+// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
/* Provides low-level Get/Put primitives for accessing Arvados Keep blocks. */
package keepclient
import (
+ "bytes"
- "git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvadosclient"
- "git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/streamer"
- "log"
+ "net"
+ "strconv"
- "sync/atomic"
- "unsafe"
+ "git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvadosclient"
+ "git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go/asyncbuf"
// A Keep "block" is 64MB.
const BLOCKSIZE = 64 * 1024 * 1024
-var BlockNotFound = errors.New("Block not found")
-var InsufficientReplicasError = errors.New("Could not write sufficient replicas")
-var OversizeBlockError = errors.New("Block too big")
+var (
+ DefaultRequestTimeout = 20 * time.Second
+ DefaultConnectTimeout = 2 * time.Second
+ DefaultTLSHandshakeTimeout = 4 * time.Second
+ DefaultKeepAlive = 180 * time.Second
+ DefaultProxyRequestTimeout = 300 * time.Second
+ DefaultProxyConnectTimeout = 30 * time.Second
+ DefaultProxyTLSHandshakeTimeout = 10 * time.Second
+ DefaultProxyKeepAlive = 120 * time.Second
+// Error interface with an error and boolean indicating whether the error is temporary
+type Error interface {
+ error
+ Temporary() bool
+// multipleResponseError is of type Error
+type multipleResponseError struct {
+ error
+ isTemp bool
+func (e *multipleResponseError) Temporary() bool {
+ return e.isTemp
+// BlockNotFound is a multipleResponseError where isTemp is false
+var BlockNotFound = &ErrNotFound{multipleResponseError{
+ error: errors.New("Block not found"),
+ isTemp: false,
+// ErrNotFound is a multipleResponseError where isTemp can be true or false
+type ErrNotFound struct {
+ multipleResponseError
+type InsufficientReplicasError error
+type OversizeBlockError error
+var ErrOversizeBlock = OversizeBlockError(errors.New("Exceeded maximum block size (" + strconv.Itoa(BLOCKSIZE) + ")"))
var MissingArvadosApiHost = errors.New("Missing required environment variable ARVADOS_API_HOST")
var MissingArvadosApiToken = errors.New("Missing required environment variable ARVADOS_API_TOKEN")
+var InvalidLocatorError = errors.New("Invalid locator")
+// ErrNoSuchKeepServer is returned when GetIndex is invoked with a UUID with no matching keep server
+var ErrNoSuchKeepServer = errors.New("No keep server matching the given UUID is found")
+// ErrIncompleteIndex is returned when the Index response does not end with a new empty line
+var ErrIncompleteIndex = errors.New("Got incomplete index")
const X_Keep_Desired_Replicas = "X-Keep-Desired-Replicas"
const X_Keep_Replicas_Stored = "X-Keep-Replicas-Stored"
+type HTTPClient interface {
+ Do(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
// Information about Arvados and Keep servers.
type KeepClient struct {
- Arvados *arvadosclient.ArvadosClient
- Want_replicas int
- Using_proxy bool
- service_roots *map[string]string
- lock sync.Mutex
- Client *http.Client
+ Arvados *arvadosclient.ArvadosClient
+ Want_replicas int
+ localRoots map[string]string
+ writableLocalRoots map[string]string
+ gatewayRoots map[string]string
+ lock sync.RWMutex
+ HTTPClient HTTPClient
+ Retries int
+ BlockCache *BlockCache
+ // set to 1 if all writable services are of disk type, otherwise 0
+ replicasPerService int
+ // Any non-disk typed services found in the list of keepservers?
+ foundNonDiskSvc bool
+ // Disable automatic discovery of keep services
+ disableDiscovery bool
+// MakeKeepClient creates a new KeepClient, calls
+// DiscoverKeepServices(), and returns when the client is ready to
+// use.
