X-Git-Url: https://git.arvados.org/arvados.git/blobdiff_plain/3aaefcb3c76ff470b475d950398d01255e87712a..3236e0cbbe0fcb9e684d63a0ffac4d1f4a0d96b8:/doc/install/crunch2-cloud/install-dispatch-cloud.html.textile.liquid diff --git a/doc/install/crunch2-cloud/install-dispatch-cloud.html.textile.liquid b/doc/install/crunch2-cloud/install-dispatch-cloud.html.textile.liquid index 151e211653..579ec6e1b3 100644 --- a/doc/install/crunch2-cloud/install-dispatch-cloud.html.textile.liquid +++ b/doc/install/crunch2-cloud/install-dispatch-cloud.html.textile.liquid @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0 {% endcomment %} {% include 'notebox_begin_warning' %} -arvados-dispatch-cloud is only relevant for cloud installations. Skip this section if you are installing an on premises cluster that will spool jobs to Slurm. +@arvados-dispatch-cloud@ is only relevant for cloud installations. Skip this section if you are installing an on premises cluster that will spool jobs to Slurm or LSF. {% include 'notebox_end' %} # "Introduction":#introduction @@ -27,11 +27,13 @@ The cloud dispatch service is for running containers on cloud VMs. It works with The cloud dispatch service can run on any node that can connect to the Arvados API service, the cloud provider's API, and the SSH service on cloud VMs. It is not resource-intensive, so you can run it on the API server node. +More detail about the internal operation of the dispatcher can be found in the "architecture section":{{site.baseurl}}/architecture/dispatchcloud.html. + h2(#update-config). Update config.yml h3. Configure CloudVMs -Add or update the following portions of your cluster configuration file, @config.yml@. Refer to "config.defaults.yml":{{site.baseurl}}/admin/config.html for information about additional configuration options. The @DispatchPrivateKey@ should be the *private* key generated in "the previous section":install-compute-node.html#sshkeypair. +Add or update the following portions of your cluster configuration file, @config.yml@. Refer to "config.defaults.yml":{{site.baseurl}}/admin/config.html for information about additional configuration options. The @DispatchPrivateKey@ should be the *private* key generated in "Create a SSH keypair":install-compute-node.html#sshkeypair .
@@ -72,16 +74,102 @@ Add or update the following portions of your cluster configuration file, @config
-h4. Minimal configuration example for Amazon EC2 +h3(#GPUsupport). NVIDIA GPU support + +To specify instance types with NVIDIA GPUs, "the compute image must be built with CUDA support":install-compute-node.html#nvidia , and you must include an additional @CUDA@ section: + + +
+      g4dn:
+        ProviderType: g4dn.xlarge
+        VCPUs: 4
+        RAM: 16GiB
+        IncludedScratch: 125GB
+        Price: 0.56
+        CUDA:
+          DriverVersion: "11.4"
+          HardwareCapability: "7.5"
+          DeviceCount: 1
+ +The @DriverVersion@ is the version of the CUDA toolkit installed in your compute image (in X.Y format, do not include the patchlevel). The @HardwareCapability@ is the "CUDA compute capability of the GPUs available for this instance type":https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-gpus. The @DeviceCount@ is the number of GPU cores available for this instance type. + +h3(#aws-ebs-autoscaler). EBS Autoscale configuration + +See "Autoscaling compute node scratch space":install-compute-node.html#aws-ebs-autoscaler for details about compute image configuration. + +The @Containers.InstanceTypes@ list should be modified so that all @AddedScratch@ lines are removed, and the @IncludedScratch@ value should be set to 5 TB. This way, the scratch space requirements will be met by all the defined instance type. For example: + +
+      c5large:
+        ProviderType: c5.large
+        VCPUs: 2
+        RAM: 4GiB
+        IncludedScratch: 5TB
+        Price: 0.085
+      m5large:
+        ProviderType: m5.large
+        VCPUs: 2
+        RAM: 8GiB
+        IncludedScratch: 5TB
+        Price: 0.096
+ +You will also need to create an IAM role in AWS with these permissions: + +
+    "Statement": [
+        {
+            "Effect": "Allow",
+            "Action": [
+                "ec2:AttachVolume",
+                "ec2:DescribeVolumeStatus",
+                "ec2:DescribeVolumes",
+                "ec2:DescribeTags",
