraform.tfvars@ file, you will be asked to re-enter these parameters every time you run Terraform. + +The @data-storage/terraform.tfvars@ and @services/terraform.tfvars@ let you configure the location of your ssh public key (default @~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub@) and the instance type to use (default @m5a.large@). h4. Create the infrastructure -The whole infrastructure needs to be built in stages by running @terraform apply@ inside each subdirectory in the order they are listed above. Each stage will output information that is needed by a following stage. The last stage @services/@ will output the information needed to set up the cluster's domain and continue with the installer, for example: +Build the infrastructure by running @./installer.sh terraform@. The last stage will output the information needed to set up the cluster's domain and continue with the installer. for example: -
$ terraform apply
$ ./installer.sh terraform
 Apply complete! Resources: 16 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
-arvados_sg_id = "sg-02fa04a2c273166d7"
+arvados_sg_id = "sg-02f999a99973999d7"
+arvados_subnet_id = "subnet-01234567abc"
 cluster_name = "xarv1"
+compute_subnet_id = "subnet-abcdef12345"
 deploy_user = "admin"
 domain_name = "example.com"
-letsencrypt_iam_access_key_id = "AKIA43MU4DW7K57DBVSD"
-letsencrypt_iam_secret_access_key = 
+letsencrypt_iam_access_key_id = "AKAA43MAAAWAKAADAASD"
 private_ip = {
   "controller" = ""
   "keep0" = ""
@@ -106,41 +138,56 @@ public_ip = {
   "shell" = ""
   "workbench" = ""
+region_name = "us-east-1"
 route53_dns_ns = tolist([
-subnet_id = "subnet-072a139f03938b710"
 vpc_cidr = ""
-vpc_id = "vpc-0934aa4738300423a"
+vpc_id = "vpc-0999994998399923a"
+letsencrypt_iam_secret_access_key = "XXXXXSECRETACCESSKEYXXXX"
-You'll see that the @letsencrypt_iam_secret_access_key@ data is obscured; to retrieve it you'll need to run the following command inside the @services/@ subdirectory: -
$ terraform output letsencrypt_iam_secret_access_key
+h4. Additional DNS configuration + +Once Terraform has completed, the infrastructure for your Arvados cluster is up and running. One last piece of DNS configuration is required. -h4. Final actions +The domain names for your cluster (e.g.: controller.xarv1.example.com) are managed via "Route 53":https://aws.amazon.com/route53/ and the TLS certificates will be issued using "Let's Encrypt":https://letsencrypt.org/ . -At this stage, the infrastructure for your Arvados cluster is up and running, ready for the installer to connect to the instances and do the final set up. +You need to configure the parent domain to delegate to the newly created zone. In other words, you need to configure @${DOMAIN}@ (e.g. "example.com") to delegate the subdomain @${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ (e.g. "xarv1.example.com") to the nameservers for the Arvados hostname records created by Terraform. You do this by creating a @NS@ record on the parent domain that refers to the name servers listed in the Terraform output parameter @route53_dns_ns@. -The domain name for your cluster (e.g.: xarv1.example.com) is managed via Route53 and the SSL certificates will be issued using Let's Encrypt. +If your parent domain is also controlled by Route 53, the process will be like this: -Take note of the domain servers listed in @route53_dns_ns@ so you can delegate the zone to them. +# Log in to the AWS Console and navigate to the service page for *Route 53* +# Go to the list of *Hosted zones* and click on the zone for the parent domain +# Click on *Create record* +# For *Record name* put the cluster id +# For *Record type* choose @NS - Name servers for a hosted zone@ +# For *Value* add the values from Terraform output parameter @route53_dns_ns@, one hostname per line, with punctuation (quotes and commas) removed. +# Click *Create records* -You'll need to take note of @letsencrypt_iam_access_key_id@ and @letsencrypt_iam_secret_access_key@ for setting up @LE_AWS_*@ variables in @local.params@. +If the parent domain is controlled by some other service, follow the guide for the the appropriate service. -You'll also need @subnet_id@ and @arvados_sg_id@ to set up @DriverParameters.SubnetID@ and @DriverParameters.SecurityGroupIDs@ in @local_config_dir/pillars/arvados.sls@ as "described below":#create_a_compute_image. +h4. Other important output parameters + +The certificates will be requested from Let's Encrypt when you run the installer. + +* @vpc_cidr@ will be used to set @CLUSTER_INT_CIDR@ + +* You'll also need @compute_subnet_id@ and @arvados_sg_id@ to set @DriverParameters.SubnetID@ and @DriverParameters.SecurityGroupIDs@ in @local_config_dir/pillars/arvados.sls@ and when you "create a compute image":#create_a_compute_image. + +You can now proceed to "edit local.params":#localparams. h3(#inframanual). Create required infrastructure manually -If you would rather prefer to create/set up your infrastructure manually, below we provide some recommendations you will need to consider. +If you will be setting up infrastructure without using the provided Terraform script, here are the recommendations you will need to consider. h4. Virtual Private Cloud (AWS specific) -We recommend setting Arvados up in a "Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)":https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/what-is-amazon-vpc.html +We recommend setting Arvados up in its own "Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)":https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/what-is-amazon-vpc.html When you do so, you need to configure a couple of additional things: @@ -185,24 +232,6 @@ The installer will set up the Arvados services on your machines. Here is the de When using the database installed by Arvados (and not an "external database":#ext-database), the database is stored under @/var/lib/postgresql@. Arvados logs are also kept in @/var/log@ and @/var/www/arvados-api/shared/log@. Accordingly, you should ensure that the disk partition containing @/var@ has adequate storage for your planned usage. We suggest starting with 50GiB of free space on the database host. -h4(#DNS). DNS hostnames for each service - -You will need a DNS entry for each service. In the default configuration these are: - -# @controller.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ -# @ws.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ -# @keep0.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ -# @keep1.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ -# @keep.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ -# @download.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ -# @*.collections.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ -- important note, this must be a wildcard DNS, resolving to the @keepweb@ service -# @workbench.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ -# @workbench2.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ -# @webshell.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ -# @shell.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@ - -This is described in more detail in "DNS entries and TLS certificates":install-manual-prerequisites.html#dnstls. - h4. Additional prerequisites when preparing machines to run the installer # From the account where you are performing the install, passwordless @ssh@ to each machine @@ -217,28 +246,25 @@ This usually means adding the account to the @sudo@ group and having a rule like If your infrastructure differs from the setup proposed above (ie, different hostnames), you can still use the installer, but "additional customization may be necessary":#further_customization . -h2(#download). Download the installer - -{% assign local_params_src = 'multiple_hosts' %} -{% assign config_examples_src = 'multi_host/aws'%} -{% include 'download_installer' %} - h2(#localparams). Edit @local.params@ This can be found wherever you choose to initialize the install files (@~/setup-arvados-xarv1@ in these examples). # Set @CLUSTER@ to the 5-character cluster identifier (e.g "xarv1") # Set @DOMAIN@ to the base DNS domain of the environment, e.g. "example.com" -# Edit Internal IP settings. Since services share hosts, some hosts are the same. See "note about /etc/hosts":#etchosts +# Set the @*_INT_IP@ variables with the internal (private) IP addresses of each host. Since services share hosts, some hosts are the same. See "note about /etc/hosts":#etchosts # Edit @CLUSTER_INT_CIDR@, this should be the CIDR of the private network that Arvados is running on, e.g. the VPC. CIDR stands for "Classless Inter-Domain Routing" and describes which portion of the IP address that refers to the network. For example means that the first 24 bits are the network (192.168.3) and the last 8 bits are a specific host on that network. _AWS Specific: Go to the AWS console and into the VPC service, there is a column in this table view of the VPCs that gives the CIDR for the VPC (IPv4 CIDR)._ # Set @INITIAL_USER_EMAIL@ to your email address, as you will be the first admin user of the system. -# Set each @KEY@ / @TOKEN@ to a random string - Here's an easy way to create five random tokens: -