+func MakeKeepClient(arv *arvadosclient.ArvadosClient) (*KeepClient, error) {
+ kc := New(arv)
+ return kc, kc.discoverServices()
-// Create a new KeepClient. This will contact the API server to discover Keep
-// servers.
-func MakeKeepClient(arv *arvadosclient.ArvadosClient) (kc KeepClient, err error) {
- kc = KeepClient{
+// New creates a new KeepClient. Service discovery will occur on the
+// next read/write operation.
+func New(arv *arvadosclient.ArvadosClient) *KeepClient {
+ defaultReplicationLevel := 2
+ value, err := arv.Discovery("defaultCollectionReplication")
+ if err == nil {
+ v, ok := value.(float64)
+ if ok && v > 0 {
+ defaultReplicationLevel = int(v)
+ }
+ }
+ return &KeepClient{
Arvados: arv,
- Want_replicas: 2,
- Using_proxy: false,
- Client: &http.Client{},
+ Want_replicas: defaultReplicationLevel,
+ Retries: 2,
- _, err = (&kc).DiscoverKeepServers()
- return kc, err
-// Put a block given the block hash, a reader with the block data, and the
-// expected length of that data. The desired number of replicas is given in
-// KeepClient.Want_replicas. Returns the number of replicas that were written
-// and if there was an error. Note this will return InsufficientReplias
-// whenever 0 <= replicas < this.Wants_replicas.
-func (this KeepClient) PutHR(hash string, r io.Reader, expectedLength int64) (locator string, replicas int, err error) {
+// Put a block given the block hash, a reader, and the number of bytes
+// to read from the reader (which must be between 0 and BLOCKSIZE).
+// Returns the locator for the written block, the number of replicas
+// written, and an error.
+// Returns an InsufficientReplicasError if 0 <= replicas <
+// kc.Wants_replicas.
+func (kc *KeepClient) PutHR(hash string, r io.Reader, dataBytes int64) (string, int, error) {
// Buffer for reads from 'r'
var bufsize int
- if expectedLength > 0 {
- if expectedLength > BLOCKSIZE {
- return "", 0, OversizeBlockError
+ if dataBytes > 0 {
+ if dataBytes > BLOCKSIZE {
+ return "", 0, ErrOversizeBlock
- bufsize = int(expectedLength)
+ bufsize = int(dataBytes)
} else {
bufsize = BLOCKSIZE
- t := streamer.AsyncStreamFromReader(bufsize, HashCheckingReader{r, md5.New(), hash})
- defer t.Close()
- return this.putReplicas(hash, t, expectedLength)
+ buf := asyncbuf.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, bufsize))
+ go func() {
+ _, err := io.Copy(buf, HashCheckingReader{r, md5.New(), hash})
+ buf.CloseWithError(err)
+ }()
+ return kc.putReplicas(hash, buf.NewReader, dataBytes)
-// Put a block given the block hash and a byte buffer. The desired number of
-// replicas is given in KeepClient.Want_replicas. Returns the number of
-// replicas that were written and if there was an error. Note this will return
-// InsufficientReplias whenever 0 <= replicas < this.Wants_replicas.
-func (this KeepClient) PutHB(hash string, buf []byte) (locator string, replicas int, err error) {
- t := streamer.AsyncStreamFromSlice(buf)
- defer t.Close()
- return this.putReplicas(hash, t, int64(len(buf)))
+// PutHB writes a block to Keep. The hash of the bytes is given in
+// hash, and the data is given in buf.
+// Return values are the same as for PutHR.
+func (kc *KeepClient) PutHB(hash string, buf []byte) (string, int, error) {
+ newReader := func() io.Reader { return bytes.NewBuffer(buf) }
+ return kc.putReplicas(hash, newReader, int64(len(buf)))
-// Put a block given a buffer. The hash will be computed. The desired number
-// of replicas is given in KeepClient.Want_replicas. Returns the number of
-// replicas that were written and if there was an error. Note this will return
-// InsufficientReplias whenever 0 <= replicas < this.Wants_replicas.