+                "ec2:ModifyInstanceAttribute",
+                "ec2:DescribeVolumeAttribute",
+                "ec2:CreateVolume",
+                "ec2:DeleteVolume",
+                "ec2:CreateTags"
+            ],
+            "Resource": "*"
+        }
+    ]
+ +Then set @Containers.CloudVMs.DriverParameters.IAMInstanceProfile@ to the name of the IAM role. This will make @arvados-dispatch-cloud@ pass an IAM instance profile to the compute nodes when they start up, giving them sufficient permissions to attach and grow EBS volumes. + +h3. AWS Credentials for Local Keepstore on Compute node + +When @Containers.LocalKeepBlobBuffersPerVCPU@ is non-zero, the compute node will spin up a local Keepstore service for direct storage access. If Keep is backed by S3, the compute node will need to be able to access the S3 bucket. + +If the AWS credentials for S3 access are configured in @config.yml@ (i.e. @Volumes.DriverParameters.AccessKeyID@ and @Volumes.DriverParameters.SecretAccessKey@), these credentials will be made available to the local Keepstore on the compute node to access S3 directly and no further configuration is necessary. + +Alternatively, if an IAM role is configured in @config.yml@ (i.e. @Volumes.DriverParameters.IAMRole@), the name of an instance profile that corresponds to this role ("often identical to the name of the IAM role":https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/iam-roles-for-amazon-ec2.html#ec2-instance-profile) must be configured in the @CloudVMs.DriverParameters.IAMInstanceProfile@ parameter. + +*If you are also using EBS Autoscale feature, the role in IAMInstanceProfile must have both ec2 and s3 permissions.* + +Finally, if @config.yml@ does not have @Volumes.DriverParameters.AccessKeyID@, @Volumes.DriverParameters.SecretAccessKey@ or @Volumes.DriverParameters.IAMRole@ defined, Keepstore uses the IAM role attached to the node, whatever it may be called. The @CloudVMs.DriverParameters.IAMInstanceProfile@ parameter must then still be configured with the name of a profile whose IAM role has permission to access the S3 bucket(s). That way, @arvados-dispatch-cloud@ can attach the IAM role to the compute node as it is created. + +h3. Minimal configuration example for Amazon EC2 + +The ImageID value is the compute node image that was built in "the previous section":install-compute-node.html#aws.
-        ImageID: ami-01234567890abcdef
+        ImageID: ami-01234567890abcdef
         Driver: ec2
+          # If you are not using an IAM role for authentication, specify access
+          # credentials here. Otherwise, omit or set AccessKeyID and
+          # SecretAccessKey to an empty value.
           - sg-0123abcd
           SubnetID: subnet-0123abcd
@@ -91,14 +179,49 @@ h4. Minimal configuration example for Amazon EC2
-h4. Minimal configuration example for Azure +h3(#IAM). Example IAM policy for cloud dispatcher + +Example policy for the IAM role used by the cloud dispatcher: + + +
+    "Id": "arvados-dispatch-cloud policy",
+    "Statement": [
+        {
+            "Effect": "Allow",
+            "Action": [
+                  "ec2:CreateTags",
+                  "ec2:Describe*",
+                  "ec2:CreateImage",
+                  "ec2:CreateKeyPair",
+                  "ec2:ImportKeyPair",
+                  "ec2:DeleteKeyPair",
+                  "ec2:RunInstances",
+                  "ec2:StopInstances",
+                  "ec2:TerminateInstances",
+                  "ec2:ModifyInstanceAttribute",
+                  "ec2:CreateSecurityGroup",
+                  "ec2:DeleteSecurityGroup",
+                  "iam:PassRole"
+            ],
+            "Resource": "*"
+        }
+    ]
+ +h3. Minimal configuration example for Azure Using managed disks: +The ImageID value is the compute node image that was built in "the previous section":install-compute-node.html#azure. +
-        ImageID: "zzzzz-compute-v1597349873"
+        ImageID: "zzzzz-compute-v1597349873"
         Driver: azure
         # (azure) managed disks: set MaxConcurrentInstanceCreateOps to 20 to avoid timeouts, cf
         # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/linux/capture-image
@@ -134,7 +257,7 @@ Using an image from a shared image gallery:
-        ImageID: "shared_image_gallery_image_definition_name"
+        ImageID: "shared_image_gallery_image_definition_name"
