# project chooser
- within('.modal-dialog') do
+ within('.modal-dialog') do #FIXME: source of 1 test error
find('.selectable', text: 'A Project').click
find('button', text: 'Choose').click
page.assert_selector 'a,button', text: 'Re-run options'
# Since it is test env, no jobs are created to run. So, graph not visible
- assert_not page.has_text? 'Graph'
+ assert page.has_no_text? 'Graph'
# Create a pipeline instance from within a project and run
template_uuid = api_fixture("pipeline_templates", template_name, "uuid")
visit page_with_token("active", "/pipeline_templates/#{template_uuid}")
click_on "Run this pipeline"
- within(".modal-dialog") do
+ within(".modal-dialog") do # FIXME: source of 3 test errors
# Set project for the new pipeline instance
find(".selectable", text: project_name).click
click_on "Choose"
page.assert_selector 'a,button', text: 'Pause'
# Since it is test env, no jobs are created to run. So, graph not visible
- assert_not page.has_text? 'Graph'
+ assert page.has_no_text? 'Graph'