+# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
require 'integration_helper'
class ContainerRequestsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
['ex_int', 12],
['ex_int_opt', 12],
['ex_long', 12],
- ['ex_double', 12.34],
- ['ex_double', 'abc', true, 0.0],
- ['ex_float', 12.34],
- ['ex_float', 'abc', true, 0.0],
- ].each do |input_id, input_value, need_refresh, expected|
+ ['ex_double', '12.34', 12.34],
+ ['ex_float', '12.34', 12.34],
+ ].each do |input_id, input_value, expected_value|
test "set input #{input_id} with #{input_value}" do
request_uuid = api_fixture("container_requests", "uncommitted", "uuid")
visit page_with_token("active", "/container_requests/#{request_uuid}")
find(".editable-input input").set(input_value)
- assert_selector(selector, text: input_value)
- if need_refresh
- visit page_with_token("active", "/container_requests/#{request_uuid}")
- assert_selector(selector, text: expected)
- end
+ assert_selector(selector, text: expected_value || input_value)
].each do |type|
- test "select input for #{type}" do
+ test "select value for #{type} input" do
request_uuid = api_fixture("container_requests", "uncommitted-with-directory-input", "uuid")
visit page_with_token("active", "/container_requests/#{request_uuid}")
assert_text 'Provide a value for the following parameter'
assert_text 'This workflow does not need any further inputs'
click_link "Run"
- assert_text 'This container is committed'
+ assert_text 'This container is queued'
visit page_with_token("active", "/container_requests/#{request_uuid}")
assert_text 'Provide a value for the following parameter'
+ page.assert_selector 'a.disabled,button.disabled', text: 'Run'
selector = ".editable[data-name='[mounts][/var/lib/cwl/cwl.input.json][content][int_required]']"
find(".editable-input input").set(2016)
page.assert_no_selector 'a.disabled,button.disabled', text: 'Run'
click_link "Run"
- assert_text 'This container is committed'
+ assert_text 'This container is queued'
+ end
+ test "Run button enabled when workflow is empty and no inputs are needed" do
+ visit page_with_token("active")
+ find('.btn', text: 'Run a process').click
+ within('.modal-dialog') do
+ find('.selectable', text: 'Valid workflow with no definition yaml').click
+ find('.btn', text: 'Next: choose inputs').click
+ end
+ assert_text 'This workflow does not need any further inputs'
+ page.assert_selector 'a', text: 'Run'
+ end
+ test "Provenance graph shown on committed container requests" do
+ cr = api_fixture('container_requests', 'completed')
+ visit page_with_token("active", "/container_requests/#{cr['uuid']}")
+ assert page.has_text? 'Provenance'
+ click_link 'Provenance'
+ wait_for_ajax
+ # Check for provenance graph existance
+ page.assert_selector '#provenance_svg'
+ page.assert_selector 'ellipse+text', text: cr['name'], visible: false
+ page.assert_selector 'g.node>title', text: cr['uuid'], visible: false
+ end
+ test "index page" do
+ visit page_with_token("active", "/container_requests")
+ within(".arv-recent-container-requests") do
+ page.execute_script "window.scrollBy(0,999000)"
+ wait_for_ajax
+ end
+ running_owner_active = api_fixture("container_requests", "requester_for_running")
+ anon_accessible_cr = api_fixture("container_requests", "running_anonymous_accessible")
+ # both of these CRs should be accessible to the user
+ assert_selector "a[href=\"/container_requests/#{running_owner_active['uuid']}\"]", text: running_owner_active[:name]
+ assert_selector "a[href=\"/container_requests/#{anon_accessible_cr['uuid']}\"]", text: anon_accessible_cr[:name]
+ # user can delete the "running" container_request
+ within(".cr-#{running_owner_active['uuid']}") do
+ assert_not_nil first('.glyphicon-trash')
+ end
+ # user can not delete the anonymously accessible container_request
+ within(".cr-#{anon_accessible_cr['uuid']}") do
+ assert_nil first('.glyphicon-trash')
+ end
+ # verify the search box in the page
+ find('.recent-container-requests-filterable-control').set("anonymous")
+ sleep 0.350 # Wait for 250ms debounce timer (see filterable.js)
+ wait_for_ajax
+ assert_no_selector "a[href=\"/container_requests/#{running_owner_active['uuid']}\"]", text: running_owner_active[:name]
+ assert_selector "a[href=\"/container_requests/#{anon_accessible_cr['uuid']}\"]", text: anon_accessible_cr[:name]