-func (this KeepClient) PutB(buffer []byte) (locator string, replicas int, err error) {
+// PutB writes a block to Keep. It computes the hash itself.
+// Return values are the same as for PutHR.
+func (kc *KeepClient) PutB(buffer []byte) (string, int, error) {
hash := fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum(buffer))
- return this.PutHB(hash, buffer)
+ return kc.PutHB(hash, buffer)
-// Put a block, given a Reader. This will read the entire reader into a buffer
-// to compute the hash. The desired number of replicas is given in
-// KeepClient.Want_replicas. Returns the number of replicas that were written
-// and if there was an error. Note this will return InsufficientReplias
-// whenever 0 <= replicas < this.Wants_replicas. Also nhote that if the block
-// hash and data size are available, PutHR() is more efficient.
-func (this KeepClient) PutR(r io.Reader) (locator string, replicas int, err error) {
+// PutR writes a block to Keep. It first reads all data from r into a buffer
+// in order to compute the hash.
+// Return values are the same as for PutHR.
+// If the block hash and data size are known, PutHR is more efficient.
+func (kc *KeepClient) PutR(r io.Reader) (locator string, replicas int, err error) {
if buffer, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r); err != nil {
return "", 0, err
} else {
- return this.PutB(buffer)
+ return kc.PutB(buffer)
-// Get a block given a hash. Return a reader, the expected data length, the
-// URL the block was fetched from, and if there was an error. If the block
-// checksum does not match, the final Read() on the reader returned by this
-// method will return a BadChecksum error instead of EOF.
-func (this KeepClient) Get(hash string) (reader io.ReadCloser,
- contentLength int64, url string, err error) {
- return this.AuthorizedGet(hash, "", "")
+func (kc *KeepClient) getOrHead(method string, locator string) (io.ReadCloser, int64, string, error) {
+ if strings.HasPrefix(locator, "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0") {
+ return ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(nil)), 0, "", nil
+ }
-// Get a block given a hash, with additional authorization provided by
-// signature and timestamp. Return a reader, the expected data length, the URL
-// the block was fetched from, and if there was an error. If the block
-// checksum does not match, the final Read() on the reader returned by this
-// method will return a BadChecksum error instead of EOF.
-func (this KeepClient) AuthorizedGet(hash string,
- signature string,
- timestamp string) (reader io.ReadCloser,
- contentLength int64, url string, err error) {
- // Take the hash of locator and timestamp in order to identify this
- // specific transaction in log statements.
- requestId := fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum([]byte(hash+time.Now().String())))[0:8]
- // Calculate the ordering for asking servers
- sv := NewRootSorter(this.ServiceRoots(), hash).GetSortedRoots()
- for _, host := range sv {
- var req *http.Request
- var err error
- var url string
- if signature != "" {
- url = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s+A%s@%s", host, hash,
- signature, timestamp)
- } else {
- url = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", host, hash)
- }
- if req, err = http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil); err != nil {
- continue
- }
+ var expectLength int64
+ if parts := strings.SplitN(locator, "+", 3); len(parts) < 2 {
+ expectLength = -1
+ } else if n, err := strconv.ParseInt(parts[1], 10, 64); err != nil {
+ expectLength = -1
+ } else {
+ expectLength = n
+ }
+ var errs []string
+ tries_remaining := 1 + kc.Retries
+ serversToTry := kc.getSortedRoots(locator)
+ numServers := len(serversToTry)
+ count404 := 0
+ var retryList []string
- req.Header.Add("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("OAuth2 %s", this.Arvados.ApiToken))
+ for tries_remaining > 0 {
+ tries_remaining -= 1
+ retryList = nil
- log.Printf("[%v] Begin download %s", requestId, url)
+ for _, host := range serversToTry {
+ url := host + "/" + locator
- var resp *http.Response
- if resp, err = this.Client.Do(req); err != nil || resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
- statusCode := -1
- var respbody []byte
- if resp != nil {
- statusCode = resp.StatusCode
- if resp.Body != nil {
- respbody, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(&io.LimitedReader{resp.Body, 4096})
+ req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", url, err))
+ continue
+ }
+ req.Header.Add("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("OAuth2 %s", kc.Arvados.ApiToken))
+ resp, err := kc.httpClient().Do(req)
+ if err != nil {
+ // Probably a network error, may be transient,
+ // can try again.
+ errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", url, err))
+ retryList = append(retryList, host)
+ continue
+ }
+ if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
+ var respbody []byte
+ respbody, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(&io.LimitedReader{R: resp.Body, N: 4096})
+ resp.Body.Close()
+ errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("%s: HTTP %d %q",
+ url, resp.StatusCode, bytes.TrimSpace(respbody)))
+ if resp.StatusCode == 408 ||
+ resp.StatusCode == 429 ||
+ resp.StatusCode >= 500 {
+ // Timeout, too many requests, or other
+ // server side failure, transient
+ // error, can try again.
+ retryList = append(retryList, host)
+ } else if resp.StatusCode == 404 {
+ count404++
+ continue
+ }
+ if expectLength < 0 {
+ if resp.ContentLength < 0 {
+ resp.Body.Close()
+ return nil, 0, "", fmt.Errorf("error reading %q: no size hint, no Content-Length header in response", locator)
+ }
+ expectLength = resp.ContentLength
+ } else if resp.ContentLength >= 0 && expectLength != resp.ContentLength {
+ resp.Body.Close()
+ return nil, 0, "", fmt.Errorf("error reading %q: size hint %d != Content-Length %d", locator, expectLength, resp.ContentLength)
+ }
+ // Success
+ if method == "GET" {
+ return HashCheckingReader{
+ Reader: resp.Body,
+ Hash: md5.New(),
+ Check: locator[0:32],
+ }, expectLength, url, nil
+ } else {
+ resp.Body.Close()
+ return nil, expectLength, url, nil
- response := strings.TrimSpace(string(respbody))
- log.Printf("[%v] Download %v status code: %v error: \"%v\" response: \"%v\"",
- requestId, url, statusCode, err, response)
- continue
+ serversToTry = retryList
+ }
+ DebugPrintf("DEBUG: %s %s failed: %v", method, locator, errs)
- if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
- log.Printf("[%v] Download %v status code: %v", requestId, url, resp.StatusCode)
- return HashCheckingReader{resp.Body, md5.New(), hash}, resp.ContentLength, url, nil
- }
+ var err error
+ if count404 == numServers {
+ err = BlockNotFound
+ } else {
+ err = &ErrNotFound{multipleResponseError{
+ error: fmt.Errorf("%s %s failed: %v", method, locator, errs),
+ isTemp: len(serversToTry) > 0,
+ }}
+ return nil, 0, "", err
- return nil, 0, "", BlockNotFound
+// Get() retrieves a block, given a locator. Returns a reader, the
+// expected data length, the URL the block is being fetched from, and
+// an error.
+// If the block checksum does not match, the final Read() on the
+// reader returned by this method will return a BadChecksum error
+// instead of EOF.
+func (kc *KeepClient) Get(locator string) (io.ReadCloser, int64, string, error) {
+ return kc.getOrHead("GET", locator)
-// Determine if a block with the given hash is available and readable, but does
-// not return the block contents.
-func (this KeepClient) Ask(hash string) (contentLength int64, url string, err error) {
- return this.AuthorizedAsk(hash, "", "")
+// ReadAt() retrieves a portion of block from the cache if it's
+// present, otherwise from the network.
+func (kc *KeepClient) ReadAt(locator string, p []byte, off int) (int, error) {
+ return kc.cache().ReadAt(kc, locator, p, off)
-// Determine if a block with the given hash is available and readable with the
-// given signature and timestamp, but does not return the block contents.
