script_version: master
- # Test that the job "started_at" and "finished_at" fields are
- # parsed into Time fields when rendering. This job must *not*
- # have its own fixture; the point is to force the
- # pipeline_instances_controller_test in Workbench to parse
- # the "components" field.
+ # Test that the job "started_at" and "finished_at" fields are parsed
+ # into Time fields when rendering. These jobs must *not* have their
+ # own fixtures; the point is to force the
+ # pipeline_instances_controller_test in Workbench to parse the
+ # "components" field. (The relevant code paths are also used when a
+ # user has permission to read the pipeline instance itself, but not
+ # the jobs referenced by its components hash.)
state: Complete
uuid: zzzzz-d1hrv-i3e77t9z5y8j9cc
owner_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
uuid: zzzzz-8i9sb-rft1xdewxkwgxnz
script_version: master
+ created_at: <%= 10.minute.ago.to_s(:db) %>
started_at: <%= 10.minute.ago.to_s(:db) %>
finished_at: <%= 9.minute.ago.to_s(:db) %>
+ state: Complete
+ tasks_summary:
+ failed: 0
+ todo: 0
+ running: 0
+ done: 1
+ bar:
+ script: bar
+ script_version: master
+ script_parameters: {}
+ job:
+ uuid: zzzzz-8i9sb-r2dtbzr6bfread7
+ script_version: master
+ created_at: <%= 9.minute.ago.to_s(:db) %>
+ started_at: <%= 9.minute.ago.to_s(:db) %>
+ state: Running
+ tasks_summary:
+ failed: 0
+ todo: 1
+ running: 2
+ done: 3
+ baz:
+ script: baz
+ script_version: master
+ script_parameters: {}
+ job:
+ uuid: zzzzz-8i9sb-c7408rni11o7r6s
+ script_version: master
+ created_at: <%= 9.minute.ago.to_s(:db) %>
+ state: Queued
+ tasks_summary: {}
name: pipeline_with_job
dataclass: Collection
title: foo instance input
+ state: Complete
+ uuid: zzzzz-d1hrv-ri9dvgkgqs9y09j
+ owner_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-0fusedrivertest
+ pipeline_template_uuid: zzzzz-p5p6p-vq4wuvy84xvaq2r
+ created_at: 2014-09-15 12:00:00
+ name: "pipeline instance owned by FUSE"
+ components:
+ foo:
+ script: foo
+ script_version: master
+ script_parameters:
+ input:
+ required: true
+ dataclass: Collection
+ title: foo instance input
+ state: Complete
+ uuid: zzzzz-d1hrv-scarxiyajtshq3l
+ owner_uuid: zzzzz-j7d0g-0000ownedbyfuse
+ pipeline_template_uuid: zzzzz-p5p6p-vq4wuvy84xvaq2r
+ created_at: 2014-09-15 12:00:00
+ name: "pipeline instance in FUSE project"
+ components:
+ foo:
+ script: foo
+ script_version: master
+ script_parameters:
+ input:
+ required: true
+ dataclass: Collection
+ title: foo instance input
+ name: Completed pipeline in A Project
+ state: Complete
+ uuid: zzzzz-d1hrv-ju5ghi0i9z2kqc6
+ owner_uuid: zzzzz-j7d0g-v955i6s2oi1cbso
+ created_at: 2014-09-15 12:00:00
+ components:
+ foo:
+ script: foo
+ script_version: master
+ script_parameters:
+ input:
+ required: true
+ dataclass: Collection
+ title: foo instance input
+ name: Completed pipeline in active user home
+ state: Complete
+ uuid: zzzzz-d1hrv-lihrbd0i9z2kqc6
+ owner_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ created_at: 2014-09-15 12:00:00
+ components:
+ foo:
+ script: foo
+ script_version: master
+ script_parameters:
+ input:
+ required: true
+ dataclass: Collection
+ title: foo instance input
+ uuid: zzzzz-d1hrv-n68vc490mloy4fi
+ owner_uuid: zzzzz-j7d0g-zhxawtyetzwc5f0
+ name: Pipeline in publicly accessible project
