# "Limitations of the single host install":#limitations
# "Prerequisites and planning":#prerequisites
# "Download the installer":#download
-# "Edit local.params":#localparams
+# "Edit local.params* files":#localparams
# "Choose the SSL configuration":#certificates
## "Using a self-signed certificate":#self-signed
## "Using a Let's Encrypt certificate":#lets-encrypt
If you are using multiple hostnames, determine the base domain for the cluster. This will be referred to as @${DOMAIN}@.
-For example, if CLUSTER is @xarv1@ and DOMAIN is @example.com@, then @controller.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@" means @controller.xargv1.example.com@.
+For example, if CLUSTER is @xarv1@ and DOMAIN is @example.com@, then @controller.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@" means @controller.xarv1.example.com@.
h3. Machine specification
# @workbench2.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@
# @webshell.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@
# @shell.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@
+# @prometheus.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@
+# @grafana.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}@
This is described in more detail in "DNS entries and TLS certificates":install-manual-prerequisites.html#dnstls.
If you are using multiple hostname configuration, substitute 'multiple_hostnames' where it says 'single_hostname' in the command above.
-h2(#localparams). Edit @local.params@
+h2(#localparams). Edit @local.params*@ files
-This can be found wherever you choose to initialize the install files (@~/setup-arvados-xarv1@ in these examples).
+The cluster configuration parameters are included in two files: @local.params@ and @local.params.secrets@. These files can be found wherever you choose to initialize the installation files (e.g., @~/setup-arvados-xarv1@ in these examples).
+The @local.params.secrets@ file is intended to store security-sensitive data such as passwords, private keys, tokens, etc. Depending on the security requirements of the cluster deployment, you may wish to store this file in a secrets store like AWS Secrets Manager or Jenkins credentials.
+h3. Parameters from @local.params@:
# Set @CLUSTER@ to the 5-character cluster identifier (e.g "xarv1")
# Set @DOMAIN@ to the base DNS domain of the environment, e.g. "example.com"
# Single hostname only: set @IP_INT@ to the host's IP address.
# Single hostname only: set @HOSTNAME_EXT@ to the hostname that users will use to connect.
# Set @INITIAL_USER_EMAIL@ to your email address, as you will be the first admin user of the system.
+h3. Parameters from @local.params.secrets@:
# Set each @KEY@ / @TOKEN@ to a random string
Here's an easy way to create five random tokens:
<pre><code>for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do
For example, if the password is @Lq&MZ<V']d?j@
With backslash quoting the special characters it should appear like this in local.params:
+# Set @DISPATCHER_SSH_PRIVKEY@ to @"no"@, as it isn't needed.
{% include 'ssl_config_single' %}
h2(#authentication). Configure your authentication provider (optional, recommended)
If you *did* configure a different authentication provider, the first user to log in will automatically be given Arvados admin privileges.
+h2(#monitoring). Monitoring and Metrics
+You can monitor the health and performance of the system using the admin dashboard.
+For the multi-hostname install, it will be:
+To log in, use username "admin" and @${INITIAL_USER_PASSWORD}@ from @local.conf@.
+Once logged in, you will want to add the dashboards to the front page.
+# On the left icon bar, click on "Browse"
+# If the check box next to "Starred" is selected, click on it to de-select it
+# You should see a folder with "Arvados cluster overview", "Node exporter" and "Postgres exporter"
+# You can visit each dashboard and click on the star next to the title to "Mark as favorite"
+# They should now be linked on the front page.
h2(#post_install). After the installation
As part of the operation of @installer.sh@, it automatically creates a @git@ repository with your configuration templates. You should retain this repository but be aware that it contains sensitive information (passwords and tokens used by the Arvados services).