-func (this KeepClient) AuthorizedAsk(hash string, signature string,
- timestamp string) (contentLength int64, url string, err error) {
- // Calculate the ordering for asking servers
- sv := NewRootSorter(this.ServiceRoots(), hash).GetSortedRoots()
- for _, host := range sv {
- var req *http.Request
- var err error
- if signature != "" {
- url = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s+A%s@%s", host, hash,
- signature, timestamp)
- } else {
- url = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", host, hash)
- }
+// Ask() verifies that a block with the given hash is available and
+// readable, according to at least one Keep service. Unlike Get, it
+// does not retrieve the data or verify that the data content matches
+// the hash specified by the locator.
+// Returns the data size (content length) reported by the Keep service
+// and the URI reporting the data size.
+func (kc *KeepClient) Ask(locator string) (int64, string, error) {
+ _, size, url, err := kc.getOrHead("HEAD", locator)
+ return size, url, err
- if req, err = http.NewRequest("HEAD", url, nil); err != nil {
- continue
- }
+// GetIndex retrieves a list of blocks stored on the given server whose hashes
+// begin with the given prefix. The returned reader will return an error (other
+// than EOF) if the complete index cannot be retrieved.
+// This is meant to be used only by system components and admin tools.
+// It will return an error unless the client is using a "data manager token"
+// recognized by the Keep services.
+func (kc *KeepClient) GetIndex(keepServiceUUID, prefix string) (io.Reader, error) {
+ url := kc.LocalRoots()[keepServiceUUID]
+ if url == "" {
+ return nil, ErrNoSuchKeepServer
+ }
- req.Header.Add("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("OAuth2 %s", this.Arvados.ApiToken))
+ url += "/index"
+ if prefix != "" {
+ url += "/" + prefix
+ }
- var resp *http.Response
- if resp, err = this.Client.Do(req); err != nil {
- continue
- }
+ req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
- if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
- return resp.ContentLength, url, nil
- }
+ req.Header.Add("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("OAuth2 %s", kc.Arvados.ApiToken))
+ resp, err := kc.httpClient().Do(req)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ defer resp.Body.Close()
+ if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("Got http status code: %d", resp.StatusCode)
+ }
+ var respBody []byte
+ respBody, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
- return 0, "", BlockNotFound
+ // Got index; verify that it is complete
+ // The response should be "\n" if no locators matched the prefix
+ // Else, it should be a list of locators followed by a blank line
+ if !bytes.Equal(respBody, []byte("\n")) && !bytes.HasSuffix(respBody, []byte("\n\n")) {
+ return nil, ErrIncompleteIndex
+ }
+ // Got complete index; strip the trailing newline and send
+ return bytes.NewReader(respBody[0 : len(respBody)-1]), nil
-// Atomically read the service_roots field.
-func (this *KeepClient) ServiceRoots() map[string]string {
- r := (*map[string]string)(atomic.LoadPointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&this.service_roots))))
- return *r
+// LocalRoots() returns the map of local (i.e., disk and proxy) Keep
+// services: uuid -> baseURI.
+func (kc *KeepClient) LocalRoots() map[string]string {
+ kc.discoverServices()
+ kc.lock.RLock()
+ defer kc.lock.RUnlock()
+ return kc.localRoots
-// Atomically update the service_roots field. Enables you to update
-// service_roots without disrupting any GET or PUT operations that might
-// already be in progress.
-func (this *KeepClient) SetServiceRoots(new_roots map[string]string) {
- roots := make(map[string]string)
- for uuid, root := range new_roots {
- roots[uuid] = root
- }
- atomic.StorePointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&this.service_roots)),
- unsafe.Pointer(&roots))
+// GatewayRoots() returns the map of Keep remote gateway services:
+// uuid -> baseURI.
+func (kc *KeepClient) GatewayRoots() map[string]string {
+ kc.discoverServices()
+ kc.lock.RLock()
+ defer kc.lock.RUnlock()
+ return kc.gatewayRoots
-type Locator struct {
- Hash string
- Size int
- Signature string
- Timestamp string
+// WritableLocalRoots() returns the map of writable local Keep services:
+// uuid -> baseURI.
+func (kc *KeepClient) WritableLocalRoots() map[string]string {
+ kc.discoverServices()
+ kc.lock.RLock()
+ defer kc.lock.RUnlock()
+ return kc.writableLocalRoots
-func MakeLocator2(hash string, hints string) (locator Locator) {
- locator.Hash = hash
- if hints != "" {
- signature_pat, _ := regexp.Compile("^A([[:xdigit:]]+)@([[:xdigit:]]{8})$")
- for _, hint := range strings.Split(hints, "+") {
- if hint != "" {
- if match, _ := regexp.MatchString("^[[:digit:]]+$", hint); match {
- fmt.Sscanf(hint, "%d", &locator.Size)
- } else if m := signature_pat.FindStringSubmatch(hint); m != nil {
- locator.Signature = m[1]
- locator.Timestamp = m[2]
- } else if match, _ := regexp.MatchString("^[:upper:]", hint); match {
- // Any unknown hint that starts with an uppercase letter is
- // presumed to be valid and ignored, to permit forward compatibility.
- } else {
- // Unknown format; not a valid locator.
- return Locator{"", 0, "", ""}
- }
+// SetServiceRoots disables service discovery and updates the
+// localRoots and gatewayRoots maps, without disrupting operations
+// that are already in progress.
+// The supplied maps must not be modified after calling
+// SetServiceRoots.
+func (kc *KeepClient) SetServiceRoots(locals, writables, gateways map[string]string) {
+ kc.disableDiscovery = true
+ kc.setServiceRoots(locals, writables, gateways)
+func (kc *KeepClient) setServiceRoots(locals, writables, gateways map[string]string) {
+ kc.lock.Lock()
+ defer kc.lock.Unlock()
+ kc.localRoots = locals
+ kc.writableLocalRoots = writables
+ kc.gatewayRoots = gateways
+// getSortedRoots returns a list of base URIs of Keep services, in the
+// order they should be attempted in order to retrieve content for the
+// given locator.
+func (kc *KeepClient) getSortedRoots(locator string) []string {
+ var found []string
+ for _, hint := range strings.Split(locator, "+") {
+ if len(hint) < 7 || hint[0:2] != "K@" {
+ // Not a service hint.
+ continue
+ }
+ if len(hint) == 7 {
+ // +K@abcde means fetch from proxy at
+ // keep.abcde.arvadosapi.com
+ found = append(found, "https://keep."+hint[2:]+".arvadosapi.com")
+ } else if len(hint) == 29 {
+ // +K@abcde-abcde-abcdeabcdeabcde means fetch
+ // from gateway with given uuid
+ if gwURI, ok := kc.GatewayRoots()[hint[2:]]; ok {
+ found = append(found, gwURI)
+ // else this hint is no use to us; carry on.
- return locator
+ // After trying all usable service hints, fall back to local roots.
+ found = append(found, NewRootSorter(kc.LocalRoots(), locator[0:32]).GetSortedRoots()...)
+ return found
-func MakeLocator(path string) Locator {
- pathpattern, err := regexp.Compile("^([0-9a-f]{32})([+].*)?$")
- if err != nil {
- log.Print("Don't like regexp", err)
+func (kc *KeepClient) cache() *BlockCache {
+ if kc.BlockCache != nil {
+ return kc.BlockCache
+ } else {
+ return DefaultBlockCache
- sm := pathpattern.FindStringSubmatch(path)
- if sm == nil {
- log.Print("Failed match ", path)
- return Locator{"", 0, "", ""}
+func (kc *KeepClient) ClearBlockCache() {
+ kc.cache().Clear()
+var (
+ // There are four global http.Client objects for the four
+ // possible permutations of TLS behavior (verify/skip-verify)
+ // and timeout settings (proxy/non-proxy).