+ pipeline_template_uuid: zzzzz-p5p6p-tmpltpublicproj
+ state: Complete
+ created_at: <%= 1.minute.ago.to_s(:db) %>
+ components:
+ foo:
+ script: foo
+ script_version: master
+ script_parameters:
+ input:
+ required: true
+ dataclass: Collection
+ title: foo instance input
+ job:
+ uuid: zzzzz-8i9sb-jyq01m7in1jlofj
+ repository: active/foo
+ script: foo
+ script_version: master
+ script_parameters:
+ input: zzzzz-4zz18-4en62shvi99lxd4
+ log: zzzzz-4zz18-4en62shvi99lxd4
+ output: b519d9cb706a29fc7ea24dbea2f05851+93
+ state: Complete
+ uuid: zzzzz-d1hrv-pisharednotobjs
+ owner_uuid: zzzzz-j7d0g-zhxawtyetzwc5f0
+ name: Pipeline in public project with other objects elsewhere
+ pipeline_template_uuid: zzzzz-p5p6p-aox0k0ofxrystgw
+ state: Complete
+ created_at: 2014-09-15 12:00:00
+ components:
+ foo:
+ script: foo
+ script_version: master
+ script_parameters:
+ input:
+ required: true
+ dataclass: Collection
+ title: foo instance input
+ job:
+ uuid: zzzzz-8i9sb-aceg2bnq7jt7kon
+ repository: active/foo
+ script: foo
+ script_version: master
+ script_parameters:
+ input: zzzzz-4zz18-bv31uwvy3neko21
+ log: zzzzz-4zz18-bv31uwvy3neko21
+ output: zzzzz-4zz18-bv31uwvy3neko21
+ state: Complete
+ uuid: zzzzz-d1hrv-newpisharedobjs
+ owner_uuid: zzzzz-j7d0g-zhxawtyetzwc5f0
+ name: Pipeline in New state in publicly accessible project
+ pipeline_template_uuid: zzzzz-p5p6p-tmpltpublicproj
+ state: New
+ created_at: 2014-09-15 12:00:00
+ components:
+ foo:
+ script: foo
+ script_version: master
+ script_parameters:
+ input:
+ required: true
+ dataclass: Collection
+ value: b519d9cb706a29fc7ea24dbea2f05851+93
+ uuid: zzzzz-d1hrv-newsharenotobjs
+ owner_uuid: zzzzz-j7d0g-zhxawtyetzwc5f0
+ name: Pipeline in New state in public project with objects elsewhere
+ pipeline_template_uuid: zzzzz-p5p6p-aox0k0ofxrystgw
+ state: New
+ created_at: 2014-09-15 12:00:00
+ components:
+ foo:
+ script: foo
+ script_version: master
+ script_parameters:
+ input:
+ required: true
+ dataclass: Collection
+ value: zzzzz-4zz18-bv31uwvy3neko21
+ uuid: zzzzz-d1hrv-newsharenotfile
+ owner_uuid: zzzzz-j7d0g-zhxawtyetzwc5f0
+ name: Pipeline in public project in New state with file type data class with objects elsewhere
+ pipeline_template_uuid: zzzzz-p5p6p-aox0k0ofxrystgw
+ state: New
+ created_at: 2014-09-15 12:00:00
+ components:
+ foo:
+ script: foo
+ script_version: master
+ script_parameters:
+ input:
+ required: true
+ dataclass: File
+ value: zzzzz-4zz18-bv31uwvy3neko21/bar
+ name: running_with_job
+ state: Ready
+ uuid: zzzzz-d1hrv-runningpipeline
+ owner_uuid: zzzzz-tpzed-xurymjxw79nv3jz
+ created_at: <%= 3.1.minute.ago.to_s(:db) %>
+ started_at: <%= 3.1.minute.ago.to_s(:db) %>
+ state: RunningOnServer
+ components:
+ foo:
+ script: foo
+ script_version: master
+ script_parameters: {}
+ job:
+ uuid: zzzzz-8i9sb-pshmckwoma9plh7
+ script_version: master
# Test Helper trims the rest of the file
# Do not add your fixtures below this line as the rest of this file will be trimmed by test_helper
<% for i in 1..10 do %>
name: pipeline_<%= i %>
- state: Failed
uuid: zzzzz-d1hrv-10pipelines0<%= i.to_s.rjust(3, '0') %>
owner_uuid: zzzzz-j7d0g-000010pipelines
created_at: <%= (2*(i-1)).hour.ago.to_s(:db) %>
started_at: <%= (2*(i-1)).hour.ago.to_s(:db) %>
finished_at: <%= (i-1).minute.ago.to_s(:db) %>
+ state: Failed
script: foo