for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do
-  tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 $ ./installer.sh generate-tokens
# Set @DATABASE_PASSWORD@ to a random string (unless you "already have a database":#ext-database then you should set it to that database's password) Important! If this contains any non-alphanumeric characters, in particular ampersand ('&'), it is necessary to add backslash quoting. @@ -264,7 +290,9 @@ Open @local_config_dir/pillars/arvados.sls@ and edit as follows: # In the @arvados.cluster.Volumes.DriverParameters@ section, set @Region@ to the appropriate AWS region (e.g. 'us-east-1') -If you did not "follow the recommendend naming scheme":#keep-bucket for either the bucket or role, you'll need to update these parameters as well: +If "followed the recommendend naming scheme":#keep-bucket for both the bucket and role (or used the provided Terraform script), you're done. + +If you did not follow the recommendend naming scheme for either the bucket or role, you'll need to update these parameters as well: # Set @Bucket@ to the value of "keepstore bucket you created earlier":#keep-bucket # Set @IAMRole@ to "keepstore role you created earlier":#keep-bucket @@ -301,15 +329,21 @@ If you are installing on a different cloud provider or on HPC, other changes may Any extra Salt "state" files you add under @local_config_dir/states@ will be added to the Salt run and applied to the hosts. -h2(#create_a_compute_image). Create a compute image +h2(#create_a_compute_image). Configure compute nodes {% include 'branchname' %} -On cloud installations, containers are dispatched in Docker daemons running in the _compute instances_, which need some additional setup. If you will use a HPC scheduler such as SLURM you can skip this section. +If you will use fixed compute nodes with an HPC scheduler such as SLURM or LSF, you will need to "Set up your compute nodes with Docker":{{site.baseurl}}/install/crunch2/install-compute-node-docker.html or "Set up your compute nodes with Singularity":{{site.baseurl}}/install/crunch2/install-compute-node-singularity.html. + +On cloud installations, containers are dispatched in Docker daemons running in the _compute instances_, which need some additional setup. + +h3. Build the compute image + +Follow "the instructions to build a cloud compute node image":{{site.baseurl}}/install/crunch2-cloud/install-compute-node.html using the compute image builder script found in @arvados/tools/compute-images@ in your Arvados clone from "step 3":#download. -*Start by following "the instructions to build a cloud compute node image":{{site.baseurl}}/install/crunch2-cloud/install-compute-node.html using the "compute image builder script":https://github.com/arvados/arvados/tree/{{ branchname }}/tools/compute-images* . +h3. Configure the compute image -Once you have that image created, Open @local_config_dir/pillars/arvados.sls@ and edit as follows (AWS specific settings described here, other cloud providers will have similar settings in their respective configuration section): +Once the image has been created, open @local_config_dir/pillars/arvados.sls@ and edit as follows (AWS specific settings described here, other cloud providers will have similar settings in their respective configuration section): # In the @arvados.cluster.Containers.CloudVMs@ section: ## Set @ImageID@ to the AMI produced by Packer @@ -411,7 +445,7 @@ If you *did* configure a different authentication provider, the first user to lo h2(#post_install). After the installation -As part of the operation of @installer.sh@, it automatically creates a @git@ repository with your configuration templates. You should retain this repository but be aware that it contains sensitive information (passwords and tokens used by the Arvados services). +As part of the operation of @installer.sh@, it automatically creates a @git@ repository with your configuration templates. You should retain this repository but *be aware that it contains sensitive information* (passwords and tokens used by the Arvados services as well as cloud credentials if you used Terraform to create the infrastructure). As described in "Iterating on config changes":#iterating you may use @installer.sh deploy@ to re-run the Salt to deploy configuration changes and upgrades. However, be aware that the configuration templates created for you by @installer.sh@ are a snapshot which are not automatically kept up to date.