         Driver: azure
           # Credentials.
@@ -167,10 +290,12 @@ Using an image from a shared image gallery:
 Using unmanaged disks (deprecated):
+The ImageID value is the compute node image that was built in "the previous section":install-compute-node.html#azure.
-        ImageID: "https://zzzzzzzz.blob.core.windows.net/system/Microsoft.Compute/Images/images/zzzzz-compute-osDisk.55555555-5555-5555-5555-555555555555.vhd"
+        ImageID: "https://zzzzzzzz.blob.core.windows.net/system/Microsoft.Compute/Images/images/zzzzz-compute-osDisk.55555555-5555-5555-5555-555555555555.vhd"
         Driver: azure
           # Credentials.
@@ -255,39 +380,27 @@ h2(#confirm-working). Confirm working installation
 On the dispatch node, start monitoring the arvados-dispatch-cloud logs:
~$ sudo journalctl -o cat -fu arvados-dispatch-cloud.service
# journalctl -o cat -fu arvados-dispatch-cloud.service
-"Make sure to install the arvados/jobs image.":../install-jobs-image.html - -Submit a simple container request: +In another terminal window, use the diagnostics tool to run a simple container. -
shell:~$ arv container_request create --container-request '{
-  "name":            "test",
-  "state":           "Committed",
-  "priority":        1,
-  "container_image": "arvados/jobs:latest",
-  "command":         ["echo", "Hello, Crunch!"],
-  "output_path":     "/out",
-  "mounts": {
-    "/out": {
-      "kind":        "tmp",
-      "capacity":    1000
-    }
-  },
-  "runtime_constraints": {
-    "vcpus": 1,
-    "ram": 1048576
-  }
# arvados-client sudo diagnostics
+INFO       5: running health check (same as `arvados-server check`)
+INFO      10: getting discovery document from https://zzzzz.arvadosapi.com/discovery/v1/apis/arvados/v1/rest
+INFO     160: running a container
+INFO      ... container request submitted, waiting up to 10m for container to run
-This command should return a record with a @container_uuid@ field. Once @arvados-dispatch-cloud@ polls the API server for new containers to run, you should see it dispatch that same container. +After performing a number of other quick tests, this will submit a new container request and wait for it to finish. -The @arvados-dispatch-cloud@ API provides a list of queued and running jobs and cloud instances. Use your @ManagementToken@ to test the dispatcher's endpoint. For example, when one container is running: +While the diagnostics tool is waiting, the @arvados-dispatch-cloud@ logs will show details about creating a cloud instance, waiting for it to be ready, and scheduling the new container on it. + +You can also use the "arvados-dispatch-cloud API":{{site.baseurl}}/api/dispatch.html to get a list of queued and running jobs and cloud instances. Use your @ManagementToken@ to test the dispatcher's endpoint. For example, when one container is running:
~$ curl -sH "Authorization: Bearer $token" http://localhost:9006/arvados/v1/dispatch/containers
@@ -327,8 +440,6 @@ The @arvados-dispatch-cloud@ API provides a list of queued and running jobs and
 A similar request can be made to the @http://localhost:9006/arvados/v1/dispatch/instances@ endpoint.
-When the container finishes, the dispatcher will log it.
 After the container finishes, you can get the container record by UUID *from a shell server* to see its results: