This tutorial introduces how to run individual Crunch jobs using the @arv@ command line tool.
-*This tutorial assumes that you are "logged into an Arvados VM instance":{{site.baseurl}}/user/getting_started/ssh-access.html#login, and have a "working environment.":{{site.baseurl}}/user/getting_started/check-environment.html*
+{% include 'tutorial_expectations' %}
You will create a job to run the "hash" Crunch script. The "hash" script computes the MD5 hash of each file in a collection.
* @cat@ is a standard Unix utility that writes a sequence of input to standard output.
* @<<EOF@ tells the shell to direct the following lines into the standard input for @cat@ up until it sees the line @EOF@.
* @>~/the_job@ redirects standard output to a file called @~/the_job@.
-* @"repository"@ is the name of a Git repository to search for the script version. You can access a list of available git repositories on the Arvados Workbench under "*Compute* %(rarr)→% *Code repositories*":https://{{site.arvados_workbench_host}}/repositories.
+* @"repository"@ is the name of a Git repository to search for the script version. You can access a list of available git repositories on the Arvados Workbench under "*Code repositories*":https://{{site.arvados_workbench_host}}/repositories.
* @"script_version"@ specifies the version of the script that you wish to run. This can be in the form of an explicit Git revision hash, a tag, or a branch. Arvados logs the script version that was used in the run, enabling you to go back and re-run any past job with the guarantee that the exact same code will be used as was used in the previous run.
* @"script"@ specifies the name of the script to run. The script must be given relative to the @crunch_scripts/@ subdirectory of the Git repository.
* @"script_parameters"@ are provided to the script. In this case, the input is the PGP data Collection that we "put in Keep earlier":{{site.baseurl}}/user/tutorials/tutorial-keep.html.
h2. Monitor job progress
-Go to the "Workbench dashboard":https://{{site.arvados_workbench_host}} and visit *Activity* %(rarr)→% *Recent jobs*. Your job should be near the top of the table. This table refreshes automatically. When the job has completed successfully, it will show <span class="label label-success">finished</span> in the *Status* column.
+Go to "*Recent jobs*":https://{{site.arvados_workbench_host}}/jobs in the Workbench. Your job should be near the top of the table. This table refreshes automatically. When the job has completed successfully, it will show <span class="label label-success">finished</span> in the *Status* column.
h2. Inspect the job output
h2. The job log
-When the job completes, you can access the job log. On the Workbench, visit *Activity* %(rarr)→% *Recent jobs* %(rarr)→% your job's UUID under the *uuid* column %(rarr)→% the collection link on the *log* row.
+When the job completes, you can access the job log. On the Workbench, visit "*Recent jobs*":https://{{site.arvados_workbench_host}}/jobs %(rarr)→% your job's UUID under the *uuid* column %(rarr)→% the collection link on the *log* row.
On the command line, the Keep identifier listed in the @"log"@ field from @arv job get@ specifies a collection. You can list the files in the collection: