+# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
require 'integration_helper'
require 'yaml'
+# Diagnostics tests are executed when "RAILS_ENV=diagnostics" is used.
+# When "RAILS_ENV=test" is used, tests in the "diagnostics" directory
+# will not be executed.
+# Command to run diagnostics tests:
+# RAILS_ENV=diagnostics bundle exec rake TEST=test/diagnostics/**/*.rb
class DiagnosticsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ # Prepends workbench URL to the path provided and visits that page
+ # Expects path parameters such as "/collections/<uuid>"
def visit_page_with_token token_name, path='/'
- if !path.start_with? Rails.configuration.arvados_workbench_url
- path = Rails.configuration.arvados_workbench_url + path
+ workbench_url = Rails.configuration.arvados_workbench_url
+ if workbench_url.end_with? '/'
+ workbench_url = workbench_url[0, workbench_url.size-1]
tokens = Rails.configuration.user_tokens
- visit page_with_token(tokens[token_name], path)
+ visit page_with_token(tokens[token_name], (workbench_url + path))
+ def select_input look_for
+ inputs_needed = page.all('.btn', text: 'Choose')
+ return if (!inputs_needed || !inputs_needed.any?)
+ look_for_uuid = nil
+ look_for_file = nil
+ if look_for.andand.index('/').andand.>0
+ partitions = look_for.partition('/')
+ look_for_uuid = partitions[0]
+ look_for_file = partitions[2]
+ else
+ look_for_uuid = look_for
+ look_for_file = nil
+ end
+ assert_triggers_dom_event 'shown.bs.modal' do
+ inputs_needed[0].click
+ end
+ within('.modal-dialog') do
+ if look_for_uuid
+ fill_in('Search', with: look_for_uuid, exact: true)
+ wait_for_ajax
+ end
+ page.all('.selectable').first.click
+ wait_for_ajax
+ # ajax reload is wiping out input selection after search results; so, select again.
+ page.all('.selectable').first.click
+ wait_for_ajax
+ if look_for_file
+ wait_for_ajax
+ within('.collection_files_name', text: look_for_file) do
+ find('.fa-file').click
+ end
+ end
+ find('button', text: 'OK').click
+ wait_for_ajax
+ end
+ end
+ # Looks for the text_to_look_for for up to the max_time provided
def wait_until_page_has text_to_look_for, max_time=30
max_time = 30 if (!max_time || (max_time.to_s != max_time.to_i.to_s))
+ text_found = false
Timeout.timeout(max_time) do
- loop until page.has_text?(text_to_look_for)
+ until text_found do
+ visit_page_with_token 'active', current_path
+ text_found = has_text?(text_to_look_for)
+ end