+ defaultClient = map[bool]map[bool]HTTPClient{
+ // defaultClient[false] is used for verified TLS reqs
+ false: {},
+ // defaultClient[true] is used for unverified
+ // (insecure) TLS reqs
+ true: {},
+ }
+ defaultClientMtx sync.Mutex
+// httpClient returns the HTTPClient field if it's not nil, otherwise
+// whichever of the four global http.Client objects is suitable for
+// the current environment (i.e., TLS verification on/off, keep
+// services are/aren't proxies).
+func (kc *KeepClient) httpClient() HTTPClient {
+ if kc.HTTPClient != nil {
+ return kc.HTTPClient
+ }
+ defaultClientMtx.Lock()
+ defer defaultClientMtx.Unlock()
+ if c, ok := defaultClient[kc.Arvados.ApiInsecure][kc.foundNonDiskSvc]; ok {
+ return c
+ }
+ var requestTimeout, connectTimeout, keepAlive, tlsTimeout time.Duration
+ if kc.foundNonDiskSvc {
+ // Use longer timeouts when connecting to a proxy,
+ // because this usually means the intervening network
+ // is slower.
+ requestTimeout = DefaultProxyRequestTimeout
+ connectTimeout = DefaultProxyConnectTimeout
+ tlsTimeout = DefaultProxyTLSHandshakeTimeout
+ keepAlive = DefaultProxyKeepAlive
+ } else {
+ requestTimeout = DefaultRequestTimeout
+ connectTimeout = DefaultConnectTimeout
+ tlsTimeout = DefaultTLSHandshakeTimeout
+ keepAlive = DefaultKeepAlive
+ }
+ transport, ok := http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport)
+ if ok {
+ copy := *transport
+ transport = ©
+ } else {
+ // Evidently the application has replaced
+ // http.DefaultTransport with a different type, so we
+ // need to build our own from scratch using the Go 1.8
+ // defaults.
+ transport = &http.Transport{
+ MaxIdleConns: 100,
+ IdleConnTimeout: 90 * time.Second,
+ ExpectContinueTimeout: time.Second,
+ }
+ }
+ transport.DialContext = (&net.Dialer{
+ Timeout: connectTimeout,
+ KeepAlive: keepAlive,
+ DualStack: true,
+ }).DialContext
+ transport.TLSHandshakeTimeout = tlsTimeout
+ transport.TLSClientConfig = arvadosclient.MakeTLSConfig(kc.Arvados.ApiInsecure)
+ c := &http.Client{
+ Timeout: requestTimeout,
+ Transport: transport,
+ defaultClient[kc.Arvados.ApiInsecure][kc.foundNonDiskSvc] = c
+ return c
+type Locator struct {
+ Hash string
+ Size int // -1 if data size is not known
+ Hints []string // Including the size hint, if any
+func (loc *Locator) String() string {
+ s := loc.Hash
+ if len(loc.Hints) > 0 {
+ s = s + "+" + strings.Join(loc.Hints, "+")
+ }
+ return s
- return MakeLocator2(sm[1], sm[2])
+var locatorMatcher = regexp.MustCompile("^([0-9a-f]{32})([+](.*))?$")
+func MakeLocator(path string) (*Locator, error) {
+ sm := locatorMatcher.FindStringSubmatch(path)
+ if sm == nil {
+ return nil, InvalidLocatorError
+ }
+ loc := Locator{Hash: sm[1], Size: -1}
+ if sm[2] != "" {
+ loc.Hints = strings.Split(sm[3], "+")
+ } else {
+ loc.Hints = []string{}
+ }
+ if len(loc.Hints) > 0 {
+ if size, err := strconv.Atoi(loc.Hints[0]); err == nil {
+ loc.Size = size
+ }
+ }
+ return &loc, nil